[:it]Oggi giochiamo in casa e vi proponiamo l’intervista che abbiamo fatto a Sandro Aglialoro, uno dei responsabili del progetto Sicily & Sicilians.
Sandro oltre che essere l‘ideatore di Sicily & Sicilians e CEO del collettivo artistico Mostrami (www.mostra-mi.it), è in primis un giovane siciliano che ama infinitamente la sua terra.
Ciao Sandro: quando, come e perché nasce Mostrami?
Parliamo di una vita fa e tante rughe in meno! Il progetto della start up nasce dall’iniziativa di tre laureati al CLEA Bocconi – io cioè Sandro Aglialoro, Elisa Mattavelli e Emanuele Borri – durante una cena tra VERI AMICI nella quale abbiamo iniziato a pensare e ad ideare come mettere le nostre competenze a disposizione di quanti più ragazzi che hanno dei sogni nell’ambito artistico. Così abbiamo cercato di strutturare un format innovativo (a suo tempo) per rispondere alla difficoltà dei giovani artisti di entrare nel mondo dell’arte. Oggi, dopo sette anni da quella famosa cena, Mostrami è un collettivo di oltre 1.000 artisti e 25.000 appassionati che promuove l’arte di giovani artisti emergenti attraverso varie MostrEvento; una sorta di “incubatore” come amiamo definirlo!
Che tipo di servizi artistici offre Mostrami?
Per sostenersi, Mostrami offre differenti attività per aziende partner che vanno dal curare e organizzare eventi e mostre al restyling degli uffici, valorizzando i lavori dei nostri giovani artisti, passando per l’organizzazione di corsi artistici per manager e di disegno e sviluppo di Business Gift esclusivi. Tutti i nostri servizi sono personalizzabili in base alle esigenze del cliente privato e dell’azienda, alla filosofia e al tipo di comunicazione che ne sta alla base. Giusto oggi un cliente romano mi ha mandato la foto di un suo salone in cui aveva appeso un quadro di uno dei nostri artisti… è una soddisfazione inspiegabile!
Quali sono i vostri progetti per il futuro?
Siamo partiti da Milano, poi siamo arrivati a Firenze, Genova, Ravenna, Roma, Bari e ora Palermo… Abbiamo sempre tanti progetti in cantiere, ma quello più importante è sicuramente la nostra piattaforma social ed e-commerce, che lanceremo a brevissimo! Il nostro obiettivo è avvicinare ancora di più il nostro pubblico all’arte contemporanea, in modo tale da far conoscere le opere dei nostri giovani artisti anche a livello internazionale.
Ora spostandoci a Sicily & Sicilians, ci diresti cosa ti ha spinto ad ideare questo progetto?
Cosa prevederà esattamente Sicily and Sicilians?
E‘ un progetto interamente finalizzato alla divulgazione e alla riqualificazione dell’immagine della Sicilia attraverso la valorizzazione delle arti contemporanee, favorendone la conoscenza da un punto di vista contemporaneo e promuovendone le eccellenze sopratutto al Nord Italia e all’estero.
Il focus del progetto per quest’anno consterà di una prima “MostraEvento di Palermo” ossia una mostra di arte visiva di giovani artisti emergenti e un insieme di workshop, talk e sessioni formative per giovani universitari e studenti delle ultime classi di scuole superiori su innovazione, start up, project management con testimonianze da parte di tutti quei giovani imprenditori siciliani che “ce l’hanno fatta”!
Alcuni degli artisti iscritti al collettivo sul portale saranno invitati da un’apposita Commissione tecnica per partecipare alla MostraEvento che si terrà a Palermo nella prima metà di Maggio nella splendida sede dell’ANCE Palermo alla Marina. Sempre in quest’occasione saranno nominati 3 vincitori e sarà assegnato un premio speciale all’artista che riceverà più likes sul suo profilo.
[:en]Today we play at home and we propose the interview we did with Sandro Aglialoro, one of the leaders of Sicily and Sicilians project. Sandro in addition to being the creator of Sicily and Sicilians and CEO of the art collective Mostrami (www.mostra-mi.it), is primarily a young Sicilian who infinitely loves his land.
Hello Sandro: when, how and why it arises Mostrami?
Let’s talk about a lifetime ago, and so many wrinkles in the least! The project start-up was founded by three graduates at Bocconi CLEA – that is, I Sandro Aglialoro, Elisa and Emanuele Mattavelli Borri – during a dinner with REAL FRIENDS where we started to think and devise how to put our expertise available to many guys who have dreams in the artistic field. So we tried to structure an innovative format (at the time) to answer the difficulties of young artists to enter the art world. Today, after seven years since that famous dinner, Mostrami is a collective of more than 1,000 artists and 25,000 enthusiasts that promotes the art of young artists through various MostrEvento; a sort of “incubator” as we like to call it!
What kind of artistic services offers Mostrami?
To support himself, Mostrami offers different activities for partner companies ranging from the curate and organize events and exhibitions at the office makeover, enhancing the work of our young artists, through the organization of artistic courses for managers and design and development Business Gift exclusive. All our services are customized according to the needs of the private customer and the company, the philosophy and the type of communication that underlies it. Just today a Roman client sent me the photo of his living room where he had hung a painting by one of our artists … it is an inexplicable satisfaction!
What are your future plans?
We left Milan, then we got to Florence, Genoa, Ravenna, Rome, Bari and Palermo now … We always many projects, but the most important is our company and e-commerce platform, we will be launching very soon! Our goal is to bring our audience even more to contemporary art, in order to make known the works of our young artists at international level.
Now we move to Sicily and Sicilians, you tell us what prompted you to design this project?
We clear to all that Sicily is a land so beautiful and full of excellence as full of problems … really NEED EXTREME of all of us!
At the same time, although for many years living “outside”, is the land runs through my blood, in his veins with all its strength and its contradictions; this explains where does this adventure that is proving much more difficult than I thought initially!
My goal is to do something for my country, wanting to get the message across that we have to stop complaining and take action, trying to prove that each, in its own small or large, has the potential and responsibility to reverse the downward spiral in which our region for decades versa.
With this initiative, finally I try to do my part, promoting my land experience the light that I have lived until now.
I talked to Victoria, Francesco, Paola, Leandro, Simona and a growing number of friends and immediately wanted to support me!
What exactly will include Sicily and Sicilians?
It ‘a project entirely aimed at the dissemination and redevelopment of the image of Sicily through the development of contemporary arts, promoting the knowledge from a contemporary point of view and promoting excellence especially in northern Italy and abroad.
The focus of the project for this year will consist of a first “Exhibition in Palermo” that is, an exhibition of visual art by young emerging artists and a series of workshops, talks and training sessions for university students and students in their final years of high school on innovation , start-up, project management with testimonies from all those young Sicilian entrepreneurs who “have made it”!
Some of the artists included in the collective on the portal will be invited by a special technical committee to participate in the exhibition-to be held in Palermo in the first half of May in the beautiful headquarters of ANCE Palermo to the Navy. Also on this occasion they will be appointed and 3 winners will be awarded a special prize to the artist who will receive the most likes on his profile.
What do you expect from this initiative?
I hope that many Sicilians, especially the younger ones, appreciate this “beautiful and good” project and help us in our goal. SYSTEM DO want to think really in an international way! The Sicilian organizations are clearly too small but if you put in the network can certainly become an actor and interlocutor able to operate efficiently and effectively and abroad!
By the standards in the North, unfortunately, I’m noticing a strong reluctance, distrust and slow in Sicily but I feel strongly that we can not do otherwise then I go ahead with determination sending tens and hundreds of emails and making tens and hundreds of phone calls to that effect.
An old proverb says that the union is strength … well, what? We hope to do it! I as usual I will give all trying to create an alchemy between contemporary art, marketing and innovation that lends itself well for the promotion of Sicily.
The invitation is therefore to anyone who shares these thoughts and had really “want to put their own” (those who know me know that at work is a workaholic caterpillar) is more than welcome!
But the next interview will be made to Virginia!!!
For more info about Mostrami visit: www.mostra-mi.it[:]
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