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(Italiano) Eventi in Sicilia in tempo di Natale per dicembre e i primi di gennaio


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Mostre, fiere, feste di ogni tipo per un dicembre e un Natale veramente speciale in Sicilia; il mese che ci aspetta è noto per le giornate in famiglia, gli eventi della tradizione e la magia portata dal Natale, che si estende fino alle prime settimane di gennaio.

In questo straordinario contesto, la Sicilia diventa teatro di manifestazioni natalizie, concerti e feste rituali, preservando le caratteristiche tipiche degli ambienti, culturali e naturali, siculi al 100%.

Accompagnati da un clima più fresco e dalle incantevoli illuminazioni e luminarie, questo è il tempo perfetto per vivere, da soli o in compagnia, delle attività uniche in giro per l’isola!



Mostra “Mediterranea” a Marzamemi

Dal 22 dicembre 2024 al 15 gennaio 2025, nella sala StudioBlu81 a Marzamemi, sarà aperta al pubblico la mostra “Mediterranea” dell’artista Chiara Fronterrè.

Saranno esposte 20 opere inedite che porteranno ai visitatori il tema della fragilità e della resilienza oltre le ostilità, grazie all’utilizzo di pochi semplici elementi come la carta, l’acqua e il pigmento.

L’apertura, che è prevista per il 22 dicembre alle ore 18:30, sarà accompagnata dalla prestazione musicale “Trame e suoni”, curata da Chiara Sammito; non perderti questa fusione tra opere d’arte e musica: aggiungi subito questo evento al calendario!

Maggiori informazioni sulla mostra Mediterranea.



Evento “Magnificenze. Caltanissetta nel XVI secolo”

Il 13 dicembre alle ore 18:00, presso la sala “Francesca Fiandaca” del Museo Diocesano di Caltanissetta, ci sarà l’incontro “Magnificenze. Caltanissetta nel XVI secolo”.

L’evento sarà tenuto da Daniela Vullo, soprintendente di Caltanissetta, e la professoressa Rosanna Zaffuto Rovello. Grazie all’analisi di alcuni manufatti, loro avranno modo di presentare il periodo storico del ‘500 a Caltanissetta, trattando lo stile di vita delle famiglie più in vista e dei principi del tempo!

Maggiori informazioni sull’evento Magnificenze. Caltanissetta nel XVI secolo.



Fiera di Natale “Christmas Family” a Palermo

Dal 4 al 22 dicembre, al Palagiotto di Palermo, le famiglie avranno l’opportunità di partecipare all’evento “Christmas family”, organizzato dall’UNIAST (Unione Nazionale Imprese Animazione, Spettacolo e Turismo).

Durante questa manifestazione, a ingresso libero, ci sarà la possibilità di assistere a spettacoli dal vivo, divertirsi sulle giostre o pattinare sul ghiaccio!

Inoltre, saranno presenti aziende locali e artigiani con degli sconti unici per rendere ancora più speciale lo shopping natalizio.

Maggiori informazioni sulla fiera Christmas Family di Palermo.



Concerto “Candle Castle” a Carini

Giorno 8 dicembre alle ore 21, a Carini, ci sarà il concerto “Candle Castle”, un’esperienza sensoriale che accosterà la musica alla suggestiva illuminazione delle candele.

I maestri Indovino e Cascino porteranno brani di musica classica e contemporanea all’interno dello splendido Castello di Carini!

Acquistando il biglietto, si potrà vivere l’esperienza magica che risuonerà tra le mura del Castello.

Maggiori informazioni sul concerto Candle Castle di Carini.



Il Villaggio di Babbo Natale a Giarre (CT)

A partire dall’8 dicembre 2024 fino al 6 gennaio 2025, presso il PalaGiarre a Giarre (in provincia di Catania), sarà possibile entrare nel Villaggio di Babbo Natale!

Tra musical, giostre, laboratori, mercatini, parate, spettacoli, luci e giardini incantati, ci si potrà immergere in un mondo fuori dalla quotidianità, intriso di magia natalizia.

Una volta acquistato il ticket, si accederà ad un luogo perfettamente adatto a grandi e piccini, ottimo per svolgere attività alternative e uniche nel loro genere.

Maggiori informazioni sul Villaggio di Babbo Natale a Giarre.



Villaggio di Natale alla Tonnara di Marzamemi (SR)

Alla Tonnara di Marzamemi, dall’8 dicembre 2024 al 6 gennaio 2025, sarà possibile visitare il Villaggio di Natale!

Situato lungo la costa, il rumore del mare e le musiche natalizie si fonderanno in un’unica melodia che vi accompagnerà durante le varie attività.

Acquistando il biglietto si potrà vivere un’esperienza culinaria grazie al Christmas Food Express e percorrere, con una visita guidata, le aree storiche della tonnara.

I più piccoli potranno assistere a spettacoli, scrivere letterine e incontrare Babbo Natale!

Maggiori informazioni sul Villaggio di Natale a Marzamemi.



Eventi musicali “Venerdì Jazz” ad Agrigento

Fino al 20 dicembre, ogni venerdì alle ore 19:30, ci saranno dei concerti jazz al Palacongressi di Agrigento, presso la Sala Zeus.

Si tratta della nuova stagione dei “Venerdì Jazz”, che offre la musica di molteplici artisti internazionali, il tutto nello splendido contesto della Valle dei Templi!

L’ingresso è gratuito fino a esaurimento posti.

Maggiori informazioni su Eventi del Venerdì Jazz ad Agrigento.



Concerto “I Sogni son Desideri” a Palermo

Il 20 e il 21 dicembre, al Teatro Golden di Palermo, si terrà il concerto “I Sogni son Desideri”, organizzato da Rain Produzione.

Grazie a canti, balli e travestimenti ripresi dai classici film d’animazione Disney, gli spettatori avranno la possibilità di rivivere emozioni uniche che li legano o hanno legati ai personaggi più iconici dei cartoni animati.

Per accedervi, sarà necessario acquistare il biglietto.

Maggiori informazioni sul concerto I Sogni son Desideri.



Presepe vivente a Custonaci (TP)

Dal 24 al 29 dicembre 2024 e dal 4 al 6 gennaio 2025 tornerà, per la quarantesima edizione, la rappresentazione della Natività nella Grotta Mangiapane a Custonaci (in provincia di Trapani).

Grazie alla bravura di più di 160 figuranti, sarà possibile godere di un’esperienza magica, tra piccole casette e antichi mestieri, il tutto nella cornice storica del Borgo Scurati e della Grotta Mangiapane.

Acquistando il biglietto, sarà possibile visitare questo luogo incantato che, ancora una volta, offrirà un tour culturale e religioso veramente unico.

Maggiori informazioni sul Presepe vivente a Custonaci.



Evento de “I Tre Re sulla Via dell’Olio” a Cassaro (SR)

Il 6 gennaio 2025, a Cassaro (in provincia di Siracusa), ci sarà uno degli eventi più antichi e affascinanti della Sicilia: “I Tre Re sulla Via dell’Olio”, una manifestazione riconosciuta dall’UNESCO, che celebra e riproduce l’arrivo dei Re Magi a Betlemme.

In occasione dell’Epifania, il programma di questa festa offrirà momenti musicali, intrattenimenti vari e degustazioni gastronomiche tipiche della zona, caratterizzate dal sapore rinomato dell’olio d’oliva prodotto a Cassaro.

Maggiori informazioni sull’evento de I Tre Re sulla Via dell’Olio.



“Pastorale di Nardu” a Santa Elisabetta (AG)

A Santa Elisabetta (in provincia di Agrigento), il 6 gennaio 2025, si terrà l’evento “Pastorale di Nardu”, che unirà fede e tradizione nella rappresentazione della vita contadina.

Il protagonista di questa festa sarà proprio “Nardu”, simbolo di ingenuità, figura dal comportamento trasgressivo; accompagnati da degustazioni di ricotta e specialità locali, i visitatori potranno assistere agli spettacoli teatrali qualche ora prima di pranzo.

La manifestazione comincerà dalle prime ore del mattino, quindi puntate le sveglie già da adesso!

Maggiori informazioni sulla Pastorale di Nardu.



Festa di San Mauro Abate a Viagrande (CT)

Il 14 e il 15 gennaio 2025, a Viagrande (in provincia di Catania), ci saranno i festeggiamenti dedicati a San Mauro Abate, Patrono del paese.

A partire dalla sera di giorno 14, la vigilia della festa, verrà allestita la fiera del bestiame e degli attrezzi agricoli, una manifestazione unica nel suo genere. In seguito alla processione attraverso il paese, ci saranno canti tradizionali, giochi pirotecnici e fuochi d’artificio!

Si tratta di un evento religioso e culturale legato a tradizioni storiche che siamo entusiasti di promuovere… la Sicilia è anche questo!

Maggiori informazioni sulla Festa di San Mauro Abate a Viagrande.


Ci auguriamo che l’elenco di queste manifestazioni in Sicilia vi possa essere d’aiuto per vivere delle esperienze uniche, indipendentemente che siate turisti o abitanti dell’isola! Tornate ogni tanto sulla pagina, sarà nostra cura aggiornarla e completarla nelle prossime settimane!

Avete qualche domanda o osservazione? Lasciate un commento!

(Italiano) Eventi in Sicilia a novembre 2024

eventi sicilia novembre

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Novembre è un mese speciale per scoprire la Sicilia in tutta la sua autenticità, lontano dalle folle estive e con un clima ancora mite. In questo periodo, l’isola si anima di eventi che celebrano la cultura, le tradizioni e i sapori locali, offrendo sia agli abitanti che ai visitatori un’occasione unica per immergersi nel suo patrimonio storico e artistico. Dalle feste patronali ai festival enogastronomici, dalle mostre d’arte ai concerti, la Sicilia si prepara ad accogliere chi desidera vivere esperienze uniche in contesti suggestivi.

mostra iconic women palermo

Mostra “Iconic Women”, Palermo

Questa mostra innovativa celebra le icone pop femminili che hanno plasmato l’immaginario collettivo, reinterpretate con vivaci colori e luce dall’artista siciliano. Undici ritratti raffigurano figure emblematiche come Raffaella Carrà, Moira Orfei, Madonna e la regina Elisabetta, affiancati da una nuova statua della serie Superheroes: Wonder Woman, simbolo di forza e resilienza.

Al centro dell’esposizione, testi di Eleonora Lombardo, Ètuttapparenza, offrono racconti che giocano con i confini tra realtà e fiction. Grazie alla realtà aumentata e alle voci di celebri donne siciliane, i visitatori vivranno un’esperienza multisensoriale unica.

La mostra è aperta sabato e domenica dalle 10 alle 13 e dalle 15 alle 19. Il biglietto ha un costo di 6€ (4€ ridotto). 

Maggiori informazioni sulla mostra Iconic Women.

eventi in sicilia novembre 2024

Sagra della Pizza a Campofelice di Roccella, Palermo

La “Sagra della Pizza” si terrà dall’1 al 3 novembre 2024 e si prepara a trasformare Campofelice di Roccella in un vero e proprio paradiso per gli amanti della buona cucina! Questa manifestazione non è solo un festival gastronomico, ma un’esperienza immersiva che combina sapori unici e tradizione culinaria, promettendo di deliziare i palati di visitatori provenienti da ogni dove.

Gli stand gastronomici, allestiti nel cuore pulsante del paese, offriranno una vasta selezione di pizze gourmet, preparate con ingredienti freschi e di alta qualità. Sarà un’opportunità per esplorare ricette creative, dai classici intramontabili a nuove interpretazioni che riflettono le tendenze culinarie contemporanee.

Oltre alla gastronomia, la manifestazione sarà arricchita da giochi e intrattenimenti in piazza, creando un’atmosfera vivace e festosa che coinvolgerà famiglie e visitatori di tutte le età. Un appuntamento da segnare in agenda per tutti coloro che desiderano gustare deliziosi piatti, divertirsi e immergersi nella storia di un luogo unico. 

Maggiori informazioni sulla Sagra della Pizza 

eventi in sicilia novembre 2024

Mercatini d’autunno a Ragalna (CA): un viaggio tra i sapori dell’Etna

Ragalna si prepara ad accogliere l’autunno con un evento imperdibile: “Autunno Ragalnese”, un mercatino che celebra i prodotti tipici del territorio, in programma dal 5 novembre al 3 dicembre 2023. Ogni domenica, dalle ore 9:00 alle 17:00, la piazza Cisterna si trasformerà in un vivace centro di attrazione, dove il profumo dei prodotti locali si mescolerà ai colori caldi della stagione.

Questa manifestazione rappresenta un’occasione unica per esplorare le bontà dell’Etna, un territorio ricco di tradizioni e sapori autentici. Nell’area espositiva, i produttori locali si faranno protagonisti, presentando una selezione di delizie culinarie che raccontano la storia e la cultura di questa affascinante regione. Dai formaggi artigianali ai dolci tipici, passando per conserve e marmellate, ogni stand sarà un invito a scoprire le specialità che rendono l’autunno a Ragalna un’esperienza unica.

Per arricchire ulteriormente l’evento, sono in programma due attesissime sagre: la “Sagra della Salsiccia e Caliceddi” e la “Sagra dell’olio d’oliva”. Queste manifestazioni non solo celebrano i prodotti locali, ma offrono anche un’opportunità per socializzare e vivere momenti di convivialità in un’atmosfera festosa. I visitatori potranno degustare le specialità culinarie preparate con ingredienti freschi e genuini, immergendosi nella cultura gastronomica di Ragalna.

Maggiori informazioni sui mercatini autunnali.

eventi in sicilia novembre 2024

Festival di Morgana: un viaggio nel mondo delle marionette a Palermo

Dal 8 al 23 novembre 2024, Palermo ospiterà la 49° edizione del “Festival di Morgana”, un evento imperdibile che celebra l’arte delle marionette attraverso spettacoli, performance, seminari, convegni e laboratori. La manifestazione si svolgerà in alcuni dei luoghi più rappresentativi e suggestivi della città, con un focus particolare sul “Museo Internazionale delle Marionette Antonio Pasqualino”, un vero e proprio scrigno di storia e cultura.

Sin dalla sua prima edizione nel 1975, il Museo ha dedicato il Festival di Morgana a rivivere l’affascinante mondo dei pupi e delle marionette. Attraverso diverse performance teatrali, il festival offre un’occasione unica per ammirare i materiali museografici esposti nelle sale del museo, creando un legame tra il passato e il presente. Ogni anno, il festival promuove un’importante occasione di incontro e dialogo tra tradizioni e culture diverse, trasformando Palermo in un palcoscenico di interazioni artistiche.

La 49° edizione del Festival di Morgana rappresenta quindi non solo un momento di celebrazione dell’arte delle marionette, ma anche un evento che promuove la coesione sociale e la valorizzazione delle diversità culturali. 

Maggiori informazioni sul festival delle marionette.

eventi in sicilia novembre 2024

Sagra di San Martino a Ravanusa (AG)

Quest’anno, Ravanusa si prepara a celebrare la tradizionale “Sagra di San Martino”, un evento imperdibile che si terrà in piazza, dove il motto “a la chiazza s’ammazza lu porcu e si vivi lu vino” risuonerà tra le vie del paese. Durante questa festa, gli abitanti e i visitatori avranno l’opportunità di immergersi nei sapori e nei profumi dell’autunno siciliano, in un’atmosfera di convivialità e tradizione.

La Sagra vedrà come protagonisti i prodotti tipici del periodo autunnale, tra cui la ricotta fresca, le castagne dolci, il maiale e il vino novello, il tutto racchiuso in una serie di affascinanti stand che si snoderanno lungo “Corso Della Repubblica”. Qui, i visitatori potranno degustare piatti deliziosi, preparati secondo ricette tradizionali tramandate di generazione in generazione. Ogni assaggio sarà un viaggio attraverso la cultura gastronomica locale, rendendo omaggio ai sapori autentici della nostra terra. 

Il fulcro dell’evento sarà il palco situato in “Piazza XXV Aprile”, dove diverse band locali si esibiranno in concerti coinvolgenti e numerosi spettacoli per intrattenere il pubblico di tutte le età. La musica vivace accompagnerà la celebrazione, creando un’atmosfera festosa e accogliente. 

Maggiori informazioni sulla sagra di San Martino.

eventi in sicilia novembre 2024

Sagra dell’Olio e dell’Oliva Nocellara del Belìce DOP

Il 9 e 10 novembre 2024, Campobello di Mazara (TP) si prepara ad accogliere la “Sagra dell’Olio e dell’Oliva Nocellara del Belìce DOP”, un evento dedicato a valorizzare il prodotto simbolo dell’economia locale e a promuovere il territorio in chiave turistica. La manifestazione si svolgerà lungo via Garibaldi e rappresenterà un’importante opportunità per scoprire e apprezzare le eccellenze gastronomiche della zona.

Quest’anno, la seconda edizione di “Nocellara Expo” offrirà ai visitatori un ricco programma di attività, tra cui degustazioni di prodotti tipici, street food, musica dal vivo e animazione per i più piccoli. Sarà un’occasione per immergersi nei sapori autentici della tradizione campobellese e per vivere momenti di festa e convivialità.

Un’attrazione speciale sarà il “TrenOlio”, un tour che permetterà di visitare gli oleifici e gli opifici di lavorazione della Nocellara del Belice. Questo viaggio tra i luoghi di produzione offrirà l’opportunità di scoprire le tecniche di lavorazione dell’olio extravergine di oliva e di conoscere da vicino il processo che rende questa cultivar così apprezzata.

Maggiori informazioni sull’evento gastronomico.

eventi in sicilia novembre 2024

Esposizione d’arte contemporanea: “(Se la memoria ha un futuro)”

Dal 16 ottobre al 20 novembre 2024, Palermo ospiterà il progetto espositivo dell’artista Stefania Gesualdo, dal titolo “(Se la memoria ha un futuro)”, presso l’Oratorio di San Lorenzo. 

In occasione della commemorazione del furto della celebre “Natività” di Caravaggio, l’artista reinterpreta quest’opera perduta attraverso una riproduzione realizzata a mano. Dopo la presentazione dell’arazzo, Stefania darà vita a una performance unica, durante la quale scucirà una ad una le figure rappresentate, creando un vuoto visivo che richiama il furto e la scomparsa di uno dei capolavori di Caravaggio.

Questa iniziativa fa parte di una residenza artistica organizzata da “Amici dei Musei Siciliani” e presenta un’opera site-specific che indaga i temi della memoria, della perdita e della trasformazione. Il titolo del progetto trae ispirazione dal libro di Leonardo Sciascia, “A futura memoria”, che raccoglie riflessioni su delitti, giustizia e mafia. È dalla ricerca di verità e giustizia, di fronte ai tanti misteri irrisolti della storia italiana recente, che l’artista ha concepito la sua opera.

“(Se la memoria ha un futuro)” non è solo un omaggio alla Natività di Caravaggio, ma anche un’indagine sul valore della memoria collettiva e sul rischio dell’oblio. Attraverso la decostruzione dell’arazzo e la scritta luminosa, Stefania richiama l’attenzione sulla sottile linea tra ricordare e dimenticare, in un richiamo alle riflessioni di Sciascia e Pasolini sulla necessità di una memoria critica e consapevole per evitare che si ripetano gli errori del passato. 

L’arazzo, “svuotato” dai suoi personaggi, rimarrà visibile al pubblico sull’altare potrà essere ammirato insieme a un video della performance fino al 20 novembre. Ingresso gratuito.

Per sapere di più sull’esposizione d’arte contemporanea.

eventi in sicilia novembre 2024

Progetto narrativo e artistico: “L’Etna traccia il territorio delle Aci”

Il progetto “L’Etna traccia il territorio delle Aci” nasce dall’esigenza di raccontare la storia del vulcano Etna e i suoi eventi eruttivi, che nel corso dei secoli hanno plasmato lo sviluppo e l’identità del territorio delle Aci. Questo evento si articolerà in due momenti distinti e complementari: il 25 ottobre si terrà una conferenza scientifica, mentre il 26 ottobre avrà luogo l’inaugurazione di una mostra d’arte contemporanea.

Il 26 ottobre alle ore 18:00, il Foyer del Teatro Bellini di Acireale ospiterà l’inaugurazione della mostra d’arte contemporanea dal titolo “Sognare da svegli – la resilienza dell’arte”, curata da Carmelo Nicosia. La mostra presenterà opere di artisti che saranno invitati a interpretare l’Etna attraverso il loro lavoro artistico.

Carmelo Nicosia, curatore della mostra, esprime la speranza che l’arte possa favorire un processo virtuoso di rigenerazione. La mostra si concluderà il 27 dicembre, in concomitanza con la presentazione del volume editoriale “L’Etna traccia il territorio delle Aci”, che raccoglierà le informazioni, gli studi e le immagini degli artisti coinvolti nel progetto. 

Durante i mesi di apertura della mostra, il Foyer ospiterà anche incontri di approfondimento su temi antropologici, scientifici, economici e culturali, i cui dettagli saranno comunicati successivamente. Con questo progetto, Acireale celebra la sua storia, la sua cultura e la resilienza di un territorio profondamente segnato dalla presenza dell’Etna.

Per sapere di più sul progetto narrativo e artistico

eventi in sicilia novembre 2024

Mostra “Blind Spot” di William Marc Zanghi 

Dal 21 settembre al 29 novembre 2024, “Lo Magno arte contemporanea” in via Risorgimento a Modica (RG) ospita la mostra personale di William Marc Zanghi, curata da Vito Chiaramonte. L’esposizione, inaugurata con un opening alle ore 19.00, presenta la ricerca più recente dell’artista, partendo da un “punto cieco” che stimola l’immaginazione.

Le opere di Zanghi invitano il visitatore a esplorare il concetto di punto cieco: proprio come nella percezione visiva, questo elemento è essenziale per giungere all’immagine finale. Tuttavia, esso rimane invisibile, lasciando spazio a significati più tangibili e immediati.

Il percorso espositivo induce a una profonda ammirazione per il gesto, la forma e il colore, permettendo a ciascun visitatore di interpretare liberamente le opere. Un’installazione site specific arricchisce ulteriormente l’esperienza, espandendo il concetto di oltrepassare i confini delle tele e del pensiero, per esplorare ciò che si trova al di là della visibilità.

La mostra è aperta al pubblico dal martedì al venerdì, dalle 17.00 alle 20.00, e il sabato, dalle 10.00 alle 13.00, con ingresso gratuito. 

Maggiori informazione sulla mostra d’arte

eventi in sicilia novembre 2024

Mostra “Ciatu di lu me cori” di Luigi Lo Pinto al Centro MedicalMente

Dal 21 giugno al 20 novembre 2024, il Centro MedicalMente di via Libertà 56 a Palermo ospita la mostra personale di Luigi Lo Pinto, intitolata “Ciatu di lu me cori”. L’inaugurazione si terrà il 21 giugno alle 18.30.

Luigi Lo Pinto, medico e arteterapeuta, ha trascorso 23 anni in Africa subsahariana, impegnandosi in progetti di cooperazione internazionale. Da due anni è tornato in Italia e vive ad Alcamo. La sua mostra presenta cuori, simboli universali di passione e profondi sentimenti.

Il cuore, una delle espressioni più antiche in ambito artistico, trova spazio in poesia, letteratura, musica e fede. Per Lo Pinto, questo simbolo infantile diventa un marchio di fabbrica, testimoniando il suo percorso artistico. Le sue opere, che evolvono dalla frammentazione corporea all’utilizzo di elementi del corpo, raccontano storie personali attraverso mani, cuore e mente, esprimendo temi ricorrenti legati alla sua memoria intima.

L’esposizione rimarrà aperta dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 9.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 16.00 alle 19.00, con la possibilità di visitarla su prenotazione per gruppi. Il biglietto d’ingresso è di 2 euro. 

Per maggiori informazioni riguardo la mostra artistica

eventi in sicilia novembre 2024

Mostra Collettiva “ELF – Le mostre di Düsseldorf” 

Il Verein Düsseldorf Palermo e.V. celebra il suo undicesimo anniversario con una grande mostra collettiva intitolata “ELF – Le mostre di Düsseldorf,” che si inaugurerà sabato 26 ottobre 2024 alle 18.00 presso il Haus der Kunst nei Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palermo. L’esposizione rimarrà aperta fino al 7 dicembre 2024.

La mostra presenta i lavori di undici artisti che hanno tracciato il percorso del Verein, ognuno dei quali porta un’esperienza unica in un mix originale di linguaggi artistici. Dal 2013, il Verein ha promosso uno scambio artistico tra Palermo e Düsseldorf, evidenziando un approccio sperimentale nelle opere esposte. 

La mostra è anche il risultato di collaborazioni con istituzioni artistiche, con alcuni artisti selezionati da giurie esterne, come Stefania Artusi e Francesco Romano dal Museo regionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Palermo, e altri da una giuria interna al Verein.La mostra invita a esplorare il dialogo tra le due città attraverso l’arte contemporanea.

Maggiori informazioni sulla mostra d’arte contemporanea


(Italiano) Call per grafici e illustratori “Arte 4 Tisciart”: ecco i vincitori!

call grafici e illustratori mostrami mostramed sicooli

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

La call per grafici e illustratori “Arte 4 Tisciart” promossa da MostraMed e Mostrami in collaborazione con il brand siciliano Sicooli si è chiusa! I corrispettivi team hanno valutato i lavori proposti dai giovani grafici e illustratori, che hanno raccontato in maniera super creativa il mercato di Ballarò.

È stato molto bello vedere come i giovani creativi abbiano accolto il nostro invito e attraverso i loro lavori abbiano fatto proprio, stilizzato e “sintetizzato” il famoso mercato di Palermo, declinando quelli che sono i suoi valori: la multiculturalità, l’energia e l’autenticità siciliana. Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno partecipato!!!


L’obiettivo della call era quello di creare una grafica che racchiudesse l’essenza di Ballarò, famoso mercato storico di Palermo. I partecipanti erano invitati a esprimere visivamente la sua storia, folklore, l’energia e soprattutto la sua multiculturalità e la sua accoglienza. Dopo un iter durato circa 3 mesi siamo pervenuti ad una classifica; la grafica selezionata come vincitrice sarà rivista in tandem con il committente e verrà stampata su una t-shirt della collezione “Tisciart”.

Come sempre, la partecipazione alla call è stata completamente gratuita; i giovani grafici e illustratori  di tutta Italia hanno raccontato attraverso i propri progetti creativi il mondo di Ballarò.

Abbiamo aperto la call e lasciato oltre un mese affinchè i creativi avessero la possibilità di progettare adeguatamente la loro proposta. Insieme al committente Sicooli, noi di MostraMed e Mostrami abbiamo definito una rosa di artwork che fossero maggiormente in linea con il concept del contest e a quel punto, cinque proposte  sono state pubblicate sul nostro profilo Instagram MostramiArt  dove abbiamo riportato i diversi progetti. In seguito il pubblico ha commentato il post esprimendo la propria preferenza.

Ecco qui le cinque proposte creative che sono andate al vaglio del popolo di Instragram.

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Il concorso prevedeva tre vincitori:

1° – Roberto V.  con “I tetti di Ballarò” si aggiudica quindi il primo premio di 350 euro lordi + un buono Sicooli di 100 euro e sarà coinvolto nella realizzazione della tshirt del contest!

Roberto scrive: “I tetti di Ballarò, il famoso quartiere di Palermo, offrono una vista affascinante e pittoresca sulla città.
Caratterizzanti da coperture in tegole, i tetti si sviluppano tra i vicoli stretti del mercato, creando un intricato mosaico dall’alto.
La loro vista è un mix di storia, cultura e vita quotidiana, con le sue Chiese e il Palazzo Conte Federico che riflettono il cuore pulsante del mercato di Ballarò”.

call grafici e illustratori mostrami mostramed sicooli


2° ex aequo- Alessandro B con “Ballarò Abbannia” e Alexander DV  con “Ballarò illustrazione“, si aggiudicano un buono Sicooli da 100 euro da spendere direttamente nello show room di Palermo! Saranno a breve contattati per le modalità!

Alessandro racconta così il suo lavoro: “La grafica proposta si ispira a un’estetica gioiosa 


e pop, pensata per catturare l’attenzione di un pubblico giovane. Rappresenta un incontro artistico tra la Pop Art, evocando la semplicità espressiva di Keith Haring con i suoi contorni marcati, e il mondo del fumetto, caratterizzato da forti contrasti e dall’interazione tra elementi grafici e testuali.
L’opera trae spunto dalla mia esperienza personale, proponendo una visione del quartiere di Ballarò e del suo mercato.
La cupola della Chiesa del Carmine, simbolo iconico del quartiere, a rappresentare la ricchezza culturale che permea l’area.
Ho utilizzato linee semplici per delineare il mercato e l’intreccio delle tende, che offrono riparo a merci e passanti, fungendo anche da indicatori per orientarsi tra le bancarelle. Le figure umane e le merci sono stilizzate in un modo infantile, utilizzando semplici cerchi per simboleggiare sia volti che prodotti in vendita, enfatizzando l’interdipendenza tra persone e beni. Il contrasto cromatico vivace aggiunge dinamismo all’intera composizione. Infine, la scritta “Ballarò Abbannia” posizionata in basso richiama i suoni caratteristici del mercato, evocando il brusio incessante che si percepisce varcando le sue soglie. Lo sfondo giallo intenso simboleggia l’attività diurna del quartiere, illuminato dalla luce del sole.

E Alexander: “in questa opera ho illustrato quello che è il quartiere e mercato di Ballarò. Un mercato affollato e accogliente. Visto che Palermo è anche da sempre la casa per gente di etnie miste, ho cercato di dimostrarlo il più possibile nel mio lavoro“.



call grafici e illustratori mostrami mostramed sicooli


Complimenti ai creativi che hanno partecipato, buona arte a tutti! Ci vediamo presto per nuove call per artisti emergenti e non!

(Italiano) Sicilia in crescita: quasi mille nuove imprese in tre mesi

Sviluppo imprenditoriale in Sicilia

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Buone notizie per la Trinacria; i dati forniti da Unioncamere Sicilia evidenziano una ripresa dell’imprenditoria nell’isola durante l’estate 2024, con la nascita di 980 nuove attività, in crescita rispetto ai trimestri precedenti. 

Settori economia

Palermo e Catania in testa, la rivoluzione della produzione siciliana 

La provincia di Palermo ha registrato il maggior numero di nuove imprese, ovvero 296, seguita da Catania con 252, evidenziando una crescita significativa nei settori delle costruzioni e dell’artigianato, che si espandono nonostante le difficoltà economiche che ancora, purtroppo, attanagliano la nostra Sicilia. In parallelo, le aziende tecnologiche e innovative stanno rivoluzionando il panorama produttivo siciliano, contribuendo ad un cambiamento radicale. Tuttavia, settori come agricoltura, commercio e manifattura hanno sofferto particolarmente, con numerose chiusure, soprattutto a causa della siccità che ha duramente colpito le aziende agricole, causando la chiusura di 87 imprese.

Sicilia imprenditoria

Sicilia sostenibile: la nuova imprenditoria sostenibile e digitale

Nonostante queste sfide, vi sono segnali di ripresa e innovazione, che riflettono la resilienza del tessuto imprenditoriale locale. Un segnale particolarmente positivo proviene dall’apertura di nuovi mercati tecnologici e sostenibili, che stanno portando una ventata di freschezza nell’economia dell’isola. Il settore delle imprese non classificate, che include quelle orientate alla digitalizzazione, all’innovazione e alla sostenibilità ambientale, ha registrato un impressionante incremento, con 1.745 nuove realtà. Questo dato dimostra come la spinta verso un’economia più moderna e green stia diventando un pilastro fondamentale della crescita economica regionale.

Inoltre, la crescita di queste imprese, con l’introduzione di nuove tecnologie e processi sostenibili, non solo ha rafforzato settori tradizionali come l’artigianato, ma ha anche stimolato l’intera economia regionale, portando maggiore efficienza e miglioramenti nella produttività. Questo trend, favorito dagli incentivi del governo regionale, ha contribuito a consolidare un contesto favorevole per lo sviluppo delle imprese innovative e per il rilancio dell’economia siciliana.

L’apertura di nuove attività nel campo delle tecnologie e delle soluzioni green non solo sta generando nuovi posti di lavoro, ma sta anche contribuendo alla diversificazione dell’economia, rendendo la Sicilia un terreno fertile per gli investimenti futuri.

Anche per questo e per tutti i giovani che si apprestano a lavorare nel digitale noi consigliamo fortemente i nostri corsi gratuiti di Digitalizzazione.

Iniziative ed incentivi locali alla crescita imprenditoriale

La trasformazione economica della Sicilia è supportata da varie iniziative locali. Il governo regionale e le amministrazioni comunali stanno lavorando attivamente (speriamo anche efficacemente) per agevolare il percorso di crescita delle imprese, con politiche mirate e finanziamenti. In particolare, a Palermo, il sindaco ha annunciato l’imminente pubblicazione di bandi per l’assegnazione di contributi destinati alle imprese locali, con l’obiettivo di sostenere lo sviluppo economico e ridurre la burocrazia.

Questa spinta all’innovazione e all’imprenditoria è vista come una via di uscita dalla crisi, poiché sempre più aziende scelgono di investire in settori tecnologici e digitali, che offrono nuove opportunità di crescita e competitività, anche a livello internazionale.

Il futuro economico della Sicilia sembra quindi orientato verso una maggiore integrazione di tecnologie innovative e pratiche sostenibili, creando un ecosistema imprenditoriale più dinamico e moderno, pronto a rispondere alle sfide globali.


Su ragazzi, rimbocchiamoci le maniche… parole d’ordine, formazione, studio, curiosità e tanti tanti stimoli!

(Italiano) Eventi in Sicilia ad ottobre 2024

eventi ottobre in sicilia, sagra ottobre in sicilia, eventi in sicilia

Exhibitions, fairs, performances… autumn arrives and brings many events to Sicily! It is truly a magical time, characterized by warm colors and enveloping scents, which makes the island even more fascinating. During this season, cultural occasions multiply, offering a calendar full of unmissable events for lovers of culture and tradition. We have collected several events that you can experience in Sicily in October.


eventi in sicilia ottobre 2024
The week of design: iDesign week in Palermo 

Palermo and design: the concept of the 12th edition of iDesign from Sept. 27th to Oct. 6th, focuses on travel, understood not only as physical movement but also as mental and spiritual exploration. This theme becomes a bridge between different cultures and practices, geographically and culturally distant, fostering encounters between different knowledge and perspectives. The goal is to stimulate artistic and cultural exchange, offering new reflections and narratives through a dialogue between past, present, and future. The program includes installations, exhibitions, and workshops that address themes related to migration, adaptation, and the inner journey.

Highlights include a collection of furniture made by Catania’s Abadir Academy in collaboration with local companies on Sept. 27th at Palazzo Costantino. The day will end with an installation by Rosa Vetrano, who explores the link between living spaces and the psyche, inviting us to rediscover the slow rhythms of everyday life. On Sept. 28th at 5:30 p.m., Francesco Liberto will present “A Craftsman’s Journey,” an exhibition dedicated to his creations for Formula 1 drivers. The exhibition also includes works of contemporary Sicilian design and a work on soundscapes by VacuaMoenia. On Sept. 29th, at 11 a.m., the Pitré Museum will host the exhibition “Kaos & Kosmos,” which will display a selection of Sicilian artifacts from Filippo Grillo’s collection, to document local traditions.

The whole kermesse also includes moments of meeting and learning, for example, on Oct. 1, at 8 p.m., a short film by French director Flasseur will be screened on Cluverio Street. On Oct. 4, there will be a presentation of the book “Rationalist Italy and Ideal Cities” by Fabio Isman, a work that investigates the concept of the ideal city.

In addition, various workshops will be held. Among them on Oct. 3 and 4, at the Palermo Academy of Fine Arts, the “Paper Works” workshop will invite participants to discover and reproduce local wild plants using paper.

To get to know more about the event of design


eventi in sicilia, eventi ottobre, sagra in sicilia

Gastronomic event: “TempuRiCapuna” in San Vito Lo Capo

“Tempuricapuna” returns to San Vito Lo Capo, Oct. 11th-13th with three days dedicated to ‘capone’ fish, also known as ‘lampuga,’ caught during this period in local waters. The event offers a rich program of tastings, meetings, cooking shows, and performances, celebrating the taste, tradition, and fun associated with this prized oily fish, renowned for its excellent nutritional properties.

The menu of “Tempu ri manciari” offers ‘busiate’ with Trapanese pesto, fried capon, yellow melon, and a glass of wine. The tastings, curated by local fishermen, begin on Friday evening and continue on Saturday and Sunday, both lunch and dinner, in the facility set up on the beach. It will be an opportunity to explore new flavor combinations and satisfy curiosity with insights and tastings. In addition, there will be room for thematic discussions during the talk “Tempu ri parrari”. The cost of the ticket is 12 euros.

On Saturday and Sunday mornings, the fish market will come alive with colors, scents, and sounds, offering visitors the opportunity to discover local fish species, traditional recipes, and fishermen’s stories. It will also be possible to participate in a public auction to buy the day’s fresh catch.

In addition to the tastings, there will be moments of entertainment in the Piazza Santuario in San Vito Lo Capo: on Friday you can laugh with the “4 Tastes Sicily Cabaret”, while on Saturday singer Daria Biancardi will perform, and on Sunday the event will close with the “Coro Cala Bukuto” show.

Get to know more of this gastronomic event


eventi ottobre in sicilia, sagra ottobre in sicilia, eventi in sicilia

Wine Sicily event in Palermo: wine-tour and territory

The wine festival “Wine Sicily”, initiated in Palermo and now in its sixth edition, involves 50 wineries and more than 400 labels each year. The mission is to promote and publicize Sicily’s food and wine excellence, presenting it as a true treasure chest of biodiversity. The companies and all operators who will participate will have the opportunity to live a multisensory experience.

The sixth edition will be held Oct. 12th-14th, 2024 in Palermo: these will be three days dedicated to the discovery of Sicilian wineries, with the opportunity to explore new wines and rediscover established labels. Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th will be days open to the public, welcoming wine lovers and curious people who, already in past editions, have participated in large numbers. On the other hand, the third day, Monday, October 14th, will be reserved for industry professionals, specialized operators, and B2B meetings.

Three Masterclasses are also scheduled: on Saturday from 5 p.m. and Sunday from 6:30 p.m., organized in collaboration with “Le Vie dei Tesori”, on topical issues that will be able to engage wine enthusiasts.

Get to know more about this wine-tour experience


eventi ottobre in sicilia, sagra ottobre in sicilia, eventi in sicilia

Cultural event: Notte Barocca in Noto (SR)

Notte Barocca (The Baroque Night) of Noto, is scheduled for Oct. 5th, 2024, and aims to be an event dedicated to Sicilian art, culture, and traditions. During the evening, squares will be transformed into outdoor stages, welcoming live concerts ranging from jazz to Sicilian folk, creating a festive and engaging atmosphere; there will be no shortage of art installations celebrating Baroque art, further enriching the visual experience.

After the evening, a fireworks display will light up the sky, leaving an indelible memory in the hearts of all participants. The Baroque Night of Noto thus establishes itself as one of the most anticipated events of the Sicilian autumn, offering the opportunity to immerse oneself in the beauty and culture of this corner of Trinacria.

In addition, the event is enriched with “Chess in Val di Noto,” an event that will take place on October 5 and 6, dedicated to fans chess enthusiasts. This event includes a historic game of living chess in 18th-century costumes and is all organized by the OpeNoto Association under the patronage of the Municipality of Noto.

Here’s more about cultural event in Noto


eventi ottobre in sicilia, sagra ottobre in sicilia, eventi in sicilia

Exhibition of archeology and multimedia: Da Tauromenion a Tauromenium 

From Aug. 7th to Nov. 30th, 2024, Palazzo Ciampoli (Salita Ciampoli in Taormina) hosts the major archaeological and multimedia exhibitionDa Tauromenion a Tauromenium”, which tells the story of Taormina through documents and artifacts. The exhibition offers 3-D digital reconstructions of a lavish urban center designed by the Greeks to be admired from the sea.

The project, directed by archaeologist Gabriella Tigano, brings together archaeologists and experts from a variety of disciplines to explore the continuity of life in Taormina, highlighting how monuments and buildings have been restored over the centuries. The exhibition has two floors: one dedicated to historical artifacts, and one to animations that recreate the ancient city.

The exhibit also includes the famous “Priestess of Isis,” a marble statue found in 1867 and recently brought back to Taormina after years of absence. Six thematic sections will guide visitors through history, from the origins of the Sicilian peoples to public buildings and sacred sites, with the support of immersive technologies. The exhibition promises to fascinate a diverse audience, combining history and technological innovation.

Find out more about the archeologic exhibition


cultura siciliana,eventi culturali,eventi culturali in sicilia,eventi in sicilia

Docufilm: “Sperone167 Palermo – Lecce 2022” in the memory of Davide Currao

A docufilm in memory of Davide Currao will be screened on Oct. 15th, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the “Rouge et Noir” Cinema in Palermo. This documentary narrates the birth of the “Sperone167” project, a public art project that connects the “Sperone” neighborhoods in Palermo and the “167” in Lecce and aims to transform marginalized suburban areas through street art, actively involving the local community, especially children and youth.

The narrative shows the world through the eyes of children in the neighborhoods, revealing the desires and hopes they express, with aerial shots that elevate the gaze on these urban realities. The images, enriched by a powerful soundtrack and lyrics from neighborhood raps, offer a powerful message: public art is not simply the bearer of beauty in places where it seems to be lacking, but becomes a tool to strengthen the sense of community and nurture the desire for self-determination.

More information about movie projection event 


We hope that our list of October events will enrich your Sicilian living experience even more with cultural, musical, and food and wine events! Have we forgotten something? Let us know 🙂

Sicilian arancine: history and tradition of an iconic dish

arancina palermitana, arancine siciliane, cibo tipico siciliano, cultura gastronomica, cultura siciliana

Sicily, a land of extraordinary beauty and cultural fusion, has always been one of the cradles of Italian gastronomy. Sicilian culinary delights are the result of a millennia-old tradition, enriched by Arab, Greek, Norman, and Spanish influences, making each dish unique and deeply connected to the region.

Among the many Sicilian delicacies, arancine stand out: small masterpieces of rice, stuffed and fried, they are the undisputed symbols of the island’s culinary tradition. Originally from Sicily, arancine perfectly combine simplicity with a rich array of flavors, winning over anyone who tries them with their irresistible mix of crispy exterior and soft interior. In this article, we will explore their history, variations, and the secrets that make them one of the most beloved dishes in Sicilian cuisine.

But first, a question: arancine or arancino? The debate is truly a tough one!

arancina palermitana, arancine siciliane, cibo tipico siciliano, cultura gastronomica, cultura siciliana
The Etymology: arancina or arancino?

Before diving further into this delicacy, let’s take a look at how this tasty street-food should be named. The term “arancina” is inspired by the orange, the golden, juicy fruit that the Arabs brought to the island during their rule. So, we imagine these crispy rice balls, with their round shape and golden color, resembling small oranges ready to be bitten into. A simple but brilliant idea that gave birth to one of the most beloved dishes in Sicilian cuisine.

But the story doesn’t end here! In Sicily, there isn’t just one way to call them, which sparks a lively and sometimes heated debate between the Palermitan “arancina” and the Catanese “arancino.” In fact, the use of both terms is varied across Sicily. “Arancina” is common not only in Palermo, but also in Trapani, Agrigento, and even in some eastern areas like Ragusa and Syracuse. Similarly, “arancino” isn’t exclusive to the Catania area, but is also used in other parts of the island.

The well-known and captivating Sicilian writer Gaetano Basile argues that the name should be feminine, as it derives from the fruit “arancia,” which is feminine in Italian. However, many oppose this theory, pointing out that the term originates from the Sicilian dialect, not from Italian. Supporting this, the Sicilian-Italian dictionary from 1857 lists the word “arancino,” corresponding to “arancio,” the masculine form of the fruit in Sicilian, inherited from Vulgar Latin.

Despite the debate, both terms are grammatically correct in Sicilian, and the Accademia della Crusca has officially approved both versions.

arancina palermitana, arancine siciliane, cibo tipico siciliano, cultura gastronomica, cultura siciliana
Sicilian Cuisine and the History of the Arancina

The history of Sicilian arancine is like a grand culinary adventure, without a true inventor but with a long and fascinating evolution. It all began during the Arab rule in Sicily (827-1091), when the island was infused with many cultural and culinary influences. The Arabs brought with them spices and saffron, and as is well known, they were accustomed to preparing a delicious rice timbale served at their grand banquets. This dish, seasoned with lamb and vegetables, was eaten by hand, much like we enjoy arancine today.

The story continues with a true revolution brought by Frederick II of Swabia, a young and brilliant Sicilian king who invented breading. This technique not only preserved the rice and filling better but also made the dish ideal for transport, perfect for enjoying during hunting trips or while working in the fields.

There’s also an explanation behind the iconic shape of the delightful arancina. In Catania, they proudly claim to have invented one of the most fascinating variations of arancine. Here, the pointed top is not just an aesthetic feature but a tribute to Mount Etna, the majestic volcano that dominates the landscape. The pointed shape of the arancino serves as a culinary homage to the natural strength and beauty of the region, making every bite a journey into the culture and history of Catania.

As time went by, arancine evolved, embracing new flavors like ragù, which is now one of the main ingredients. Thus, what started as a simple rice ball has transformed into an iconic dish of Sicilian cuisine.

arancina palermitana, arancine siciliane, cibo tipico siciliano, cultura gastronomica, cultura siciliana
Arancine and the Traditions Associated with Them

As we know, Sicily is rich in culture, so let’s take a look at how different regions of the island incorporate this delicious rice timbale into their celebrations.

Every December 13th, Palermo transforms into a vibrant culinary event to celebrate Santa Lucia. On this special day, tradition dictates that people refrain from eating flour-based foods and instead indulge in irresistible arancine in all their forms and variations, accompanied by the traditional “cuccìa“, a typical sweet made with boiled wheat and sheep ricotta or white or chocolate cream. It’s a true festival of flavor: you can savor classic ragù arancine with peas and carrots, butter arancine filled with mozzarella and ham, and even spinach ones—some have even started filling them with salmon! Each bite is prepared with passion and creativity, turning the city into a celebration of tastes and tradition.

In Catania, arancine take on a local twist with specialties like the Catanese arancino, rich in eggplant, and the pistachio arancino from Bronte. But that’s not all! In other areas of Sicily, arancine are subject to experimentation with unique ingredients such as mushrooms, sausage, chicken, swordfish, and even cuttlefish ink. And when the feast of Santa Lucia arrives, they transform into sweet delights: cocoa arancine, coated in sugar, gianduia cream, and chocolate, bringing joy to Palermo and Modica, especially during the famous chocolate festival. Here, arancine never fail to surprise and delight.


arte siciliane, arte grafici, locale palermitanocall for artist, concorso grafico, bando artistico, concorso design, giovane artisti, design t-shirt per ballarò, arte siciliane

Arancine: How Indulgence Inspires Artwork

As one of the iconic foods of Sicily, arancine not only delight our taste buds but also inspire the artistic vision of creatives both on the island and beyond. The richness of the arancina, combined with its history, seems to have inspired the design of the local clothing brand in Palermo, Sicooli. This brand merges iconic symbolism and tradition with an artistic touch to promote the island’s beauty.

It is from this fusion of tradition and art that the collaboration between Sicooli, MostraMed, and Mostrami emerges, launching an artistic call for young graphic designers and illustrators under 40. In this initiative, artists are invited to depict the story and energy of the Ballarò market, one of the beating hearts of Palermo, through an illustration that captures the authenticity of this historic neighborhood—right where arancine are produced, sold, and consumed in abundance! The selected works will adorn a T-shirt from Sicooli’s “Tisciart” collection. Not only will artists showcase their talent, but they will also have the chance to win exciting prizes, with a deadline set for September 30, 2024.

From Palermo to Catania, and throughout Italy, each bite of arancine is a small journey through flavors, creativity, and love for the Sicilian territory. Whether enjoyed during a celebration or on the go, these delicacies continue to tell ancient and modern stories, making each taste an unforgettable journey through the wonders of Sicilian cuisine.

(Italiano) Eventi settembrini in tutta la Sicilia

sagra in sicilia, fiera in sicilia, carnevale in sicilia, eventi culturali in sicilia, enogastronomia, eventi storici, turismo in sicilia

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Con l’arrivo di settembre, l’estate volge al termine… ma in Sicilia, lo spirito di festa non si spegne mai. Con la sua straordinaria ricchezza di arte, cultura, storia, prodotti agricoli e gastronomia, la Sicilia vi incanterà con una serie di eventi e festival di ogni tipo, permettendovi di prolungare il piacere dell’estate fino all’ultimo momento.

sagra in sicilia, fiera in sicilia, carnevale in sicilia, eventi culturali in sicilia, enogastronomia, eventi storici, turismo in sicilia

Festival gastronomico e musicale – Ciavuri e Sapuri a Palermo

Torna con la sua quinta edizione il festival gastronomico: “Ciavuri e Sapure Fest” sul lungomare di Mondello dal 3 all’ 8 settembre. Questo festival celebra la ricchezza delle tradizioni siciliane tra concerti, talk tematici e sport- Non solo conta anche tante degustazioni di prodotti tipici dell’isola, con oltre cinquanta aziende agroalimentari e artigianali siciliane che esporranno i loro prodotti in un villaggio espositivo. L’evento, organizzato dalla CNA Palermo con la collaborazione di diversi partner e il patrocinio di varie istituzioni locali, promette un’esperienza ricca di sapori, cultura e intrattenimento.

Oltre alle degustazioni, avrete l’opportunità di assistere a una serie di concerti gratuiti con artisti di fama nazionale come Alex Britti, Alan Sorrenti e Max Gazzè, che concluderà il festival con il suo spettacolo “Musicae Loci 2024“. Il programma include anche attività sportive come tornei di beach volley, talk su argomenti di attualità e un momento speciale dedicato alla patrona di Palermo, Santa Rosalia, il 4 settembre.

Ogni sera inoltre, prima dei concerti in un’area appositamente dedicata, si terranno degli incontri dove esperti del settore, rappresentanti istituzionali, politici, artisti, esponenti del mondo dello spettacolo, della cultura e giornalisti discuteranno della nostra terra e delle sue ricchezze.

Maggiori informazioni sull’ evento agro-elementare palermitano

sagra in sicilia, fiera in sicilia, carnevale in sicilia, eventi culturali in sicilia, enogastronomia, eventi storici, turismo in sicilia

Gastronomia e tradizione siciliana – Sagra del Pesce di Pozzallo (RG)

La 55ª edizione della Sagra del Pesce di Pozzallo si terrà dal 6 all’8 settembre. Questo evento annuale vi coccolerà attraverso le specialità enogastronomiche della regione, l’arte, gli spettacoli, i laboratori e tante altre attività. Questa festa è uno degli eventi più storici e importanti della Sicilia e dal 1967 rappresenta un appuntamento fisso nel calendario di Pozzallo per sostenere i pescatori locali e per promuovere la tradizione culinaria locale.

Oltre ad essere una ricca festa popolare, costituisce un’importante occasione per valorizzare il territorio, per esaltare la qualità del pescato locale e per celebrare le prelibatezze della cucina mediterranea, con particolare attenzione alle specialità di pesce fritto.

Una padella gigante di quattro metri di diametro è la vera protagonista;  qui, seppie, calamari, gamberoni e polpi vengono fritti a vista, creando uno spettacolo culinario unico. Grazie a un ingegnoso sistema di cestelli e scivoli, quintali di pesce fresco raggiungono i vassoi, pronti per essere gustati dai partecipanti. Le serate sono animate da musica, fuochi d’artificio e attività per grandi e piccini.

Maggiori informazioni sulla sagra del pesce

sagra in sicilia, fiera in sicilia, carnevale in sicilia, eventi culturali in sicilia, enogastronomia, eventi storici, turismo in sicilia

Festa dell’artigianato – Fiera dello Jonio di Acireale (CT)

La Fiera dello Jonio, che si tiene annualmente ad Acireale, è una vivace celebrazione del ricco patrimonio culturale e dell’artigianato dell’isola siciliana. Questo evento antico, le cui origini risalgono al XV secolo, trasforma il centro storico di Acireale in un vivace fulcro di attività, con oltre 60 stand che espongono una vasta gamma di prodotti, dall’artigianato locale ai prodotti agricoli. La fiera, ambientata nello splendido scenario del centro vicino al Duomo e ad altre chiese monumentali, offre ai visitatori una combinazione unica di vita siciliana tradizionale e contemporanea. Ogni anno, l’evento attira persone da tutta la Sicilia e ben oltre.

Quest’anno la fiera si terrà dal 6 al 15 settembre; oltre alle esposizioni, il programma prevede una ricca serie di eventi culturali e spettacoli gratuiti, inclusi concerti, esibizioni teatrali e intrattenimento per tutte le età.

Scoprite di più sulla festa dell’artigianato e tradizioni

sagra in sicilia, fiera in sicilia, carnevale in sicilia, eventi culturali in sicilia, enogastronomia, eventi storici, turismo in sicilia

Carnevale tra arte e musica – SciacCarnevale di Agrigento

Ritorna quest’anno ad animare e a chiudere l’estate lo SciacCarnevale a Sciacca, Agrigento, dal 13 al 15 settembre nella sua versione estiva.
Con origini molto antiche, il Carnevale di Sciacca affonda le sue radici nei riti pagani e si è poi evoluto sotto l’influenza delle tradizioni romane e cristiane.

Inizialmente, era una celebrazione per segnare la fine dell’inverno e l’arrivo della primavera, simboleggiando il rinnovamento e la vittoria della luce sulle tenebre. Oggi, il Carnevale di Sciacca è un evento caratterizzato da colorate sfilate, carri allegorici elaborati, musica vivace e danze tradizionali. Un momento saliente della celebrazione è la sfilata di grandi carri di cartapesta, intricatamente lavorati e spesso utilizzati per satirizzare figure politiche o questioni sociali. Il festival si conclude con il simbolico rogo di “Peppe Nappa“, un pupazzo che incarna lo spirito del carnevale, segnando la fine delle festività e la purificazione delle energie negative. Il Carnevale di Sciacca è una gioiosa celebrazione della vita, della creatività e della comunità, che attira visitatori da tutta Italia e oltre.

Maggiori informazioni sul carnevale storico

sagra in sicilia, fiera in sicilia, carnevale in sicilia, eventi culturali in sicilia, enogastronomia, eventi storici, turismo in sicilia

Palermo Comic Convention: Rosalia è Pop!

Torna a Palermo la 9ª edizione della Palermo Comic Convention: Rosalia è Pop! Si terrà a Palermo dal 12 al 15 settembre ai Cantieri Culturali della Zisa, per celebrare l’amata Patrona della città, Santa Rosalia, ma non solo…  la convention è un’ottima occasione per fare cosplay, vagare tra gli stand di fumetti e di personaggi inventati, ma anche ascoltare tanta musica e degustare qualche squisitezza tipica della “capitale”. Saranno presenti inoltre anche tanti doppiatori, creatori, giocatori famosi, performer e fumettisti. 

Maggiori informazioni sulla fiera di fumetti e cultura pop a Palermo

Evento di Palermo, concerti e musica nel centro storico della città

Evento a Palermo: Piano City

Torna a Palermo, per la settima edizione, il Piano City, festival dedicato al pianoforte che quest’anno si dedicherà in particolar modo alla composizione inedita e alla mescolanza di generi e stili musicali. Il programma prevede concerti nei luoghi più storici della città, dal Conservatorio di Palermo fino a Villa Tasca, con una vasta gamma di generi musicali, dalla classica al jazz, dall’elettronica alla musica etnica.

Il programma del concerto si apre venerdì 20 settembre alle ore 19:00, nel suggestivo Cortile Maqueda di Palazzo dei Normanni, con la jazzista Rita Marcotulli. A seguire, alle 23:00, il producer Pietro Spinelli porterà il suo innovativo progetto “Cucina sonora”, che fonde pianoforte ed elettronica, sulle scalinate del Teatro Massimo.

Il festival prosegue con una serie di eventi speciali, tra cui due concerti all’alba. Il primo, sabato 21 settembre, alle ore 6:30, vedrà Francesco Taskayali esibirsi al Molo di Sant’Erasmo, dedicando il suo concerto alla memoria di Abou, giovane migrante incontrato durante la pandemia. Il secondo concerto all’alba sarà domenica 22 settembre ai Quattro Canti, con il pianista neoclassico Nik Sheva, le cui composizioni mescolano melodie malinconiche e gioiose, ispirate ai grandi musicisti del passato.

Tra gli altri eventi imperdibili, Raphael Gualazzi si esibirà sabato 21 settembre alla Galleria d’Arte Moderna, presentando un mix di ragtime, blues e jazz.

Maggiori informazioni sull’evento di Palermo



sagra in sicilia, fiera in sicilia, carnevale in sicilia, eventi culturali in sicilia, enogastronomia, eventi storici, turismo in sicilia

Festival culturale e gastronomico – CousCous Festival (TP)

Uno degli eventi isolani più noti di settembre, il Cous Cous Fest di Trapani, in Sicilia, è una celebrazione annuale della cultura, della cucina e della comunità mediterranea, che si tiene nella pittoresca cittadina costiera di San Vito Lo Capo. Nato nel 1998, il festival rende omaggio alla ricca storia del couscous, un piatto che rappresenta l’incontro di diverse culture, in particolare tra il Nord Africa e la Sicilia. Nel corso degli anni, l’evento è cresciuto attirando migliaia di visitatori, diventando un importantissimo raduno culinario e culturale. Il festival sottolinea l’importanza dello scambio interculturale; infatti, chef da tutto il mondo si riuniscono per mostrare le loro ricette originali a base di couscous, riflettendo le diverse tradizioni che hanno influenzato la nostra regione.

L’edizione 2024 del Couscous Festival si terrà dal 20 al 29 settembre e sarà caratterizzata dalle consuete gare di cucina, musica dal vivo e spettacoli culturali. I partecipanti potranno assistere e assaggiare tantissimi piatti tradizionali e innovativi a base di couscous, preparati da rinomati chef provenienti da Italia, Marocco, Tunisia e tanti altri paesi del Mediterraneo. Oltre alle delizie culinarie, il festival offrirà una serie di attività, tra cui laboratori gastronomici, degustazioni e discussioni sul significato storico e culturale del couscous. L’evento di quest’anno porrà l’accento anche sulla sostenibilità, con un’attenzione particolare all’utilizzo di ingredienti locali e biologici e alla riduzione dei rifiuti alimentari. Più informazioni sul festival del couscous


Ne avete abbastanza? Speriamo che il nostro digest eventi siciliani di settembre vi aiuti a vivere un’esperienza indimenticabile in Sicilia, con manifestazioni culturali, musicali e enogastronomiche… abbiamo voluto rappresentare l’intera regione con una proposta davvero varia!

Nel corso del mese di settembre, tornate a consultare questo articolo per scoprire le ultime novità; lo aggiorneremo costantemente.

Historic traditional market in Palermo

mercati storici a palermo, mercati tradizionali a palermo, ballarò, capo, mercati siciliane

From historic markets to lavish palaces, the charm of Sicily is truly unrivaled. Each region and city has its own unique stories and culture. As the largest city and the island’s capital, Palermo offers a special charm through its amalgamation of traditional cultures and its lively dynamics that are summed up in its markets.

Palermo’s ancient times and Arab influences

The city of Palermo has been a crossroads of empires throughout its history, each of which has left a unique imprint on the city’s culture and character. Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Normans brought with them unique heritages that today are reflected in the architecture, cuisine, and traditions of the area or even just in the gestures or speech of the people of Palermo.

Founded in 734 B.C. by the Phoenicians as a trading center, it was under Roman rule that the city began to prosper as a crucial part of the empire’s grain supply; the city’s fertile land and strategic location contributed to its importance as a strategic grain resource.

Under Arab rule in the 9th century, Palermo experienced a true “golden age.” This positive turning point was characterized by economic prosperity, intellectual activities, and artistic innovation. The Arabs introduced highly advanced irrigation systems, new crops such as citrus fruits, and a distinctive and typical architectural style that still connotes Palermo today that blended Islamic, Byzantine, and Norman elements. This style is still visible today in the city’s mosaics, domes, and arches, particularly in landmarks such as the Palatine Chapel and the Zisa Castle.

The Arabs brought important innovations to Sicily and Palermo; significant were their contributions in the field of medicine, with the creation of hospitals and the introduction of new health treatments and remedies.

An imprint still visible today…Palermo’s markets, such as the world-famous Ballarò and Vucciria, echo the lively souks of North Africa, with vendors selling spices, olives, and sweets reminiscent of Middle Eastern bazaars.


Ballarò: the most antic and lively market

The Ballarò market in Palermo is a living icon of Sicilian tradition and culture; it has been a pulsating corner of daily life in Palermo for centuries and is still super active today. Located in the heart of the city’s historic center, Ballarò is renowned not only for its rich offering of any product and food but also for its deep connection to local history and traditions.

The roots of the Ballarò market go back to the time of the Arab occupation of Sicily, which as mentioned above, dates back to the 9th century. During this period, Palermo became a thriving commercial and cultural center, and the Ballarò market emerged as a focal point for the exchange of goods from different parts of the Mediterranean. The name “Ballarò” is commonly traced back to the Arabic word “balhar,” meaning “confusion” or “tumult,” evoking the image of a lively and chaotic place, a reflection of its characteristic and dynamic atmosphere.

As you stroll through the narrow market streets, you will find yourself immersed in a vibrant environment of scents, sounds, faces, ethnicities, languages, and accents–an explosion of sounds and colors. The incessant chatter of vendors offering their wares that reaches apex tones in the classic “barking” (shouting of the traders), the clatter of moving pots and pans, and the irresistible smells of street food create a unique sensory experience. Vendors are very often the real stars of the market; they are known for their enthusiasm and ability to engage passersby with their stories and offerings.

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Among the gastronomic specialties you will find, arancine (delicious stuffed, breaded and fried rice balls) (beware, in Palermo “are females,” sfincione (a typical Palermo rustic pizza filled with onions and anchovies) and panelle (typical chickpea fritters, the city’s true street food) are just some of the delicacies that enrich the culinary offerings. In addition, the market offers a wide range of the freshest fish dishes, homemade pasta, and other typical specialties that celebrate Sicily’s rich culinary tradition.

The eclectic variety of produce available at the Ballarò market is amazing. From fresh fruits and vegetables, often locally grown, to unique handicrafts, antiques modern antiques, and quaint souvenirs, the market is a haven for those seeking authenticity and originality. Each stall tells a story, and the ability to bargain directly with vendors adds an extra layer of involvement and interaction.

But Ballarò is much more than just a market: it is a stage for Palermo’s living culture; here, encounters between ethnicities, statuses, locals, and tourists are continuous allowing for the discovery of customs, traditions, and personal stories that enrich the visitor’s experience. Conversations with vendors and residents offer an authentic glimpse into daily life, far from the traditional tourist circuits.

The Ballarò market is an extraordinary place for photography enthusiasts…the vibrant atmosphere, the vibrant colors of the produce and stalls, and the murals that adorn the surrounding walls offer endless opportunities for memorable shots. Every corner of the market, with its vibrant scenes and unique details, is a perfect canvas for capturing the essence of Palermo and its vibrancy.

In summary, the Ballarò market is not just a destination for buying goods and food; it is a celebration of Palermo’s culture and history, an immersive experience that offers an authentic glimpse into Sicilian life and an unmissable opportunity for all the senses.

La Vucciria

It used to be one of the best known, but today it has abandoned its commercial identity and has become a crossroads for young people and tourists. Palermo’s Vucciria Market is a vibrant corner of Palermo life with a history rich in ancestors, familiar faces, and art. Founded in the 12th century, over the centuries, the Vucciria has witnessed many changes, reflecting the broader changes in Palermo itself. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, it was renowned for its vibrant atmosphere and the variety of its offerings, making it a must-visit place for anyone seeking an authentic taste of city life; hence, famous faces and celebrated artists also wanted to immortalize it as a symbol of the city. Today, despite the challenges it has faced, such as economic changes and urban redevelopment, the Vucciria has managed to retain its character and charm, adapting to modern times and opening up more and more to tourists.

You will find typical trattorias, benches, chairs, stools, street food, and why not real collective dance sessions in this epicenter of local culture.

mercati storici a palermo, mercati tradizionali a palermo, ballarò, capo, mercati siciliane

Capo Market

We are behind the Teatro Massimo, that’s where just past Porta Carini a 100 percent Palermo “world” opens up. Palermo’s Capo Market is both a historical and contemporary gem located in the heart of the Sicilian capital. Founded in the 10th century during Arab rule, this bustling market has been a cornerstone of Palermo’s culinary and cultural life for more than a millennium. Initially a trading center for local merchants and vendors, the Capo has evolved into a bustling market where tradition meets modernity, offering a fascinating glimpse into the rich heritage of the city and Sicily as a whole.

In recent years, the Mercato del Capo has undergone considerable development, balancing modernization with its historic charm. Efforts to preserve its traditional character and improve infrastructure have breathed new life into the market, attracting increasing numbers of visitors. Despite these changes, the Capo remains a beloved slice of Palermo’s past, where the essence of Sicilian culture and cuisine continues to thrive amid the bustling hustle and bustle of modern Palermo.

Today’s Capo is a feast for the senses; at times it is so packed with people that it is complex to walk through. The narrow, winding streets are lined with colorful stalls overflowing with fresh produce, aromatic spices, and delicious street food. From succulent seafood artfully cooked to freshly baked desserts, the market showcases Palermo’s diverse food scene: there are plenty of opportunities and ways to enjoy them, from hipster restaurants to makeshift stalls. Just as with the Ballarò market, the lively atmosphere is enhanced by the enthusiasm of the vendors and the rhythmic sounds of daily market life, making it a must-see for locals and tourists alike.

A word of advice? Between a pomegranate juice and a sarda a beccafico, don’t miss one of our favorite churches, the Immacolata Concezione al Capo–a real gem.

mercati storici a palermo, mercati tradizionali a palermo, ballarò, capo, mercati siciliane


Borgo Vecchio Market

We are still in the heart of Palermo, this time behind the Politeama Theater…through alleys and narrow streets we enter one of Palermo’s most typical neighborhoods. The Borgo Vecchio market is a shining cross-section of Palermo life that has fascinated visitors for centuries. Originally founded in the 12th century, this bustling market has evolved from a modest trading post into a bustling hub full of flavor and 100 percent local character. Over the years, it has seen countless changes, reflecting the rich tapestry of Palermo’s history and culture.

Today, Il Borgo Vecchio is a sensory delight, where the aroma of fresh produce and the lively chatter of passersby, residents, and tourists fill the air. You’ll find everything from stalls to stores, to a la-page restaurant to super historic trattorias. Even this market less traveled by tourists offers a huge assortment of produce, from colorful fruits and vegetables to fragrant spices to street food for all tastes.

More than the previous Borgo Vecchio is a true community, you will often find concerts, events, and patron festivals in the market’s main square.

Palermo’s historic markets are true treasures of Sicilian culture and reflection of Palermo’s life. Ballarò, the Vucciria, the Capo, and the Borgo Vecchio offer a unique experience, full of colors, scents, and traditions that tell the story of the city. They cannot be missed in your travel plans, each market is a lively corner of authenticity where you can savor the true essence of Palermo.

Free courses of digital marketing and startup for young sicilians

corsi digitalizzami sicily palermo

Sicily, the Mediterranean gem well known for its cultural heritage, now it needs digitalization for its products and services. 

corso digitale, corso digital marketing, formazione digital marketing, corso impeditore, corso per siciliani, corso gratuito
Sicily, we all know how the island is rich in tradition, folklore, good food, and hospitable people … unfortunately, from a tourism point of view first and then an economic point of view, it cannot keep up with other territories that boast a similar offer. Our region ranks last in Italy for youth employment, with only 22.3 percent of those under 30 employed, compared to the national average of 38 percent

Regarding digital skills, a 2020 ISTAT analysis revealed that 31.6 percent of Sicilian households do not consider the Internet a useful and interesting tool, compared to 28.3 percent of the national average. In addition, Sicily is among the Italian regions most affected by the digital gap, or the gap in opportunities to access, use, and learn about information technologies.

With these two problems identified, however, our approach always remains proactive … to respond to these challenges, we have selected some programs that can be useful for Sicilian youth:

corso digitale, corso digital marketing, formazione digital marketing, corso impeditore, corso per siciliani, corso gratuito
Course for digital marketing and project management: Digitalizzami for Sicily

It is a project carried out in collaboration by Mostramed and Mostrami; the “Digitalizzami for Sicily” program is specifically designed to address the needs and challenges facing young Sicilians. This program contributes to addressing and reducing the existing digital gap, offering concrete and professional basic training to then open up new job opportunities. Our initiative aims to provide free, hands-on training geared toward digital marketing and entrepreneurship to prepare participants for the modern world of work.

We offer training and concrete, inclusive support to many young people between the ages of 16 and 35 years old. The main goal of the program is to provide the first basics of digital and many in-depth resources, strengthening participants’ skills and facilitating their entry or re-entry into the professional world.

The course will take place online through the Zoom platform from September 2024, allowing participants to access the training with maximum flexibility. The program will include a schedule of lectures given by experts in the field, who will provide a broad overview of techniques and resources in the field of digital marketing and entrepreneurship.

In addition to the theoretical lectures, the course includes in-depth practical projects proposed to enrich participants’ skills and experiences, enabling them to apply what they have learned in real-life situations. In addition, participants will have the valuable opportunity to build a network of professional contacts and interact with other students and experts in the field, which will be extremely useful for their future professional development.

To register, please fill out the participation form available at digitalizzami.

corso impeditore, corso per siciliani, formazione start-up, formazione impeditore
Free courses on StartUp with Innovation Island

Innovation Island is an innovative initiative created through a collaboration between the Sicilian Region and a network of experts in the field of entrepreneurship, designed to stimulate and enhance the creativity and ideas of Sicilians. This program offers a unique opportunity to access free and extensive 100-hour training focused on various key aspects of entrepreneurship. Courses cover essential topics such as business modeling, business planning, market strategies, and more, to provide a solid and practical preparation for those who wish to start or enhance a business.

The program not only provides theoretical training but also includes personalized support for writing business plans, a crucial element in turning ideas into concrete and sustainable projects. Industry experts will offer one-on-one counseling, helping participants outline effective strategies and plan in detail each stage of launching their business.

In addition, for those who demonstrate significant entrepreneurial potential, there is an opportunity to access 50% grant funding through Invitalia’s Restoalsud program. This financial incentive is a valuable resource for those who wish to start a business and need financial support to cover initial costs and successfully launch their project.

Innovation Island aims to be a center of innovation for Sicily; the platform serves as a dynamic hub for the growth and development of the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem, creating a fertile space for the sharing and implementation of innovative ideas. The Innovation Island network brings together businesses, government institutions, research centers, and individuals, fostering synergy among different industry players. This integrated approach is designed to facilitate connection among the different components of the Island ecosystem, incentivize the sharing of resources and expertise, and nurture innovation at all stages.

Enrollment in the course is completely free and open to all adults over the age of 18 who are residents or domiciled in Sicily. However, to ensure that support is targeted to those who need it, the program is reserved for those who do not hold roles as partners or directors in registered companies and do not have an active VAT number. Specific requirements for participation are:

  • unemployed or unemployable persons who possess a valid Declaration of Immediate Availability (DID) and do not have an active VAT number;
  • persons in socio-economic hardship who possess a valid DID;
  • people in receipt of unemployment benefits (CIG).

To ensure maximum inclusiveness and accessibility, the courses are available both in-person, at the Palermo and Catania sites, and online, through a distance learning system. This flexible approach allows participants to follow the program with maximum convenience, compatible with their personal and professional commitments.

To participate, simply fill out the online application form, available on the website of the entrepreneurship course.

Do you live in Sicily or want to return there to work? Do you have an idea that you want to turn into a successful startup? This course is the one for you!

Take advantage of the opportunity to acquire extensive training on startup creation and digital marketing, led by top industry experts. Don’t miss this unique chance to bring your entrepreneurial project to life!

Cultural event you don’t want to miss in August 2024

eventi culturali, eventi estivi, festival della musica, festival di danza, festival enogastronomico, mostre artistiche, cultura siciliana

August is truly the time when summer reaches its peak. It is the perfect time to soak up the sun and enjoy the vibrant energy on the island of Sicily. Whether you’re looking for outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, or just plain fun, this month’s calendar of events has something for everyone. From live music festivals to art exhibitions and everything in between, there is no shortage of exciting events to fill your days.


festival di jazz, festival alla valle dei tempi, festival della musica

Festival di Jazz:  Festival Arcosoli in Valle dei Tempi

La Valle dei Templi, one of Sicily’s most striking and exciting attractions, recognized by UNESCO as a protected archaeological area, will be the setting for this event. During the Arcosoli Festival, the historic and fascinating valley will come alive under the vibrant and poignant musical night of jazz, offering an experience that will continue until dawn, transporting participants on a journey through a thousand-year history.

This event will feature some of the most renowned international exponents of contemporary jazz, offering three unforgettable evenings of live music.

The festival will open on Friday, August 2nd, with American guitarist Peter Bernstein, known for his collaborations with Brad Mehldau, Diana Krall, and Lee Konitz. Saturday, Aug. 3rd, will be the turn of Andrea Braido, considered one of the most talented and versatile guitarists of our time, who has worked with the likes of Liza Minnelli, Lenny Kravitz, Dionne Warwick, and Lionel Richie. Closing on Sunday, August 4th, will feature a performance by Cuban saxophonist Yosvany Terry, a new exponent of so-called Latin jazz.

More information about  the jazz festival in the archeological sites

Admission is free for all three evenings, offering an unmissable opportunity for music fans.


Ortigia Sound System

Now in its 10th year, Ortigia Sound System is the most beloved electronic music festival on the island, known for combining traditional Mediterranean rhythms with contemporary music trends. The festival’s line-up continues to follow excellent artistic direction, always in line with current trends. Among the featured artists are Blawan with his live techno of pure energy, Aho Ssan with his contemporary ambient music inspired by the Parisian suburbs, avant-garde dub trio Holy Tongue, the audiovisual show between dance and post-rock by Italian-German producer David August, and experimental sound artist and singer Antonina Nowacka. In addition, there will be showcases organized by Donato Dozzy’s Spazio Disponibile, with an interesting b2b between Kangding Ray and Neel, and Colombian TraTraTrax.

During the festival, the island of Ortigia is transformed into a fascinating timeless space, where every corner becomes a unique setting where music merges with architecture, creating an unforgettable atmosphere.

From August 1st to 4th, we invite you to attend the 2024 edition of Ortigia Sound System, an event that continues to be a milestone in the international electronic music scene.

More information about the international electronic event music


Festival of music in Messina: Mish Mash Festival

From Cosmo to the Three Allegri Ragazzi Morti, this year’s Mish Mash Festival boasts an impressive lineup of artists who will enlive the Castle of Milazzo, in the province of Messina. From August 10th to 12th, the festival promises three days of pure fun, featuring a variety of musical genres. The historic location, with its millennial background, adds a touch of enchantment to the eighth edition of this musical event. The line-up also includes Davide Patania, Lero Lero, 404 SNF, Christiana, The Wizard of Ice Cream, Nothing for Breakfast, The Whipped Dream, Manlio, Phunkadelica, Popa, Sambo and Disco Amore.

More information about the festival of music in Messina


festival d'arte, festival musica, festival culturale, mostre culturale, l'esibizione culturale, festival in sicilia, eventi siciliani, cultura siciliana

Conca d’Oro Summer Fest

The second edition of the “Conca d’Oro Summer Fest” is back in the city of Palermo. This show once again enlivens the shopping center on Via Lanza di Scalea.

At least 6 different Sicily-related films will be presented:

  • 11th of August: Il Grande Giorno;
  • 12th of August: Tuttaposto;
  • 17th of August: Il Padrino;
  • 18th of August: Un Mondo Sottosocial;
  • 19th of August: Picciridda;
  • 20th of August: Stanizza D’Amuri

Also, save the date because there are performances not to be missed:

  • 1st of August: Massimo Minutella & Lab Orchestra e Matranga & Minafò;
  • 8th of August: Massimo Minutella & Lab Orchestra e Mago Plip;
  • 25th of August: I Sansoni e Minutella & The Lab Orchestra.

The free shows, starting promptly at 8 p.m., will be held in the spacious Outdoor Events Plaza.

A reserved area is available for Conca d’Oro Club members with seating that can be reserved online on cabaret spectacle and movie projection


festival d'arte, festival musica, festival culturale, mostre culturale, l'esibizione culturale, festival in sicilia, eventi siciliani, cultura siciliana

Barbarotto’s exhibition in Cefalù: “Mare e tradizioni

On Aug. 3rd at 6:30 p.m., in the Santa Caterina Octagon in Cefalù’s Piazza Duomo, Gaetano Barbarotto’s solo exhibition, “Mare e tradizioni” will open. As Rosalba Gallà tells us, the artist returns to exhibit in the picturesque Arab-Norman town after having elegantly and skillfully explored different aspects of marine life in his previous exhibitions. The latest, “Profondo blu” is now enriched in “Mare e tradizioni”, concluding a truly prolific two-year creative period and dedicating a heartfelt tribute to Cefalù, a town that always welcomes him with enthusiasm.

In this exhibition, the depths of the sea are intertwined with the traditions of Cefalù, especially those of the feast of Jesus the Savior. Among the works, three pieces dedicated to the city stand out: “Stanno arrivando”, with Cefalù on the water and crossed by dolphins, a symbol of tourism; “U Santu a mari”, with Jesus the Savior in the sea depths; and “’Ntinna a mari”, with a mermaid wrapping the pole of Cefalù tradition. The homage extends to all of Sicily with works showing iconic elements of Sicilian traditions immersed in the deep sea.

This exhibition is free and available from August 3rd to 18, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. to midnight.


festival d'arte, festival musica, festival culturale, mostre culturale, l'esibizione culturale, festival in sicilia, eventi siciliani, cultura siciliana

The exhibition of art at Arabian bath: “La Sicilia senza tempo” of Cefalà Diana (Palermo)

Fifty years of industrial history come to life in the Arab Baths of Cefalà Diana. Vintage objects, furniture, and accessories are transformed into the protagonists of a tale celebrating Italian design.

From the mass production of the 1940s to the creative recycling of today, the exhibitionVintage Gallery, La Sicilia senza tempo” is a tribute to Sicilian creativity.

A project of the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage to rediscover the charm of the island’s lesser-known archaeological parks.

This exhibition brings together half a century of innovation, technology, style, and cultures that have distinguished Italy’s producing design entrepreneurship over time.

It is available from May 28th to September 8th, 2024, Monday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., Sundays and holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Free admission

festival d'arte, festival musica, festival culturale, mostre culturale, l'esibizione culturale, festival in sicilia, eventi siciliani, cultura siciliana

Mandarossa Vineyard Tour

The eleventh Mandarossa Vineyard tour returns this summer from August 3rd through August 4th, 2024, offering an unforgettable weekend between sea and vineyards. The event takes place in its original location, the Bertolino di Mare pine forest, just a few steps from the beautiful Giache Bianche beach. Immersed in a unique natural setting, participants will be able to live a complete experience discovering the territory of Menfi, with guided tastings, practical activities such as grape harvesting, and moments of relaxation and fun.

From masterclasses dedicated to Mandrarossa wines to manual harvesting and grape crushing, the program is packed with activities for all tastes. The little ones can have fun in the children’s area, while adults can relax with live music and tastings of local products. The event also offers the opportunity to explore the natural beauty of Menfi, an area awarded the Bandiera Blu for its care for the environment.

More information about the visit to the vineyard


festival d'arte, festival musica, festival culturale, mostre culturale, l'esibizione culturale, festival in sicilia, eventi siciliani, cultura siciliana

Dance Festival: Catania Tango Festival

From August 13th to 18th, the Catania Tango Festival, renowned among the best International Festivals at the Oscars of Tango 2019, returns to the “Le Ciminiere” Amphitheater. This edition promises to be more cosmopolitan, bigger, and more spectacular than ever, located in a multi-purpose complex near the Central Station, well connected to the airport and the historic center. Le Ciminiere, originally chimneys for dispersing fumes from 19th-century sulfur factories, is now a prestigious center for fairs, exhibitions, and conferences. Following the success of 2022, this major event, sponsored by the City of Catania and the Metropolitan City, will once again transform Catania into an international tango capital, propelling it into the legend of world conventions.

More than 25 nations and fans from all over Italy are expected for this unique kermesse, where the magical atmosphere of tango captures emotions in an endless embrace. The program includes a full schedule of seminars and stages at the Romano Palace Hotel, while the tango evenings will take place at the Le Ciminiere Amphitheater.

The event will feature prominent musicalizadores (tango DJs) and be documented by award-winning photographer Michele Maccarrone. Under the artistic direction of Angelo Grasso, the festival celebrates tango in all its facets, offering a comprehensive view of its culture and history, uniting Catania and Buenos Aires in one big cultural embrace.

More information about the festival tango in Catania


festival d'arte, festival musica, festival culturale, mostre culturale, l'esibizione culturale, festival in sicilia, eventi siciliani, cultura siciliana

Expo of the treasures of Capella Palatina di Palazzo Reale a Palermo: “Thesaurus

Until Sept. 30th, the Royal Palace is hosting an exhibition that presents an in-depth look at the spiritual aspect of the palace. This event is a journey through a substantial corpus of the famous Capella Palatina di Palazzo Reale.

In this sense, the Palatine Chapel Treasure can be called the “Tesoro delle civiltà mediterranee“. With this exhibition, a “secret” heritage, hitherto known to few, shines again.

Thesaurus” is the result of a synergy between the Fondazione Federico II and the Fondo Edifici di Culto (Ministry of the Interior), in collaboration with the Prefecture of Palermo, the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity, the Archbishopric and Diocesan Museum of Palermo, the Archbishopric and Diocesan Museum of Monreale, the Superintendency of Palermo, the Superintendency of Archival Heritage, the Regional Museum of Messina (MuMe), the Regional Library of Palermo and the Paladino Archives.

This exhibition can be visited This exhibition can be visited Monday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (last admission), Sunday and holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (last admission).

Information about the ticket of the expo of the treasures of Palazzo Reale


festival d'arte, festival musica, festival culturale, mostre culturale, l'esibizione culturale, festival in sicilia, eventi siciliani, cultura siciliana

Performative event of various art: Segesta Theatre Festival

The Segesta Theater Festival, in its third edition, will offer a summer experience enriched by various artistic performances. Your evening will be enchanted by orchestras, contemporary music, theater performances, dance, and much more.

This event is a festival that, with 22 companies, more than 150 artists and technicians, and a strong involvement of young authors, confirms itself as a reference point for the national and international performance scene. A project that enhances the territory and looks to the future with an innovative and participatory approach.

This event is open to the public (with different tickets depending on the artist) from July 26th to August 25th, 2024.

Information about schedule and tickets of the performative events in Segesta


We hope our list of events in August will help you enjoy an unforgettable experience in Sicily with cultural, musical, food and wine events. Come back often to find out the latest news and be enchanted by the beauty of the island, a perfect combination of art, culture, and authentic flavors.

Murals in Palermo: the urban art renaissance

murales in provincia di palermo, murales contemporanea, arte urbana palermitana, iart fivas

Walking through the suburban areas of Palermo is like plunging into an open-air museum, where contemporary art explodes vividly from every corner. The city’s murals are not mere decorations: they are dynamic expressions of cultural identity, historical reflection, and social commentary.

The bold colors and intricate designs that adorn the urban fabric transform ordinary walls into extraordinary artipiece of mural art. Each mural tells a story, inviting residents and visitors to explore Palermo’s past, present, and future in a unique and immersive experience… Today we move from the center to the outside of the metropolitan city, and more specifically to the inland area of Ficuzza and Valle del Sosio: Bisacquino, Campofiorito, Chiusa Sclafani, Corleone, Mezzojuso, Palazzo Adriano, Prizzi, Roccamena where these splendid projects were created:

  •  “La vita è meravigliosa” of Frank Capra
  •  “Mr. Deeds Goes to Town” of Frank Capra
  •  “Accade una notte” of Frank Capra
  •  “L’eterna illusione” of Frank Capra
  •  “Parabola d’Oro” of Vittorio De Seta
  • Nuovo Cinema Paradiso” of Giuseppe Tornatore
  •  “The shameful story” of Nella Condorelli


murales in palermo, murales contemporanea, arte urbana palermitana, iart fivas

Urban regeneration: the collaboration between Ficuzza and the Valle del Sosio

This summer, the city was further enriched by a collaboration between Ficuzza and the Valle del Sosio, inland from the province of Palermo. The month-long project, from May to June, involved 29 street artists from Italy, Uruguay, Portugal, Argentina, Serbia, Spain, Canada, Germany and the United States. Together, they created the main intervention of the project “iART: il polo diffuso per la rigenerazione urbana delle periferie dei comuni dell’entroterra di Ficuzza e della Valle del Sosio”, abbreviated as iART FIVAS. This initiative includes various activities, including the creation of multipurpose cultural centers, a painting exhibition, the NOMA installation in collaboration with PIF, and the production of a documentary film.

murales in palermo, murales contemporanea, arte urbana palermitana, iart fivas

Cinematographic murals: the celebration of award-winning films in the streets of Palermo

Thanks to the iART FIVAS project, colorful murals now embellish the walls of eight municipalities in inland Palermo: Bisacquino, Campofiorito, Chiusa Sclafani, Corleone, Mezzojuso, Palazzo Adriano, Prizzi and Roccamena. These works represent a fascinating blend of local identity and cinematic scenes, taking inspiration from famous Oscar-winning films such as Giuseppe Tornatore’s “Nuovo Cinema Paradiso”, Frank Capra’s “Accadde una notte” and “Mr. Smith va a Washington”, and Vittorio De Sica’s “Riso amaro”.

According to Lucenzo Tambuzzo, creator, designer, and artistic director of the project, the works created for iART FIVAS explore the relationship between cinema, identity, and territory. The murals draw inspiration from actors and directors who have origins in these territories.

Virtual experience: digital artworks for immersive enjoyment

iART FIVAS also creates digital artworks accessible via smartphones, tablets, and PCs… super usable and entertaining although for maximum rendering and experience, virtual reality viewers would be required. The selected artists, all from different European cities, present highly original works. Annika Boll creates interactive virtual walks with contextualized films, and Ada Johnson has created a 360-degree immersive documentary that interweaves personal stories with landscapes, revealing residents’ ties to their land and its cultural impact. Anne Feheres produces an immersive virtual reality video that tells the story of two elderly sisters engaged in the ritual of homemade pasta making. Ioulia Marouda proposes an audiovisual project that explores symbiotic relationships within an aquatic habitat, revealing the complex interactions of life beneath the water’s surface.

murales in palermo, murales contemporanea, arte urbana palermitana, iart fivas

The installation “iART NOma” in Corleone: resistance to the mafia

The theme of legality is central to the project and exhibition “Memoriam Iudicorum” by painter Olinda Lo Presti, which presents eleven portraits of Sicilian judges killed by “Cosa Nostra”. These portraits honor the courage and sense of duty of those who sacrificed their lives to fight the Mafia.

In Corleone (Palermo), a symbol of the fight against the Mafia, the iART FIVAS project inaugurated the installation “iART NOma – Luoghi e storie NOmafia”. This immersive and permanent work, with voices of distinguished Sicilians such as Pif, Ficarra and Picone, Teresa Mannino, Tornatore, and Pippo Baudo, recalls the tragic stories of those who sacrificed their lives to oppose organized crime. Produced by the cultural association “Sulle Nostre Gambe” and the association “iWORLD ETS”, the installation was made possible thanks to “Plesh”, a developer of apps and software for interactive events. It will be housed in the “Casa del Popolo” on Bernardino Verro Street, the first socialist mayor of Corleone who was assassinated by the Mafia in 1915.

This project has dual goals: to commemorate the fallen using innovative technologies to reach Corleone’s younger generations and to reaffirm the presence of a solid, anti-Mafia community determined to oppose organized crime. Using innovative technologies and involving prominent public figures, this artwork not only respects the past but also seeks to inspire future generations to continue the fight for a Mafia-free Sicily.

To incorporate this artwork with the improvement of urban decoration, street art, and digital urban art are planned, with the participation of international artists; these activities will not only visually enrich the areas involved, but also help stimulate cultural growth and the attraction of artists from around the world.

murales in palermo, murales contemporanea, arte urbana palermitana, iart fivas

A cross-cultural network: dialogue and development for neighborhoods

Enhancing urban-scale performance and services is another focus of the project. This includes developing third-sector practices to foster social inclusion and upgrading infrastructure for social, cultural, and educational activities and services. Workshops and orientation activities are planned to strengthen local skills and support the progress of the communities involved.

The development of a cultural network for the suburbs is a key component of the project, facilitating the aggregation of development processes and stimulating dialogue among architects, local development experts, artists, and other relevant figures. This network aims to become a permanent international forum, promoting dialogue on peripheral contexts and their role in polycentric urban development policies.

Through the international collaboration of artists and the innovative use of technology, this project transformed the city’s streets and walls into a stage of creativity and resilience, demonstrating the power of art to transform and inspire communities.


Although the live street art events in these eight municipalities have ended, the beautiful and inspiring works can still be admired throughout the province of Palermo. Are you in town and want to stay there? Just scroll down to our article on Palermo, culture, art, traditions, and its geniuses, you will find plenty of other art!

Summer events in Sicily July 2024

cultura siciliana, estate in sicilia, festival jazz in sicilia, enogastronomica siciliana, turismo siciliano

July is the ideal month to enjoy summer in Sicily, with a wide range of events revitalizing the island’s cities and beaches. Discover our proposal for summer activities on the beautiful island to live an unforgettable experience!

festival d'arte e musica, festival nel parco archeologico, festival in sicily, festival nella provincia d'etna

Music and art festival: Between Festival

Enjoy the beauty of summer evenings in Sicily with music and art spectacles through the Between Festival. This festival is scheduled from July 22nd to 28th in Sicily and presents itself as an unmissable opportunity to immerse yourself in Mediterranean culture and art. The show, which takes place between Piazza Armerina, Aidone, Mazzarino, and Pietraperzia, offers a rich program of concerts, multidisciplinary performances, exhibitions, screenings, presentations, and talks.

In addition to music, the festival places special emphasis on cultural contamination and dialogue between different identities. Featured artists include Mario Venuti, Gaia, Sara Brancale, and Nicola Piovani, who will pay tribute to the great Federico Fellini. On July 25, Piazza Cattedrale in Piazza Armerina will host the performance Fellini, la luce dei sogni”, a tribute to the master of cinema through music, dance, and visual arts.

A unique aspect of the festival is the Between Songwriting Camp, an artistic production campus that brings together 50 young musicians from around the Mediterranean. Participants will work together to create new songs, exchanging different experiences and cultures.

The Between Music&Arts Festival is confirmed as a must-attend event for lovers of Mediterranean music, art, and culture.

More information about art and music spectacle 

Cinema City – Il Cinema nelle Piazze

Returning for the sixth consecutive year, Cinema City – Il Cinema nelle Piazze will feature great films and meetings with cinema and culture personalities from July 18 to 24.

Under the direction of Carmelo Galati and organized by WILDER, the event boasts partnerships with public and private institutions, including the Presidency of the Regional Assembly of Sicily, the Federico II Foundation, the Regional Department of Tourism, Sports, and Entertainment, the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity, and the Metropolitan City of Palermo. Additionally, it enjoys the patronage of the Municipality of Palermo, the 400th Festino of Santa Rosalia, the University of Palermo, the Port Authority of the Western Sicily Sea, and SIAE, with the collaboration of the Military Command of the “Sicilia” Army and the media partnership of Rai Cinema Channel.

Social commitment is a central theme of the festival, featuring films and discussions on gender equality, children’s rights, and the environment, in collaboration with associations such as Plastic Free Onlus, FARE X BENE, Vivi Sano ONLUS, Lo sport, un diritto per tutti, and Comunità Danisinni.

This year, the main novelty is the itinerant location of the festival, which moves from the waterfront to the heart of Palermo’s historic center, transforming Piazza del Parlamento into a large open-air cinema with an iconic and evocative backdrop for locals and tourists.

Experience the charm of open-air cinema in Palermo with a rich program of films and cultural events in the heart of the city!


cultura siciliana, estate in sicilia, festival jazz in sicilia, enogastronomica siciliana, turismo siciliano

Sicilia Jazz Festival

The “Sicilia Jazz Festival” returns to Palermo this summer with a packed program of events, from June 23rd to July 7th, to be held in the city’s most fascinating cultural venues. With a unique focus on orchestral productions, the festival is now in its fourth edition and will host renowned international artists, including Grammy Award winners.

This festival is promoted by the Region of Sicily and carried out in collaboration with the City of Palermo, the University of Palermo, the Sicilian Jazz Orchestra Foundation – “The Brass Group” and the music conservatories of the Sicilian territory. The festival aims to create synergies between regional educational institutions and local musicians, to enhance the cultural heritage of the city of Palermo. Events will be held in historic sites such as Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri and the Complesso Monumentale Santa Maria dello Spasimo, making the festival a unique cultural experience. In addition to concerts, the festival includes book presentations and video performances exploring the importance of jazz music as a tool for artistic expression and territorial enhancement.

This summer music event represents not only an important event for jazz lovers but also a means of discovering and enhancing Palermo’s historic places. Thanks to the participation of young talent from Sicilian conservatories, the festival celebrates jazz music and encourages the development of future generations of musicians. Don’t miss your chance to enjoy this unforgettable Palermo experience between jazz notes and historic beauty!

Tickets are priced from 15 euros.

Scoprite di più su questo festival del jazz in Sicilia


festino di santa rosalia, cultura siciliana, eventi in palermo, santa rosalia di palermo

The Festino di Santa Rosalia in Palermo

To mark the 400th anniversary of the Festino, the City of Palermo will present a series of special events, including three particularly significant events designed to honor and celebrate Santa Rosalia, affectionately known as the “Santuzza“.

The Festino di Santa Rosalia is one of the city’s most heartfelt and most participatory traditions, and this year, on its 400th anniversary, the celebration will take on an even deeper and more important significance.

To perpetuate the passion for the feast, a photo contestPalermo rifiorisce con Santa Rosalia” will be launched, inviting everyone, from professional photographers to amateurs, to capture through photography the essence of the Festino and the deep bond between the city and its patron saint. Images can range from moments of religious devotion to scenes of daily life, offering a comprehensive overview of Palermo’s reality. The selected photos will be displayed in a permanent exhibition dedicated to the Festino, thus creating a visual archive that chronicles the evolution of the celebrations over the years. This initiative promotes Palermo’s cultural heritage on an international level, thanks to the collaboration with the Western Sicily Sea Port System Authority and the Sicilian Order of Journalists.

Corresponding to the photo contest, a social media contest will be held for citizens and tourists visiting Palermo on July 14th and 15th, inviting them to post a photo with the hashtag #lasperanzasiamonoi. The photos shared will participate in a selection to be included in the permanent exhibition, promoting a collective and participatory narrative of the Festino di Santa Rosalia through social media.

The culmination of the festival’s celebration is the night of July 14-15. Thousands of Palermitans will accompany the Chariot of the Santuzza in a long march from the Cathedral to the Foro Italico, passing through Piazza Bologni, Quattro Canti, and Porta Felice.

This event has always combined folklore and religion, culminating with the traditional grandiose fireworks that light up the Foro Umberto I to the Cala.

During the celebrations, you can enjoy the typical dishes of Palermo’s popular tradition such as pasta with sardines, babbaluci (snails), sfincione, boiled octopus, calia and simenza (dried fruit), boiled corn on the cob, and watermelon.

Here is our dedicated article about Saint Patrona of Palermo

For more information about Festino di Santa Rosalia


Festa di San Calogero, cultura siciliana, Festival in Agrigento, festival in Sicilia

The festival of San Calogero in Agrigento: a celebration of tradition and culture

A great festival for Agrigento’s adored saint: the show “San Calogero abbraccia la Valle“, to be held on Tuesday, July 9th, at 8:30 p.m. at the Panoramica dei Templi Theater, will feature local artists including the cabaret duo “Blue Sister“, the musical duo Federico Mungiovì and Elisa Sciacca, dancers from “Academy centro danza“, the Sicilian orchestra “I fiori del mandorlo” and the band Brisca. The evening will be presented by Davide Sardo, with artistic direction by Biagio Licata, and proceeds from the entrance fee are set at 7 euros, and it will be donated for shopping vouchers for underprivileged families in Agrigento.

The feast of St. Calogero is a special occasion for the city; in addition to religious celebrations, the program includes cultural and traditional events that awaken a sense of community and pride in historical roots. The participation of citizens, from the games of the ancient “Ntinna” to the solemn procession of the simulacrum of St. Calogero, testifies to a strong and loving bond with the history and spirituality of the Black Saint that embraces the Valley. It is a moment of deep religious devotion, but also of popular celebration and folklore that combines tradition and modernity.

Get to know more about Saint Patron Agrigento

cultura siciliana, estate in sicilia, festival jazz in sicilia, enogastronomica siciliana, turismo siciliano

Cultural initiative – Domenica al Museo

The long-awaited “Sunday at the Museum” is back: an initiative that allows visitors to visit archaeological parks, museums and cultural sites managed by the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage for free or at reduced prices every first Sunday of the month.

On July 7th, the region’s main cultural sites will open their doors at no cost, following the indications of the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity and adhering to the initiative promoted by the Ministry of Culture. In Sicily, the initiative applies on Sunday, July 7th in:

  • Palermo, there are at least 16 museums that can be visited;
  • Catania, there are 5 museums with reduced price;
  • Agrigento, the archeological park of Valle dei Templi the archeological area, and the Aquarium of Eraclea Minoa;
  • and many other museums to explore in Trapani, Messina, Syracuse, Enna, Caltanissetta, and Ragusa.


cultura siciliana, estate in sicilia, festival jazz in sicilia, enogastronomica siciliana, turismo siciliano

Culture, wines, and arts: “Il Salotto dell’Etna” in Trecastagni

On July 6th and 7th, Trecastagni, in the province of Catania, will once again host “Il Salotto dell’Etna” event along Corso Vittorio Emanuele, a celebration filled with art, literature, antiques, entertainment, and food and wine experiences. This event is a valuable showcase of local excellence, highlighting the best of the area and its traditions.

Trecastagni, with its atmosphere mixing taste, art, and culture, will be a truly special destination during those days. Thanks to the collaboration of the municipal administration with the spontaneous Old Town Committee and the active support of business owners, merchants, and members of the local community, the event has become a popular and super-participated annual landmark. This year, the protagonists include renowned wineries from the eastern slope of Etna, offering master classes and tastings of their fine wines.

Free admission.

More information about gastronomic experience of Etna

cultura siciliana, estate in sicilia, festival jazz in sicilia, enogastronomica siciliana, turismo siciliano

Sicilian gastronomic celebration in Trapani: DeGusti Arte summer edition 2024

DeGusti Arte returns with its first summer edition, transporting the essence of the best Sicilian food and wine to the picturesque setting of Trapani’s Ex Mercato del Pesce Square, July 5th-7th. This triennial event celebrates the distinctive flavors of Sicily, welcoming wineries, distilleries, dairies, olive growers, and a wide range of local producers showcasing their delicacies strictly Made in Sicily. This year, the fifth edition promises to be livelier than ever, with a program full of fun and cultural moments.

During the three days in the large space of the Former Fish Market Square, you will be able to taste a very rich selection of labels from all over the island, savor the most renowned local cheeses, enjoy sweet and savory preserves, and delight in other typical culinary specialties. The experience will be enriched by the musical backgrounds and dialogues dedicated to food culture, which will stimulate debate among food enthusiasts. With more than 25 Sicilian agribusiness excellences present, DeGusti Arte is confirmed as a must-attend event for lovers of good food and wine, promising a unique atmosphere in the heart of Trapani.

Major information about Sicilian gastronomic and art event


We hope our suggestions will make your July 2024 in Sicily unforgettable; with a wide range of cultural, musical, and gastronomic events, you will always have something new to discover and appreciate. We invite you to come back often for updates and to fully enjoy our wonderful summer full of art, culture, and unique flavors in enchanting Sicily!

Illustrations of Stefano Lo Voi: the soul on paper

arte siciliane, giovane artista, stefano lo voi, arte contemporanea siciliana

Sicily is undoubtedly a beautiful island, rich in culture, art, and history. Not only is it a splendid place for its aesthetic and historical architecture, but also this land produces many talented Sicilians who often peak excellence. One of those talents is Stefano Lo Voi, an eclectic artist from Palermo who transforms his love for drawing and painting into works that vibrate with authenticity and passion daily. With a keen eye for tradition and an open heart for innovation, Stefano guides us on a visual journey through the wonders of Sicily and the depths of the human soul.

A young artist from Palermo

Stefano Lo Voi is a painter and drawer from Palermo who found his path in the visual arts. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of Palermo, he took specialization in painting, but his true love has always been for drawing. For him, a painting is like a proud wife accompanying him without being servile. After the Academy, Stefano continued his studies and took his Master of History of Art in the Faculty of Litterature and Philosophy, also in Palermo.

He continues to do his personal research because, as he loves to say, stopping would mean dying, and he certainly has no intention of dying before his time.

The mind of the young illustrator

He lives for illustration, literally! Stefano dedicates all of his time to do research and to work hard, because like he often said… only by working hard do ideas come to life. Drawing every day is essential for him, even when the boredom weighs heavily on him. He is proud to be an illustrator and gives life to his creations every day. Stefano strongly believes that perseverance is the key to developing original and innovative ideas.

His drawing technique

The nature and the long walk in a quiet and peaceful ambiance are the way Stefano connects with his ‘artistic instinct‘. During these walks, his mind and eyes began to converse, suggesting artistic ideas to be poured on paper or iPad. He works on paper with watercolor, ink, and digital media. He is striving to emulate traditional techniques. He firmly believes that understanding tradition is crucial before venturing into digital art. This philosophy is reflected in his works, where every detail is the result of careful study and a deep passion for past artistic techniques. His ability to blend tradition and innovation makes his style unique and recognizable.

Living and growing up in Sicily as an artist

For Stefano, Sicily is an unending source of inspiration thanks to its rich cultural history. It is like a great library of the world, where one can read the art history of the Mediterranean and beyond. The Sicilian cultural environment, with its mix of influences and traditions, is a fertile ground for Stefano’s creativity, which allows him to explore different themes and experiment with new styles and techniques.

However, there are only a few opportunities for illustrators to showcase their work. Fortunately, technology makes it possible to overcome these geographical limitations, offering commissions from all over the world. His work is displayed in several stores in Palermo, where he features original illustrations and reproductions, always striving to maintain an authentic, non-commercial product.

His artistic journey

Stefano has embraced painting and illustration because they were the first art forms he knew. As a child, he did not play with toys, but instead with pen and paper, creating notebooks full of fantastic environments and riddles to solve. These early interplay with drawing were his greatest companions and marked his artistic path. His childhood, spent among sheets of paper and pencils, laid the foundation for his future career, fueling a passion that continues to grow and evolve as the years go by. Each drawing and sketch is a journey back in time, a reminder of his childhood and the early emotions that drove him toward art.

His visual language

Defining his art is complicated; Stefano sees it as a drunk chameleon, often changing style and technique. He gets bored easily and, during work, another idea may require a different approach. This allows him to create various visual languages, making it difficult to recognize one of his works at first glance. He likes this approach because it is authentic, and it is something he values highly, especially in people. His art reflects his dynamic and curious personality. He is always looking for new challenges and ways to express his worldview. Each work is a piece of the puzzle that makes up his artistic identity as a fragment of his personal and professional journey.

Satisfaction and evolution: the young artist’s pursuit

According to Stefano, the term “satisfaction” implies settling down on one’s beliefs. Illustration fulfills his purpose, but he never wants to be completely satisfied. He experimented with photography, sculpture, and video editing not to become multifaceted, but to understand and respect the work of other artists. This perpetual dissatisfaction is the very motor that drives him to continually improve himself, explore new horizons, and never be satisfied with his achievements. His thirst for knowledge and personal growth makes him a constantly evolving artist. He is always ready to challenge himself and seek new ways to express his creativity.

The art and Palermo

Palermo and Sicily always have something to explore in Stefano’s perspective; for some time now depicting places on paper or digital media, he has created a series of illustrations on the domes of Palermo, representing them as the link between the land and the spirit.

He has also made faces where domes become hair and busts which are decorated with architectural elements of churches. This work expresses the Sicilian artistic and folk tradition. His ability to capture the essence of Palermo and its culture through his works is a tribute to his homeland and an attempt to preserve and enhance Sicily’s artistic and cultural heritage. Each illustration is a tribute to the beauty and history of Palermo, a celebration of his roots and identity.

The artistic project for Pride 2024

He not only uses his Sicilian identity as the source to inspire and express his art but also social engagement in communicating himself to the public. As June is celebrated as Pride month, this year Stefano organized an exhibition with six dedicated illustrations. He also chose and wanted to use them as a message of protest against the policies of some extreme right-wingers in Europe. His drawings depict various categories of gender and sexual orientation through Sicilian playing cards, combining the playfulness and at the same time the seriousness of Pride.

The exhibition is titled “BE PROUD – THE HONOR OF BEING OURSELVES” because Pride is about being proud to be ourselves, even when we are called “weird.” Being “weird” is now its source of pride. This project is an act of resistance and celebration and a call for everyone to be proud of their identity and to fight for their rights. His works combined with irony and depth, aim to raise awareness of important and current issues, promoting a message of inclusion and respect for all diversity.

The Festival of Santa Rosalia

Another project that keeps him busy at the moment is the one studied by the young artist for the 400th celebration of Santa Rosalia that will be this July; Stefano has created two versions of the Saint: one in Art Nouveau style and another more idealized, with her face covered with roses and a view of Monte Pellegrino, the mountain that overlooks Palermo.

He is not yet completely satisfied and is still working on a new version that points to his optimum state. His reinterpretation of Santa Rosalia, Palermo’s patron saint, is a tribute to the city’s religious and cultural tradition, but also an attempt to modernize and update the figure of the saint. His art is making him closer and more relevant to contemporary audiences. His work on Santa Rosalia is an example of his ability to combine past and present, reinterpret tradition in a modern context, and create works that speak to both the mind and the heart.



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Thank you Stefano for taking this journey with us, we wish you the best of luck! And dear readers, we hope you have enjoyed this journey in its exploration, creation, and search for authenticity in each work. We are waiting for you in Palermo to share the beauty of this land, his art, and his illustrations.

An artistic summer in Sicily

estate artistica, mostre artistiche, mostre in sicilia, arte contemporanea

Enjoy the wonderful art exhibits and cultural events on the beautiful sunny coasts and charming streets of Sicily. Get ready for a nice tour or close your bags if you stay across the Straits and come experience an enchanting summer on this culturally rich island!

To make your experience delightful, we have prepared an extensive list of contemporary art exhibitions in Sicily for summer 2024!

festival d'arte, festival musica, festival culturale, mostre culturale, l'esibizione culturale, festival in sicilia, eventi siciliani, cultura siciliana

Festival Internazionale Classical and Jazz – Palermo

The Sicilian capital is preparing to host the 14th edition of the International Classical and Jazz Festival, an event that from July 25th to Sept. 22nd will enliven the city with 42 concerts and the participation of more than 90 artists from around the world. With a rich and diverse program, the festival will take place mainly at the Steri, home of the Rectorate of the University of Palermo, and the Salinas Museum. Prominent among this year’s new features is the involvement of students of Musicology and Performing Arts at the University of Palermo, who have collaborated in the drafting of the theater programs. The festival will offer a wide range of musical genres, from jazz to opera, aiming to satisfy the most demanding musical palates.

More information about musical spectacles in Palermo

mercato estivo, mercato artigiannale, mercato estivo artigiannale, evento estivo, evento a Noto, cultura siciliana, evento siciliano, estate in sicilia

Artisan summer market in Noto – EcoMarket 2024

The EcoMarket event is scheduled to take place in Noto from September 11 to 15, 2024. Organized by Olga Scaglione, founder of the association “Ti ci voglio portare”, and UNOE (National Union of Event Organizers). The event will be sponsored by Ars Centro di Formazione Professionale and sponsored by the Municipality of Noto and will be held in Trigona Square. Twelve stalls will display typical Sicilian products and eco-friendly handicrafts, using natural materials such as cotton, prickly pear fiber, and wood.

The EcoMarket will be plastic-free, promoting sustainable consumption and respect for the ecosystem. With the collaboration of A.P.O. (Società Cooperativa Agricola Produttori Olivicoli), three workshops with EVO oil tasting will be held from September 11 to 15, focusing on its organoleptic characteristics and benefits for the body.

The association “Ti ci voglio portare”, after the success of the previous editions of the “Guardami” event in Catania, will present in Noto on Sept. 12 a fashion show by fashion designer Pinannanuli, with clothes made from ancient Sicilian trousseaux. The EcoMarket will combine charm, culture, and respect for the environment, rediscovering the traditions and identity of Sicily.

More information about artisan summer market

mostre culturali, mostre in sicilia, arte italiana, cultura contemporanea, mostre estive, scultore contemporanea, mostra fotografica

Photography and literature exhibition: “Solo che amore ti colpisca” in Palermo

The exhibitionSolo che amore ti colpisca“, inspired by an intense lyric by poet Salvatore Quasimodo, opens on Thursday, July 4th, at 6 p.m. at the Real Albergo delle Povere in Palermo. Curated by Helga Marsala for the Riso Museum, the exhibition explores the relationship between photography and contemporary poetry. Conceived as an evolving atlas, the initiative brings together the works of Sicilian artists and poets, from masters to emerging talents, creating a dialogue between different generations and artistic styles. The exhibition, which highlights the “subtle correspondences” and “juxtapositions” between the various contributions, will be open to the public until Sept. 13th, reflecting the rich plurality of the island of Sicily.

The visual and literary works on display acquire new meaning when combined, demonstrating how text and image can enrich each other. This theme, rooted in Egyptian hieroglyphics and Jesuit emblems, continues to stimulate contemporary critics and artists. Through a journey that combines images and texts, the exhibition proposes a new identity for these works, showing them as two parts of a single whole, thus offering an innovative perspective on the relationship between word and image in artistic culture.

Free entrance

More information about photography and poetry exhibition 

Time: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (last entry at 5 p.m.); first Sundays of the month (July 7, Aug. 4, Sept. 1) from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (last entry at 12:30 p.m.)

Location: Real Albergo delle Povere in Palermo

mostre culturali, mostre in sicilia, arte italiana, cultura contemporanea, mostre estive, scultore contemporanea, mostra fotografica

Exhibition of cosmos mythology: “Labyrinthus” by Emanuelle Scoto in Castello di Ragusa 

In the heart of the labyrinth of the Castle of Ragusa, from May 18th to Oct. 30th, 2024, “Labyrinthus”, a daring exhibition that revisits Dedalic myths through contemporary sculptural art, comes to life. Among the most striking works emerges that of Emanuele Scuotto, who challenges our gaze with his “Minotaur Child”, a fascinating and controversial depiction of the mythical creature Asterion. The sculpture, adorned with a deep blue cloak dotted with stars, suggests lost innocence and the duality inherent in humanity itself: the ability to embrace good and evil.

Masterfully curated by Andrea Guastella and produced by Studio M’arte under the patronage of the Regional Department of Public Service and Local Self-Government and the City of Ragusa, Labyrinthus takes the form of an exciting journey through the time and space of ancient myths. The works exhibited in the heart of the labyrinth and the surrounding garden, invite visitors to immerse themselves in reflecting on the eternal meaning of these mythological tales, opening unexpected windows on contemporaneity.

Fee: 2 euro

Time: 09:00-19:00 (ore 19:00 chiusura botteghino; permanenza permessa fino alle 19:45) | Chiuso il lunedì

Location: Contrada Donnafugata – 97100 Ragusa

mostre culturali, mostre in sicilia, arte italiana, cultura contemporanea, mostre estive, scultore contemporanea, mostra fotografica
Photographic Italian architecture exhibition: “Teatralità” in Palermo

From June 7th to Sept. 8th, Villa Zito in Palermo comes alive with Patrizia Mussa’s extraordinary exhibition entitled “Teatralità – Architetture per la meraviglia“, curated by Antonio Calbi. With more than 70 large-format images enhanced by hand-coloring interventions, the artist explores theatricality in architecture, offering a unique perspective on the scenic quality of Italy’s most celebrated theaters. The exhibition, supported by the Sicily Foundation and produced by Studio Livio under the patronage of the City of Palermo, opens with an opening event on June 6 at 6 p.m., welcoming the public starting the following day.

Patrizia Mussa, a well-known architectural photographer, transforms Villa Zito into a stage of emotion and history, highlighting how places like Palermo’s Teatro Massimo and Milan’s Teatro alla Scala are not just buildings, but “social agoras” that enchant and inspire. The exhibition is not limited to monumental photographs, but also includes a valuable selection of vintage prints from the Fondazione Sicilia, revealing ancient Sicilian theaters through the eyes of 18th- and 19th-century artists and vedutists. After its success in Milan, the exhibition will continue its journey to Rome, Vicenza, and then Paris, promising to explore more gems of Italian theater architecture.

More information on the photography exhibition in Palermo

Fee: full price € 5 | reduced € 3 (groups of at least 15 people, over 65 years old, agreed categories) | free for schools and under 18 years old

Time: Thursday-Sunday 10 a.m.-8 p.m. (last admission 7 p.m.)

Location: Via della Libertà 52 – 90143 Palermo

estate in sicilia, la Sicilia dei templi, parchi archeologici siciliani, museo salinas, segesta, selinunte

La Sicilia dei Templi: one ticket to discover the island’s archaeological treasures

Now we can visit the main archaeological parks in western Sicily and the Salinas Museum in Palermo with only a single cumulative ticket. This agreement, reached between the Department of Cultural Heritage and the museums, will allow access to the la Valle dei Templi, the Parks of Segesta and Selinunte, and the Archaeological Museum of Palermo with a single pass called “La Sicilia dei Templi“.

This initiative is an opportunity to save money and discover four of Sicily’s most beautiful sites, offering a summer program full of shows and exhibitions. The official announcement will be made to the press on Wednesday, June 26, at the Salinas Archaeological Museum, in the presence of the main authorities involved.

Different types of tickets have been proposed to adapt to visitors’ needs. A cumulative ticket for all four sites costs 36.20 euros (reduced 20.60 euros), while partial combinations offer additional options: Valle dei Templi + Salinas (18.20 euros; reduced 10.60 euros), Salinas + Segesta (15.60 euros; reduced 8.80 euros), and Salinas + Selinunte (13.60 euros; reduced 6.80 euros). All tickets include access to current exhibitions and allow only one entry per site within 15 days of validity.

With the cumulative ticket, visitors can immerse themselves in the ancient civilizations that inhabited Sicily. At the Salinas Museum, they will be able to read the names of the pharaohs on the Pietra di Palermo, while at Segesta they will discover the mysterious Elymians. At Selinunte, the acropolis overlooking the sea offers a breathtaking spectacle, and la Via sacra della Valle dei Templi, a Unesco heritage site since 1997, represents one of the most evocative historical walks in the world. “Everywhere,” Councilor Scarpinato concludes, “sanctuaries, temples, ruins, agora, relics, collections, and mosaics offer a journey through history unique in the world”.

More information about tickets for archeological sites

mostre artistiche, mostre contemporanea, arte in sicilia, cultura siciliana, esperienza artistica, viaggio culturale

An exhibition that crosses borders – “Ti porterò nel sangue” by Allegra Hicks

Until 16 June in Palermo, the exhibition “Ti porterò nel sangue” will immerse you between the sacred and the profane, life and death, hope and faith within the two levels of the Church of St. Euno and Julian.

On the first floor, a large red blood-like drop hangs suspended, balanced by an ethereal, cocoon-like figure that captures the viewer’s attention in an undefined environment, symbolizing the fluidity and transformation of existence and human relationships.

Hicks expands her narrative through the creation of Ex Voto works, representing acts of human faith. In the 36 spaces of the crypt, 18 paintings depicting human organs and corresponding Ex-Voto expressions are placed. Each work is immersed in resin to immortalize a moment in time, thus transforming prayers into tangible symbols of divine grace.

This exhibition reflects a deep sense of devotion; combining drawings, materials, colors, and objects, generates a unique fusion in the exhibition that defies precise definition, embodying both fluidity and solidity.

Time: Tuesday – Friday 10:00 – 14:00 and Saturday – Sunday 10:00 – 17:00

Place: Piazza Magione – Palermo

An Exhibition of Space Exhibition- “Life on Earth” by William Marc Zanghi

From the first of June until the first of July, Zanghi’s art exhibition will introduce you to space and perception through the perspective of painting.

Zanghi’s exhibition presents a selection of works that reflect his recent research, in which he delves into the essence of symbolic forms within spatial constructs. His paintings transport viewers to super enigmatic islands, where mysterious apparitions such as surreal Bigfoots and unlikely wet while playing and emerging from seas of vibrant colors.

In Zanghi’s imagery, each composition becomes a synthesis of past explorations and an invitation to limitless inquiry into the potential of space in art. Through layers of transparency, delicate lines, and vibrant hues, his paintings breathe life into the canvas, inviting viewers to contemplate the essence of space in art.

Time: daily from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Location: 24 Vincenzo Di Marco Street – Palermo

Exhibition of tribute to Sicily – “Rarica” by Francesco Diluca

Discover the enchanting world of “Rarica“, a fascinating art exhibition by acclaimed artist Francesco Diluca.

This exhibition, on view from April 20 to Sept. 30, 2024, takes place in two separate venues: the majestic Maniace Castle in Ortigia, Syracuse, and the serene Botanical Garden of the University of Palermo. Immersed in the rich historical scenery of Sicily, “Rarica” is a profound tribute to the essence of the island, perfectly blending art and nature.

Inspired by the depths of the sea and the myriad of its inhabitants, “Rarica” invites visitors on a stimulating journey that explores the intricate relationship between humanity and the natural world. Through more than 30 fine works, including sculptures, land art installations, and immersive videos, Diluca skillfully delves into themes of interconnectedness, ecological balance, and metamorphosis. The artist’s mastery is demonstrated as human anatomies intertwine with organic and natural elements, evoking a sense of transcendence amid the solidity of iron and earth.

Maniace Castle Hours: April 1 to July 31: Monday-Sunday 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.

Aug. 1 to Sept. 16: Tuesday-Saturday 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. | Sunday and Monday 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. | Sept. 17 to Sept. 30: Tuesday-Saturday 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. | Sunday and Monday 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Botanical Garden Hours: May-August: Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.-8 p.m. | Sunday 10 a.m.-8 p.m.

September: Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.-7 p.m. | Sunday 10 a.m.-7 p.m.

Discover more about the art exhibition

mostre artistiche, mostre contemporanea, arte in sicilia, cultura siciliana, esperienza artistica, viaggio culturale

An exhibition of the interpretation of Sicilian culture – “Sicilia e altre figure” by Flavio Favelli

In this exhibition, discover artist Flavio Favelli’s extraordinary exploration of his relationship with Sicily through a compelling series of collages, sculptures, and installations on view from June 27 through Sept. 8.

The artist’s work captures the unpredictable and multifaceted nature of Sicilian culture, blending elements of both the sublime and the mundane to create a vivid and super-engaging experience.

One of the most interesting aspects of the exhibition is the innovative use of the covers of the magazine “Sicilia,” published from the 1950s to the 1980s; this, originally published by the Flaccovio publishing house, is transformed by the artist into a collage with the addition of news and lifestyle magazines from the 1970s and 1980s, thus creating a rich tapestry that juxtaposes classical art with popular culture. This fusion captures the irreverent spirit of “Sicily,” breaking down traditional social hierarchies and reflecting the vibrant and layered identity of Sicily.

All of those of you who visit “Sicilia e altre figure” will experience a unique journey through Favelli’s artistic vision, where personal and public dimensions intermingle and where even everyday objects are displayed within the museum space.

Time: Tuesday-Friday 9:30-18:00

Place: Real Albergo delle Povere – Palermo

mostre artistiche, mostre contemporanea, arte in sicilia, cultura siciliana, esperienza artistica, viaggio culturale

A vibrant exhibition of endurance and creative spirit – “Abbiamo Tutto Manca il Resto

The art exhibitionAbbiamo Tutto Manca il Resto” is a vivid testimony to Sicily’s resilience and creative spirit, transcending clichés to showcase the island’s multifaceted cultural landscape. Organized by Farm Cultural Park in collaboration with local entities, this transdisciplinary Quadrennial promises an immersive experience from June 20-22, 2024, in various municipalities including Catania.

Throughout the event, you will embark on a highly enjoyable odyssey into the artistic pulse of Sicily, encountering stimulating installations, insightful discussions, and celebratory encounters.

Within the labyrinthine paths of the exhibition, you will confront the paradoxes and aspirations of Sicily: from its rich cultural heritage to pressing socio-economic challenges.

Artists, architects, and visionaries converge to address issues ranging from migration to gender equality, offering not only a visual spectacle but also a catalyst for political introspection. As Sicily navigates the complexities of its past and present, “Abbiamo Tutto Manca il Resto” emerges as a beacon of change, inviting participants to imagine a more inclusive and equitable future for the island and beyond.

Place: Aragona, Catania, Favara, Gela, Mazzarino, Butera

For more information about the artistic exhibition

Paradisìaca” exhibition – Rediscovering the human-nature connection through art

The works of the seven artists offer a wide range of interpretations of the relationship between man and nature in this exhibition. From Daniela Balsamo’s surreal set designs to Antonio Bardino’s celebration of flora to Simone Bubbico and Emilia Faro’s poetic depictions, each artist offers a unique perspective on this primal bond. Through paintings, photographs, and installations, the artists invite reflection on their relationship with their surroundings.

The exhibition explores the historical evolution of the human-nature relationship in art, from prehistory to the present day, highlighting how this relationship has always been central to artistic expression. At a time when the rift between humans and the environment is increasingly evident, art becomes a means to raise awareness and rediscover the vital importance of the connection with nature. The collection, free admission through June 28, invites visitors to immerse themselves in a little artistic Eden, reconnecting with the beauty and wonder of the natural world.

Time: Tuesday through Saturday 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Other days and after hours by appointment

Place: SACCA gallery, Modica

mostre artistiche, mostre contemporanea, arte in sicilia, cultura siciliana, esperienza artistica, viaggio culturale

Exhibition of drawing and metaphor – “L’oro della lontananza” by Francesco Balsamo

Until July 7th, in the exhibition of his drawings, Francesco Balsamo becomes a translator of a visual language that transcends temporal boundaries, offering the public a unique perspective on the nature of human perception. Through meticulous details and the play of light and shadow, each work represents a portal to multidimensional worlds, where the past intertwines with the present in a continuous flow of suggestions.

Balsamo’s works, rich in symbolism and allegory, are within a larger artistic framework shared by the Societas Siciliae, an entity that brings together different figures from the Sicilian art scene to enhance and spread the island’s culture globally.

Through the exhibition of his drawings, Balsamo invites the public to explore the depths of the human soul and to reflect on the meaning of existence itself. Each stroke, whether bright or dark, reveals a fragment of hidden truth, an echo of distant worlds that merge with our everyday reality. His work thus takes the form of a bridge between past and present, between matter and spirit, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in an emotional and conceptual journey that goes beyond the conventional boundaries of art.

Time: 10.00-13.00 and 17.00-20.00

Place: Fondazione Brodbeck, Catania


If you happen to be in the mainland of Italy, we have also prepared the dedicated list for the art exhibitions in summer.


We hope you find our advice helpful in enriching your daily life with the beauty of Sicilian art and stimulating cultural research. We warmly invite you to come back and explore this collection, which is constantly being updated, to always discover something new. We wish you all an extraordinary Sicilian art experience!

Palermo in June: culture, art, and unforgettable experience

turismo palermitano, estate palermo, festival di birra, festival gastronomico

Art and culture are combined in splendid events awaiting you in Palermo this June

The Sicilian “capital” will welcome you with its stunning landscape, food festivals, and a thousand other art and culture events that will become refreshing and vibrant adventures such as the Craft Beer Festival, Cinema in Festa, concerts, and much more. Discover the richness of the past and especially the vibrancy of the present in beautiful Palermo!


festival gastronomico, enogastronomia italiana, mixology, avventura culinariaSicilian Cuisine: Gastronomika Festival

Here comes the first Sicilian edition of the food festival on food culture and industry, organized by the Association for Art and Linkiesta, with the contribution of the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity. The event invites the younger generation of food and wine professionals to discuss the latest in Italian food and wine, mixology, and hôtellerie. The festival will take place June 12 and 13, at the Villa Rosso in Mondello.

The festival, which addresses the modern and latest challenges of the food and wine industry in the Italian market, presents itself as a “space” where industry leaders, young professionals under 40, and the general public can have an open and productive discussion; adopting the model of the previous similar festival in Milan, this Palermo version will last two days and will include public events and workshops dedicated to industry professionals and the curious public.

During this “two-day” event, you can enjoy an incredible breakfast curated by Cucina Nomade and participate in several constructive activities with prominent speakers and training.

On June 12, five different hackathons will address five thematic areas: cooking, wine, pastry and baking, mixology, and hôtellerie.

Still, there are a thousand symposia, comparisons, and talks focusing on hospitality and the food industry.

Another fascinating aspect is that on June 13 there will be at least 3 simultaneous training in three different rooms:

  • Pane e Social Networks for those interested in learning how social networks can promote their business and build a professional digital reputation;
  • Shakera is for those who want to discover the new frontiers of contemporary mixology in the service of quality drinking
  • Ellogio dell’Accoglienza is for those who want to learn about techniques, tools, and strategies to improve service to international guests, especially the most attentive and demanding ones.

Further information about the events and the invitation request events for the public and tickets for the professionals in the gastronomic sector

festival della birra, birra artigianali, festival palermitano,
Festival of Artisan Beer

A river of craft beer returns to Palermo! After a 4-year hiatus, the Beer Bubbles festival returns to Via Maqueda, this year bigger than ever.

From June 13 to 16, more than 25 breweries from all over Italy will present their best craft beers.

What are you waiting for then? This is your chance to try all the different flavors of this beery…from classic beers to super creative new concoctions. The festival runs daily from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m., so there is time to sample all the beers!

Refresh yourself with a variety of craft beers from every corner of Italy. From the north, you’ll find historic names such as Croce di Malto (Trecate) and Manerba (Lake Garda), alongside Balabiott (Domodossola), Noiz (Santarcangelo di Romagna), Bellazzi (Bologna) and even Monpiër de Gherdëina, all the way to Bolzano.

Sicily, for sure, will not be left out, with breweries such as Pasi (an all-female project!), Ballarak, Bruno Ribadi, Brassicula, and the island’s largest producer, Epica; to stay in the south again, Birra Salento will represent production from Lecce.

Admission is free, but to buy food and drinks you will have to get festival tokens at the ticket counters. You can also avoid the line by purchasing a day pass that includes 10 tokens for 10 half-pint tastings or 5 full-pint tastings… you will also receive a complimentary festival glass.

And how do you avoid getting drunk? You will find a wide variety of food vendors offering Sicilian specialties and more; from burgers and street food to pulled pork, Angus kebabs, fish sfincione, pane cunzato, and artisanal granita, there is truly something for everyone; even for the most discerning palates…even vegetarians, vegans and those looking for gluten-free products will surely find many options.

This festival is a perfect opportunity to taste new flavors and spend some good times outdoors in the heart of Palermo!

For more adventures of beer: uncorks a world of flavor at the Festival of Artisanal Beer!

cinema festival, festival, festival estate, festival di film
Cinema in Festival: great opportunity for movie lovers in Palermo!

All theaters in Palermo and the province are participating in the “Cinema in Festa” initiative, an unmissable opportunity to see films in the program at a very special price. An initiative offered to the public by Anec and Anica, with the support of MiC and in collaboration with the David di Donatello – Academy of Italian Cinema. Taking a cue from the French “Fête Du Cinéma,” this initiative is a joint effort between distributors and cinemas to guarantee Italian moviegoers a year-round movie season.

From Sunday, June 9 to Thursday, June 13, movie lovers will be able to enjoy a movie at the cinema for only 3.5 euros! Here is the list of cinemas in Palermo where you can take advantage of this event:

  • Palermo Ariston;
  • Palermo Cinema Marconi Multisala;
  • Palermo Cityplex Metropolitan;
  • Palermo Multisala Aurora;
  • Palermo Multisala Cinecity King;
  • Palermo Multisala Gaudium;
  • Palermo Multisala Planet “La Torre”;
  • Palermo Rouge Et Noir;
  • Palermo Tiffany;
  • Palermo Uci Cinemas.

Even here there are some provincial theatres where you can enjoy this event:

  • Bagheria Cinema Capitol Multisala;
  • Cefalù Astro 2000;
  • Cinisi Alba;
  • Partinico Empire Cinemas;
  • Termini Imerese Multisala Eden;
  • Villabate Ambassador.

concerto qwartet, concerto in palermo, concerto swing, concerto e apertivo
Concert with an appetizer: Swing Night by “Vicio Rinella Quartet”

Enjoy an unforgettable evening of music while sipping a glass of wine and admiring the beautiful view of Palazzo Bonocore on Friday, June 14 for the “Swing Easy” concert with the Vicio Rinella Quartet. For this special occasion, the Palermo singer will be accompanied by Fabio Lo Verde on piano, Valerio Buscetta on double bass, and Gabriele Guercio on violin.

The concert starts at 9 p.m. but the opening is scheduled for 7 p.m. for an exclusive pre-concert aperitif.

It starts with an aperitif overlooking the Fountain of Shame that costs 15 euros and includes a drink, a cutting board, and a concert ticket.

Exhibition Palermo Felicissima

Going to the Rinella Quarte concert? Well, in the same place, don’t miss the opportunity to also visit the exhibition “Palermo Felicissima,” which with its interactive and multimedia approach will take you on a harrowing journey through time, discovering the splendor of Palermo during the Belle Époque; the experience unfolds within the halls of Palazzo Bonocore, a historic building that overlooks the monumental Pretoria Fountain and the square of the same name; all of which is located just a few steps from the Quattro Canti and on the edge of the ancient Arab quarter of Kalsa.

Palermo Felicissima” is divided into five sections, each of which offers an immersive and unique experience. Immerse yourself in the interactive archives, light boxes, immersive projections, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence to embark on a journey to an extraordinary era.

It seems to us that you have plenty of stimulation; treat yourself to an evening of music, art, and history at Palazzo Bonocore. Still not convinced? For more information by calling 342 0784204.

What are you waiting for? Plan your trip to Palermo and secure splendid events with unique experiences this June!

A thousand arts in Sicily: The Greek theatre of Syracuse

Sicilia e Il teatro greco di Siracusa

Discover the history of Syracuse’s Greek theater: the oldest in Sicily and the occidental countries!

Syracuse, the pearl of eastern Sicily. A city well-known for its archaeological heritage and Baroque beauty, remains an irresistible tourist destination, witness to centuries of Mediterranean civilization and culture.
Founded in 734 B.C. by the Corinthians, it was one of the main centers of Magna Graecia, renowned for its political and cultural power.
The city is also famous for its extraordinary archaeological remains, including the splendid Greek theater, one of the most significant in the world for its grandeur and its role in the history and culture of the entire region.

Arte drammatica in Sicilia - Il teatro greco di Siracusa

The origin of the Greek theatre

Let’s start with why humans feel the need to invent theater at some point in history in many societies.
There is a strong link between the origins of theater and religious rituals, leading to highly theatricalized moments: this occurs in archaic and classical Greece, where ritual cults are linked to the god Dionysus, god of drunkenness, wine, but above all god of theater.
Therefore, in the theaters of the Hellenistic age (323 B.C.-31 B.C.E.), there is always an altar, called a “thymèle,” placed in the center of the orchestra to host sacrifices and rituals to Dionysus.
In the later period, there is a shift from a ritual dimension to a ceremony that becomes increasingly untethered from direct ties to the god and is transformed into a theatrical performance charged with the significance of moral values and with an educational function valid for the entire society of the polis.

The fact that it was a collective spectacle, designed for the entire population, meant that the choice of a suitable theatrical site was imposed as a priority; the performance therefore took place in a place located near the acropolis, on the slope of a hill and thus used as a space for the audience a natural slope that ensured proximity to the sacred sites.

The Theatre of Syracuse: a thousand-year artistic heritage

The Greek theater of Syracuse, constructed in the 5th century B.C. to the design of the architect Damocopos, also known as Myrilla for having “myroi” (i.e., ointments) poured at its inauguration, is situated on the southern slope of the Temenite hill.
With a cavea about 138 meters wide, it is one of the largest Greek theaters ever built.
Its strategic location, offering a spectacular view of the harbor and the entire city, was perfect not only for theatrical performances but also for public assemblies and religious ceremonies.
It is, by far, to be considered the oldest theater in the entire occidental countries.

Structure and architecture of the theatre of Syracuse

The cavea, divided into nine sectors by eight staircases, could seat up to 15,000 spectators. The rows of seats were carved directly into the limestone rock, a common feature of Greek theaters that conferred stability and excellent acoustics. In the center of the cavea was the “diazoma“, a horizontal corridor that divided the upper and lower sectors, facilitating spectator access.
The theater had a large “orchestra,” a semicircular space where choirs and dancers performed, and a “scene“, a building in the background where actors could change and store props.
The scene was often decorated with columns and other architectural structures which served as a backdrop for performances.

The theatre of Syracuse: functions and its usage

As we mentioned previously, in addition to theatrical performances, the theater in Syracuse hosted public events such as town assemblies and religious celebrations.
According to Greek tradition, theatrical activity considered a social institution, was accessible to all citizens, including the less affluent, thanks to the “Theoric“, that is, a cash fund specifically created to support such initiatives and ensure access that was truly democratic.
The city of Syracuse, under the leadership of tyrants such as “Hieron I” and “Dionysius the Elder“, became an important cultural center, attracting poets, philosophers, and artists from all over the Greek world.
It was here in 470 B.C. that Aeschylus’ tragedy “The Aetneas” was staged, written to commemorate the re-foundation of Catania as “Aitna” or, it is not very clear, as another center called Aitna, where exiles from Catania found refuge after the destruction of Katane by “Hieron I“.
But the art of Aeschylus was still given hospitality here in Syracuse: even “The Persians“, a tragedy previously performed in Athens in 472 B.C., was staged in this splendid Greek theater.

Theater excavations and restoration

Syracuse’s Greek theater has undergone several restorations over the centuries.
Archaeological excavations begun in the 18th century unearthed much of the original structure, revealing architectural details and sculptures that we can still admire today.
It has been speculated that at the time of its inauguration (5th century B.C.), the theater had not yet assumed the semicircular form, which became common in the late 4th century B.C. and during the 3rd century B.C., but that it may have consisted of rectilinear tiers arranged in a trapezoidal shape.
The theater also underwent renovations in the 3rd century B.C., assuming the form that we can still admire today. As is typical of Greek theatrical structures, an attempt was made in Syracuse to enhance the panoramic view, allowing spectators to enjoy the view of the arch of the harbor and the island of Ortigia, although the stage probably limited this view to some extent.
It is a widely accepted thesis that in the early period of the Augustan age, further significant changes were made: the cavea was transformed into a semicircular shape, in line with Roman theaters, instead of maintaining the horseshoe shape typical of Greek theaters. A new curtain pit was also excavated, with a dedicated maneuvering chamber… How “advanced” these Greeks were!

During the late Roman Empire period, further modifications were made to adapt the orchestra for water shows, and the stage was probably moved backward. There is no evidence, however, of adaptations to accommodate gladiator fights or animal shows, which probably continued to be held in the amphitheater, which had been present in Syracuse since the Augustan period.
After remaining in a state of neglect for many centuries, the theater in Syracuse underwent a process of gradual depredation from the beginning of the 16th century AD by Emperor Charles V, who had the stone blocks used to erect new fortifications around the Island of Ortigia.
In the second half of the 16th century, Pietro Gaetani, Marquis of Sortino, financed the restoration of the ancient aqueduct that supplied water to the top of the theater; this favored the establishment of several mills installed on the cavea, one of which can still be seen today and is known as the “millers’ cottage“.

In 1914, the INDA (Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico) began its annual performances of Greek plays at the ancient theater.
The first play to be performed was “Agamemnon” by Aeschylus.

After a hiatus caused by World War I, classical performances resumed in 1921 with Aeschylus’ “Coephoras“.

Since 2010 the site has been part of the Neapolis Archaeological Park, an area that also includes other important monuments of ancient Syracuse.

Occasionally, the theater has hosted extraordinary events, including concerts by Lucio Dalla and Gianni Morandi, who concluded their tour in Syracuse on October 2, 1988, live on the main national TV station.
Many artists have graced this historic stage; in 2002, Fiorello’s comedy show found a home here as well as concerts by Claudio Baglioni, Elisa, and Gianna Nannini in 2022.

The theatre today

Today, the theater in Syracuse continues to live on as a place of culture and entertainment.
Every year, the National Institute of Ancient Drama organizes a theater season that features performances of classical tragedies and comedies, perpetuating a tradition dating back more than two thousand years.
These performances, which attract visitors from all over the world, offer a unique opportunity to experience the excitement of ancient theater in an extraordinarily authentic setting.
In addition to experiencing the theater during the performances, it is also possible to visit it by purchasing a ticket to visit the archaeological park.

Super contemporary art: the 2024 theater season
This year’s Syracuse theater calendar for classical plays includes the staging of:
– “Fedra Ippolito portatore di Corona” – tragedy by Euripides (from 21/05/2024 to 28/06/2024);
– “Aiace” – tragedy by Sophocles (from 05/22/2024 to 06/07/2024);
– “Miles Gloriosus” – comedy by Plautus (from 13/06/2024 to 29/06/2024).

Experience one of the classical plays organized by INDA and be captivated by the intensity of Aeschylus’ tragedies or the liveliness of Plautus’ comedies; each performance will offer you not only entertainment of the highest level but a true journey into the soul and art of Greek culture!
For those who love music and performing arts, the Greek theater also hosts unique concerts and shows, creating a perfect blend of ancient and modern art, such as “Horai le quattro stagioni“, a show by Giuliano Peparini, with music by Antonio Vivaldi and Domenico Scarlatti, and the ballet show “Roberto Bolle and friends”.
Check the Syracuse Greek Theater website for show information and reservations.
Syracuse’s Greek theater, witness to more than two millennia of history and culture, continues to shine as a jewel of antiquity in the heart of Sicily. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit one of the oldest and most evocative theaters in the world, where you can immerse yourself in the excitement of ancient theater and be captivated by timeless art and beauty!

The art of the Cannolo and Cassata: when sweetness of dessert transformed into a work of art

arte dolcaria siciliana

Bless the Sicilians, for their culture rich in delicious sweets, so today Italy and the whole world can enjoy many delicacies!

Tintu è cu nun mancia a ccassata a matina ri Pasqua!

Today we are going to talk about two of the most famous and tasty: the Cassata and the Cannolo. Let’s learn more about the history of these two sweets and how they are depicted in many works of art to represent the abundance of Sicilian culture, traditions, and identity.

The origin story of the desserts

Now, let’s take a trip back to Sicily’s antiquity, to when the Arabs still ruled the island around 827-1091 AD. Legend has it that the Cannolo was born in the area called “Qal’at al-Nissa“, today Caltanissetta, which translates to “Castle of the Women“. The Cannolo was born right here, within the walls of the harem inside the castle, where the Emir lived with his concubines.

In the palace, Arab women used to experiment with new recipes and prepare dishes and sweets to pay homage to the prince. Apparently, the concubines were also inspired by an ancient Roman recipe modified, however, in appearance to have an unusual phallic shape.

Around the same time, the Arabs imported various products to the island, including sugar, citrus fruits, and pistachios.

According to tradition, one night a shepherd decided to mix sheep’s ricotta cheese with sugar or honey: he named this dessert “quas’at” after the bowl in which the mixture was contained, and later, the dessert took the name “Cassata.

Years later, at the emir’s court in Palermo’s Piazza Kalsa, the cooks decided to wrap the dough in a sheet that was then baked in the oven.

The recipe of Cannoli: a trip between dough, cream and decoration

The crunchy part of the Cannoli begins with the dough, a skillful mixture of flour, sugar, butter, and white wine. Simple ingredients that are expertly worked into a soft, elastic mixture. A short rest allows the flavors to blend and create a perfect dough to roll out. Thin sheets wrapped around metal cannoli give the cake its iconic cylindrical shape, ready to be dipped in boiling oil.

Frying is a crucial step. The hot oil envelops the cannoli, causing them to swell and brown until they reach an irresistible crispness. This is when the magic is born: the dough transforms into a golden shell, ready to hold a heart of pure goodness.

Ricotta cream is the soul of the cannoli. Sifted fresh ricotta, powdered sugar, and a pinch of vanilla come together in a perfect combination of creaminess and sweetness. The ricotta gives structure and softness, while the powdered sugar enhances the flavor without overdoing it. Finally, vanilla adds a delicate and refined aroma that complements the harmony of the filling.

For a final touch of elegance and flavor, the cannoli are decorated with candied orange peel or dark chocolate chips. A contrast of colors and flavors embellishes the dessert and makes it even more inviting.

Arte dolciaria siciliana

Sweet journey of the preparation of Cassata

The gastronomic story would not be complete if we did not talk about our sweet and pretty cassata. The journey begins with the preparation of the sponge cake, which is soft and light. Eggs, sugar, and flour are skillfully mixed to create a dough that, after careful baking, will become the base of Cassata.
The real soul of cassata is the ricotta cheese, worked with passion to obtain a smooth, velvety cream. Sugar, candied fruit, and a dash of liqueur (such as maraschino or anise) are added to enrich the flavor and give it that unmistakable touch.

Cassata is also a work of art for the eyes. Its surface is covered with a coat of white icing, on which candied fruits of all shapes and colors are imaginatively arranged: oranges, citrons, pumpkins, and candied cherries create a veritable rainbow of flavors. To complete the work, cassata is often garnished with candied orange peel cut into thin strips, which perfumes the dessert and enhances its taste.

Cannoli and Cassata: symbolism and interpretation in the work of art

From a cultural point of view, both sweets have great significance for Sicilian traditions. As an undisputed symbol of Sicily, they are present in the most important cultural and religious celebrations such as Easter and Carnival… but there is even a Cannolo Festival!

The Cannolo’s distinctive cylindrical and phallic shape represents fertility and abundance, while the ricotta cream inside represents wealth and prosperity.

The rounded shape of the Cassata, on the contrary, represents perfection and harmony. Its colorful appearance brings a sense of liveliness and joy.

Moreover, because they are often served at festivals and celebrations, they also represent joy and togetherness.

The characteristics of both desserts are not only irresistible from a gastronomic point of view but have also seduced the eyes of artists. In fact, many creative people have captured them in their paintings or other art forms.

One example is the contemporary art of Sicilian artist Eugenia Affronti; through the surrealist approach of her paintings, the artist depicts the beauty of Sicily in a unique and creative way, depicting objects that represent the region as well as citrus fruits, Cannoli, and Cassata.

These irresistible-looking sweets also attracted the attention of one of Palermo’s young artists, Stefano Lo Voi. In February 2024, he presented his project “Teste di Moro Dolci Siciliani“. With his surrealist approach, he depicted sweets as if they were the hair of a Moor. The combination of bright watercolor colors made her design playful and lively.

Not only did he use the sweets to promote his Sicilian identity, but he also combined several other elements of Sicilian delicacies to represent Sicilian ceramic art from the details of his drawing.

Two other famous examples of how the Cannolo embodies Sicilian cultural identity are:

  • a scene from the film The Godfather;
  • and in the writings of Andrea Camilleri’s super famous Commissario Montalbano in which the protagonist is a big fan of Cannoli and Cassate often enjoyed in the company of friends and acquaintances during his investigations.

Cannoli e Cassata: a tongue-tingling journey between Sicily and Milan

Sicily is the undisputed home of the Cannolo and Cassata. If you are on the main island, you cannot miss the opportunity to taste them in one of the authentic places:

  • Pasticceria Antica Dolceria Bonajuto (Modica): a real temple of Sicilian chocolate, where you can enjoy cannoli filled with ricotta cheese with chocolate from Modica in different variations;
  • Bar Vitelli (Catania): this place is famous for its Cassata siciliana, prepared according to the traditional recipe with ricotta, candied fruit and almond paste;
  • Pasticceria Florio (Messina): a historic establishment that offers a wide range of Cannoli and Cassate, as well as other typical Sicilian desserts.

dove comprare i migliori cannoli

Also in the capital of Lombardy, like Milan, we can find several Sicilian pastry shops where you can taste high-quality Cannoli and Cassata:

  • Pasticceria Marchesi (Milan): a Milan institution that offers a refined take on Sicilian pastries, including Cannoli filled with ricotta and pistachio and single-portion Cassatine decorated with fresh fruit;
  • Cannoli Siciliani by Cannoli Factory (Milan): a workshop specializing in Sicilian Cannoli, made with fresh, seasonal ingredients. It offers several flavor variations, including pistachio, chocolate, and salted ricotta Cannoli.

In conclusion, Cannoli and Cassata are not simply just sweets, but symbols of Sicilian culture and tradition. Their presence in works of art shows how these gastronomic masterpieces have conquered not only the palate but also the imagination of artists and writers, becoming true icons of Sicily.

Trip to Trapani and Agrigento: unforgettable vacations

trapani e Agrigento cultura arte e storia per le vacanze

Trip to Trapani and Agrigento: unforgettable vacations!

Are you planning a trip to Trapani and Agrigento and want to know what artistic and cultural places are not to be missed, what are the most beautiful beaches, and what delicacies to taste? This article is for you!

Trapani is an Italian municipality, the capital of the province of the same name in Sicily, with about 70,000 inhabitants. This city is known as the City of Salt and Sail, as it is historically famous for activities related to the extraction and trade of salt. Trapani is located in a strategic position, projecting onto the Mediterranean, and there is also a port, an ancient commercial outlet for Eryx (modern-day Erice). The city’s economy is based on fishing (formerly that of bluefin tuna), marble extraction and export, and activities related to trade and tourism. The wonderful beaches of this area make it suitable for summer vacations, and in this article, you will discover with us what not to miss if you are planning a trip to Trapani and Agrigento.

Below we present some of the most important artistic sites in Trapani and Agrigento. As you explore these cities, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating history, art, and culture of Sicily.

trapani e Agrigento cultura arte e storia per le vacanze

Contemporary art in Trapani

Trapani‘s historic center is a veritable open-air museum, with its picturesque narrow streets, Baroque churches, and historic buildings. Strolling through the streets of the center, you can admire the characteristic Sicilian architectural style and discover such gems as la Chiesa del Purgatorio, la Chiesa di Sant’Agostino, and la Cattedrale di San Lorenzo.

Also located in the Palazzo della Vicaria, the Pepoli Regional Museum is dedicated to the art and history of Trapani and the surrounding region. The museum’s collection includes paintings, sculptures, sacred art objects, and archaeological evidence, offering a comprehensive overview of local culture.

trapani e Agrigento cultura arte e storia per le vacanze

Arte contemporanea ad Agrigento

La Valle dei Templi is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This extraordinary archaeological complex houses the remains of ancient Greek temples, such as the Temple of Concord, the Temple of Hercules, and the Temple of Olympian Jupiter.

The Agrigento Regional Archaeological Museum is the ideal place to learn more about the history and art of ancient Agrigento. Here you can admire a vast collection of artifacts, including sculptures, ceramics, coins, and jewelry, that tell the story of the daily life and art of the Greeks and Romans who inhabited the region.

Located on the hill of San Nicola, the Greek Theater of Agrigento is an ancient theater dating back to the 4th century BC. Despite the ruins, it is still possible to imagine the atmosphere of the theatrical performances of the time. In addition to its historical importance, the theater also offers spectacular panoramic views of the Valley of the Temples and the sea below.

The Church of St. Nicholas is an imposing medieval church located in the historic center of Agrigento. Inside, you can admire frescoes, sculptures, and sacred artwork that testify to the city’s religious past.

viaggio a trapani e Agrigento

The beaches that you cannot miss during your visit to Trapani and Agrigento

Sicily, with its breathtaking coastline and crystal clear waters, is a perfect summer vacation destination for young people seeking relaxation and fun. The Trapani and Agrigento area is home to some of the island’s most enchanting beaches, which offer breathtaking views, golden sand, and a wide range of activities for visitors. In this article, we will explore the most beautiful beaches in this region, offering tips on where to spend days in the sun and enjoy the sea.

viaggio a trapani e Agrigento

  1. San Vito Lo Capo Beach (Trapani): located in the beautiful town of San Vito Lo Capo, this beach is one of the most famous in Sicily, and for good reason. With its fine sand, turquoise waters, and surrounding landscape dominated by the majestic Mount Cofano, this beach enchants visitors with its breathtaking beauty. It is perfect for lovers of swimming, snorkeling, and water sports. In addition, the beach is home to numerous bars, restaurants, and nightclubs that make for a vibrant atmosphere, especially during the summer.
  2. Scala dei Turchi (Agrigento): located near the city of Agrigento, the Scala dei Turchi is an impressive rock formation overlooking the sea. This unique beach features large, white, stepped rocks that look like a staircase, from which it gets its name. It is a true natural wonder that attracts visitors from all over the world. Here you can relax on the golden sand, take walks along the beach, and admire the contrast between the white rocks and the deep blue sea. The Scala dei Turchi is also famous for its spectacular sunsets, which create a romantic and evocative atmosphere.
  3. Marinella di Selinunte beach (Trapani): near the archaeological site of Selinunte, Marinella beach is a true hidden gem. With its golden sandy shore and crystal clear waters, this beach offers a relaxing and tranquil experience away from the crowds. It is ideal for those seeking a more intimate and secluded beach. After a day in the sun, visitors can explore the archaeological site of Selinunte, home to the remains of ancient temples and fascinating ruins.
  4. Scala dei Turchi Beach (Trapani): not to be confused with the beach of the same name in Agrigento, this Scala dei Turchi is located in the territory of Realmonte, in the province of Agrigento. This enchanting beach is famous for its white rocks that form a kind of natural staircase to the sea. Photography lovers will find here a true paradise, thanks to the striking beauty of the landscape. During low tide, it is possible to walk on the rocks and admire the panoramic view of the surrounding coastline.
  5. Torre Salsa Beach (Agrigento): Located within the Torre Salsa Oriented Nature Reserve, this unspoiled beach is ideal for nature lovers and long walks on the beach. With its dunes, Mediterranean vegetation, and crystal clear waters, it offers a wild and unspoiled environment. The beach is managed by WWF and preserved to protect the local flora and fauna. It is possible to hike in the reserve and admire the rich biodiversity that characterizes this area.viaggio a trapani e Agrigento

Trapani and Agrigento boast some of the most beautiful beaches in Sicily, offering a variety of unforgettable experiences for young people seeking beach adventures. From the famous beaches of San Vito Lo Capo and Scala dei Turchi to hidden gems like Marinella di Selinunte and Torre Salsa, these destinations promise spectacular views, crystal clear waters, and a vibrant atmosphere. Whether you are looking for water sports, relaxation, or nature excursions, the Trapani and Agrigento area will meet all your expectations for an unforgettable beach vacation.

Culinary delicacies not to be missed in Trapani and Agrigento

Trapani and Agrigento are also renowned for their delicious cuisine. Here are some typical recipes from the area and some places to enjoy authentic dishes:
  trapani e Agrigento

Typical recipes:

  1. Fish Couscous: Fish couscous is one of the most emblematic dishes of Sicilian cuisine. In Trapani, you can taste an authentic version of this delicacy made with durum wheat semolina, fresh fish (such as shrimp, squid, and swordfish), tomatoes, onions, spices, and parsley. It is an explosion of Mediterranean flavors that is sure to leave you satisfied.
  2. Busiate Trapanesi: Busiate Trapanesi is a typical Sicilian fresh pasta in the shape of curls. They are usually accompanied by tomato sauce, grated ricotta salata, and fresh basil. This simple but delicious dish perfectly represents the culinary tradition of Trapani.
  3. Arancini: Arancini is a Sicilian specialty loved by everyone. They are rice balls filled with meat sauce, peas, cheese, and mozzarella cheese, then breaded and fried. You can find arancini in various places, including rotisseries, bakeries, and restaurants. They are a perfect snack to enjoy during a day at the beach.
  4. Dattilo’s cannoli: just before the exit for Trapani ve ning from Palermo you find a place called Dattilo, look for cannoli there. Get one for two people because you will be shocked by the size!

trapani e Agrigento

Did you enjoy this article? Let us know how your vacation went, where you stayed and what you ate that was good! Want to take the opportunity to visit Palermo? Here is our article on contemporary art in Palermo! Sicily is magical, we are sure you will not regret it!!!

Palermitans contemporary art: an artistic tour in Palermo

palermo collage

The holiday season is back and we couldn’t help but start from our beautiful “Capital” (Sicilians enjoy calling it that…), Palermo. We will take you on an artistic tour of Palermo!

Contemporary art in Palermo

Welcome to a city rich in history, art, culture, and natural beauty: Palermo!

 arte contemporanea a palermo

Today we will take you to discover what to do and what to visit in a splendid Sicilian city. Palermo is eclectic, twisted, and rich with many contrasted aspects that won’t stop surprising us. With its arabesque and slow rhythms, vibrant culture, unique delicacies, and rich and diverse history, the sacred is mixed continually with the profane that enriches the people’s daily life there.

Contemporary art in Palermo: where do we start?

Let’s start with a walk to the heart of Palermo, its historical center; the tips is to il consiglio è sicuramente quello di perdervi tra le stradine del quartiere di Ballarò o Vucciria, dove potrete respirare l’atmosfera vivace dei mercati locali, assaggiare prelibatezze gastronomiche e fare acquisti di prodotti tipici siciliani. Fate su e giù per il Cassaro (Via Vittorio Emanuele) e per via Maqueda.

arte contemporanea a palermo

A must-see place is the Cathedral of Palermo, the exterior is magnificent (less so the interior if you don’t go down into the Crypt) …an architectural masterpiece that reflects the influences of all the different peoples who have dominated the island over the centuries. A true open-air book to discover the architectural history of the city in all the rehashes and expansions of its Cathedral. If you feel like it and it is possible, climb to the rooftop to enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of the city.

Visit the Royal Palace and admire the magnificence of the Palatine Chapel, decorated with Byzantine mosaics. Its Christ Pantocrator will leave you speechless!

arte contemporanea a palermo

Contemporary art in Palermo and beyond: food, sea, and the breath-taking views

For art lovers, the Regional Gallery of Sicily, inside the Palazzo Abatellis, is a real gem. There you will find the “Trionfo della Morte” an evocative and intense fresco from an unknown author and then you can admire many other valuable works of art, including the famous paintingAnnunciazione” by Antonello da Messina.

Feel like enjoying some Sicilian sunshine? Take a nice walk around the “Parco a mare” and don’t forget to treat yourself to a visit to the magnificent Villa Giulia gardens and the botanical garden; you can relax in the shade of centuries-old trees and admire beautiful flowers, sculptures, and fountains.

Are you already tired? But no, we’re just getting started; a must-see is the Teatro Massimo, Europe’s third-largest opera house. Ask for a guided tour to discover the secrets behind the scenes of the theater and admire the beauty of the interior and its royal box.

arte contemporanea a palermo

Do you want to see the sea from another perspective? Call a cab or take a bus to the direction of the coast and enjoy a walk along the seaside of Mondello: the beach of Palermitans! Located only around ten kilometers, there you can find the crystal-clear waters, white sand, and surrounding mountains that create an idyllic landscape overlooked by a rather flashy structure right in the middle of the Gulf, the Charleston Terraces!

arte contemporanea a palermo

Let’s return to the city, and now it’s the time for aperitivo… Here people really enjoy the date until late and it’s a must to try the delicacies of local cuisine. Take yourself to a local trattoria and taste the delicious arancini (only in Palermo they call it a masculine object, grammatically), the pasta al forno, the sarde a beccafico, the panelle, the crocchè, the pasta con with sarde, Sicilian cannoli, and cassata to make sure you don’t miss anything!

Let’s certainly not forget to take a look at the contemporary art in Palermo. In addition to historical beauty, the city offers a rich, dynamic, and vibrant contemporary art scene. Let’s start with the ZAC (Zisa Zona Arti Contemporanee), a place that (all too occasionally, unfortunately) hosts exhibitions and cultural events; local and international artists take turns and it is often a source of inspiration and research.

arte contemporanea a palermo

Near the Zisa Castle (worth visiting to discover its engineering secrets of the time) you will find the Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, a former industrial area transformed into a multipurpose cultural center.

Fondazione Sicilia – Spazio Cultura – is a cultural center that hosts temporary art exhibitions, cultural events, and conferences related to Sicilian art and culture.

Located in the city’s historic center, Palazzo Ziino hosts temporary exhibitions of contemporary artists, providing an exhibition space to explore different art forms and stimulate artistic dialogue. It is a significant venue for art enthusiasts who wish to discover contemporary works and participate in Palermo’s vibrant art scene.

arte contemporanea a palermo

If you are interested in urban art in Palermo, there is no shortage of it, we recommend a walk through the city’s neighborhoods to discover Palermo’s murals. The city is famous for its colorful murals, which tell stories of social and political commitment and of Palermo’s heroes par excellence, Judges Falcone and Borsellino. Among the richest neighborhoods for street art are Ballarò, Kalsa, and La Cala.

Palazzo Riso is a landmark for contemporary art in Palermo. Located in the heart of the city, Palazzo Riso hosts temporary exhibitions featuring works by contemporary Italian and international artists. This museum is a must-see place to immerse yourself in contemporary art and discover new perspectives.

Gallery of Modern Art (GAM), is located at 21 Via Sant’Anna in Palermo and houses a permanent collection of modern and contemporary artworks, with a focus on 20th-century Sicilian art.

arte contemporanea a palermo

Contemporary art in Palermo: art galleries not to be missed

Be sure to explore the art galleries and independent exhibition spaces scattered throughout the city. Palermo is home to numerous ateliers and galleries that promote emerging and experimental artists. Take a walk through the historic center and the Kalsa district to discover some of these unique venues.

  • Francesco Pantaleone Arte Contemporanea is an art gallery in Palermo, active for twenty years and promoting many local artists but not only; in fact, you can also find exhibitions by international artists;
  • Raffaello Centro d’Arte is an art center founded in 1986 with as many as two Palermo locations;
  • 091 Art Project – Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery, specializing in contemporary art, offers works by Italian and international artists.

arte contemporanea a palermo

  • Villa Zito is not really a gallery, but it is an old aristocratic palace that is worth a visit; it was the home of the Ignazio Mormino Art Museum and now houses the Fondazione Sicilia picture gallery. It hosts exhibitions of various kinds, and the striking location makes a wonderful backdrop.
  • Galleria La Rocca was founded in 1986 and became a reference point for the art of engraving.


Finally, we recommend attending art and cultural events in Palermo that enliven the city. Throughout the year, Palermo hosts festivals, performances, and temporary exhibitions that pay tribute to contemporary art. Find out about local programs so you don’t miss out on opportunities to immerse yourself in Palermo’s contemporary art!!!

(Italiano) Call per grafici e illustratori: Mostrami 4 Valigia dell’attore

call per grafici e illustratori mostrami 4 valigia

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

C’è una nuova opportunità: una call per giovani illustratori e grafici promossa da Mostrami in collaborazione con l’accademia di spettacolo La Valigia dell’attore che gestisce una scuola con sede a Palermo di talenti del cinema, del teatro, del canto e del musical. L’obiettivo è creare una grafica che racconti i valori dell’accademia e ne rappresenti la storia e il futuro.

La scuola si basa su valori di professionalità, impegno, confronto e condivisione, che dovranno essere declinati nella nuova rappresentazione visiva. Non perdere l’occasione di dimostrare il tuo talento e di collaborare con un’associazione no profit che è attiva con produzioni nazionali e internazionali!



La call è aperta a tutti i  grafici e illustratori residenti in Italia, senza limiti di età.

call per grafici e illustratori mostrami


L’accademia di spettacolo “La Valigia dell’attore da Palermo a Roma” è stata fondata due anni fa dall’attore e regista teatrale Ugo Bentivegna con l’obiettivo di condividere la sua esperienza ventennale attraverso l’insegnamento della recitazione e la specializzazione in tutte le discipline dello spettacolo per bambini, ragazzi e adulti. La scuola offre lezioni di dizione, canto, danza e movimento scenico e si concentra sull’esplorazione e la gestione dell’individuo in un clima di relazione, fiducia, ascolto e condivisione, con l’obiettivo di essere il più inclusiva possibile.

Questa call in collaborazione con Mostrami invita i giovani grafici e illustratori ad analizzare e comprendere a fondo i valori e il mondo della scuola palermitana e di declinarli artisticamente in una grafica o illustrazione del nuovo logo dell’organizzazione che verrà utilizzato in tutta la comunicazione digitale e off line.

Per quanto riguarda i colori prevalenti, ad oggi tanto uso del bordeaux (#3D3D3D) un ricorso all’arancione  (#FF7000), il bianco e le tonalità di grigio (#323232; #828282; #C8C8C8; #F0F0F0). Questi sono dunque i colori ad oggi spesso utilizzati; potrete certamente usare altri colori e gradienti ma l’invito è a non eccedere 🙂

Questo il logo che fino ad oggi ha caratterizzato la scuola:

call per grafici e illustratori - logo valigia dell'attore


Il vincitore del concorso riceverà un premio in denaro di €300 lordi + un buono (personale o da regalare) per un corso di tre mesi in accademia. Altre due grafiche/illustrazioni saranno premiate con un buono sempre per lo stesso corso di tre mesi attivabile entro il 30/09/2023.



Per partecipare al concorso, è necessario iscriversi alla mailing list dedicata tramite il modulo sottostante. Dopo l’iscrizione, verranno fornite le istruzioni per la candidatura, tra cui il modulo da compilare con i dati biografici, l’immagine dell’opera candidata (o di più opere) e una breve descrizione del progetto inerente al tema del concorso (minimo 200 caratteri).

La partecipazione è gratuita e gli artisti possono presentare più di un progetto. Al vincitore sarà richiesto di fornire un file ad alta definizione (vettoriale) del progetto candidato.

A decretare i vincitori sarà una giuria composta dai docenti dell’Accademia, oltre al conteggio dei like raccolti su Instagram. Tutte le creatività candidate saranno infatti postate temporaneamente sul profilo Instagram di Mostrami e la graduatoria definitiva sarà determinata al 40% dai like ricevuti e al 60% dal team della scuola. Saranno poi i responsabili di Mostrami e il Direttore dell’Accademia, Ugo Bentivegna a definire le tre grafiche vincitrici.



Il concorso si chiude il 24 maggio alle 23:59!

Vi arriverà una mail di conferma della candidatura, gli artisti vincitori saranno contattati direttamente attraverso email e alla fine del contest sarà pubblicato un post con l’esito!


Siamo a vostra disposizione! Per info o dubbi nel compilare il modulo di iscrizione, scrivere a info@mostra-mi.it


Cosa vi resta da fare? Correte al sito web dell’Accademia La Valigia dell’attore… e poi non vediamo l’ora di vedere i vostri lavori! In bocca al lupo!




(Italiano) Spazio creativo a Palermo: la realtà siciliana “MyRoom”

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Sala espositiva, di co-working, studio fotografico, e molto altro: stiamo parlando della giovane azienda MyRoom. Uno spazio creativo aperto a tutti – dai giovani artisti, agli studenti, ai lavoratori – nato nel 2020 a Palermo.

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(Italiano) Federica Gisana_Pittura

artisti siciliani arte contemporanea cultura sicilia sicilianità tradizione folklore turismo

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Federica Gisana è una giovane pittrice siciliana che vive a Modica.

Ha completato una laurea in Pittura presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Catania, nel 2008.
Ha partecipato a diverse mostre collettive a Milano, Livorno, Sarzana, Ancona, Catania, e internazionali, in Macedonia.
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(Italiano) Salvo Distefano_Pittura

Le opere di pittura dell' artista emergente siciliano Salvo Distefano.

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Salvo Distefano è un artista emergente siciliano che si occupa di pittura.
Nasce a Rosolini (SR) ma presto a causa il trasferimento del lavoro del padre, la famiglia si trasferisce a Gela dove rimane per diverso tempo fino ai primi di anni di Università, quando fa ritorno alla città natale. Continue reading “(Italiano) Salvo Distefano_Pittura”

Made OF Sicily – The weekend of the exhibition

artisti siciliani arte contemporanea cultura sicilia sicilianità tradizione folklore turismo

The weekend of Made OF Sicily has just ended. These last three days have been really intense and Palazzo Forcella De Seta has welcomed many visitors, curious to admire both its beauty and the exhibition of 100 works that our 20 young emerging artists have realized to celebrate Sicily and its excellences.

The first days of Made OF Sicily have been dedicated to workshops, talks and speeches for high schools students: more than 300 students have had the chance to join lectures and debates concerning the world of innovation and the jobs of the future also thanks to the participation of selected mentors, that have told their experience and given useful tips and insights.

Another session of workshops is scheduled for the following few days it will see the participation of other 200 students and youngsters interested to the different topics (there are still some places available for the workshop of the 16th of May, click here to know more about it).

On Friday, May 12th, the official opening of the exhibition took place. The participants had the chance to appreciate the different works and to satisfy all the curiosities they had thanks to the presence of the artists, who were more than glad to involve the public and also to clarify the ideas for the voting. Indeed, everyone had the chance to express a preference towards a specific artist for the whole evening. The terrace, also thanks to a glass of wine and a tasting, has been the designated spot of synergies and of exchange of opinions and impressions.

On Saturday morning it was FAI’s turn, that took advantage of the opening of the palace for the exhibition and offered a visit to its members that had the chance to appreciate also the works of Made OF Sicily.

The visits lasted all day long and visitors came from all over Sicily, Italy and there were also some foreign tourists.

On Sunday, May 14th, there was the award ceremony of the artists. After the scrutiny of the public’s votes, the evaluation of the technical commission and the counting of the preferences coming from the Web, the responsible of the project, Sandro Aglialoro, along with Pino Toro, President of AIL Palermo, proclaimed the four winners:

At the third place, we find Salvatore Rivolo and his illustrations of a surreal Palermo.

Luca Mannino and his sculptures that tell stories won the second place.

On the highest place of the podium, there is the fascinating project of Chiara Polizzi.

We would like to remember to those that still have not joined us, that the exhibition Made OF Sicily has not finished yet. You can still find us until May 18th at Palazzo Forcella De Seta to find out how our young emerging artists have paid homage to Sicily with their works.

Most the works of art exhibited is on sale, here you can find all the information. In case you would like to buy one, we would like to remind you that 30% of the proceeds will go to AIL, the Italian association against leukemia-lymphomas and myeloma.

For further information, you can visit the detailed page of the program.

In addition, if you want to tell us your impressions, advice and critiques, you can write us at info@sicilyandsicilians.com 🙂

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Innovation and startup in Sicily: Paola di Rosa during the Workshop Made OF Sicily

innovazione e startup in Sicilia Paola Di Rosa

Here you can find and interview with Paola di Rosa, the first among the different mentors that will speak during the workshop aimed at young people about innovation and startup in Sicily that will be held during the event “Made OF Sicily”. The topic of the first workshop is “The design of a new business and the business model canvas”.

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(Italiano) MADE IN SICILY: Animacorale e i vini siciliani

vigne vini siciliani

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Animacorale è un progetto siciliano che da spazio ai giovani e che punta a diventare un’azienda agricola di qualità che si fonda su valori saldi e sulla produzione di ottimi vini. Scopriamo in questa intervista rivolta a Valentina Tutone che l’obiettivo è molto vicino! Continue reading “(Italiano) MADE IN SICILY: Animacorale e i vini siciliani”

(Italiano) MADE IN SICILY: Guidabile

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Avete mai sentito parlare di Guidabile? Oggi vogliamo raccontarvi di questo splendido progetto a sfondo sociale che dalla città siciliana di Siracusa vuole espandersi sempre di più grazie alla community che sta coltivando.

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(Italiano) Giuliana Flavia Cangelosi _ Pittura

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Giuliana Flavia Cangelosi è una giovane artista siciliana nel campo della pittura, nata a Palermo nel 1992. Si è diplomata al Liceo Artistico “Diego Bianca Amato” di Cefalù e laureata in Disegno Industriale della Facoltà di Architettura di Palermo.
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(Italiano) MADE IN SICILY: Micromuseo Immateriale del Grano e del Pane in Sicilia

MicroMuseo del pane e del grano, Caltanissetta, Sicilia

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Il Micromuseo Immateriale del Grano e del Pane è un’eccellenza siciliana della provincia di Caltanissetta. Scopriamo nel dettaglio cosa offe ai suoi ospiti.
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(Italiano) BEST PRACTICE MADE IN SUD: Bookingbility per il turismo accessibile

logo bookingbility

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Oggi vi parliamo di Bookingbility, un progetto ideato da giovani siciliani per aiutare chiunque abbia delle esigenze speciali nella ricerca di strutture ricettive.
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(Italiano) BEST PRACTICE MADE IN SUD: FabLab Palermo


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Eliana Messineo, Responsabile per la Progettazione e la Comunicazione di FabLab Palermo, ci racconta nel dettaglio questo progetto di innovazione tecnologica e digitale, il primo FabLab in Sicilia.
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(Italiano) BEST PRACTICE MADE IN SUD: Giardini Condivisi

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Vogliamo proporvi un intervista a Giardini Condivisi, un progetto che consta di due interventi legati al mondo dell’arte e della natura volto a creare occupazione giovanile: scopriamone i dettagli.
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(Italiano) BEST PRACTICE MADE IN SUD: Il caffè Morettino e il suo Museo

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Palermo e le sue eccellenze: tra queste rientra sicuramente un noto marchio di caffè la cui storia è fortemente legata alla famiglia che ne ha avviato la produzione.
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(Italiano) BEST PRACTICE MADE IN SUD: il Taccuino dell’arte

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Oggi vi raccontiamo il Taccuino dell’arte, una piattaforma di diffusione di cultura e arte attraverso l’intervista al suo giovane autore Giovanni Scucces.
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(Italiano) Bios Vincent _ Pittura

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Bios Vincent, è un pittore siciliano.
La sua arte è mutuata da un preciso percorso culturale, da codici antichi come la grafica e la letteratura medievale, le incisioni, l’arte sacra, e un immaginario visionario.
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(Italiano) Christian Rosano & Valentina Lombardo _ Fotografia

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Christian Rosano e Valentina Lombardo, nati a Siracusa nel 1980 e nel 1982, sono due artisti emergenti siciliani appassionati di fotografia che trovano nella macchina fotografica la loro inseparabile compagna di avventura.
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(Italiano) Luca Gregni _ Pittura

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Modica è la città natale del giovane artista siciliano Luca Gregni, nato nel maggio dell’80, la cui passione per la pittura inizia negli anni ’90. Nell’anno ’94 vince poi il primo premio in una gara di writer (graffiti).

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(Italiano) Christian Sida _ Pittura

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L’artista emergente Christian Sida, è nato nel ’83 e vive e lavora a Torino.
Lavora nel sociale, presso la Cooperativa Animazione Valdocco, come consulente artistico di laboratorio, nell’ambito di un progetto espositivo, con ragazzi autistici, psichiatrici etc. e allo stesso tempo insegna presso una Scuola Media di S.Mauro Torinese.

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(Italiano) Alessandro Raimondi _ Pittura

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Palermo è la città natale del giovane artista Alessandro Raimondi.
Le composizioni di grande formato, realizzate con colori acrilici e drastici accostamenti cromatici, celano sotto un “apparente decorativismo” una critica alla ipertecnologica società contemporanea.
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(Italiano) Clara Arena _ Pittura

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Palermo è la città natale della giovane artista emergente siciliana Clara Arena, aka Clara Arena Artist, che sin dai tempi dell’asilo ha sempre amato disegnare e colorare. Oggi frequenta il IV anno del Liceo Artistico Statale Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda. Continue reading “(Italiano) Clara Arena _ Pittura”

(Italiano) Andrea Camilleri _ Fotografia

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Andrea Camilleri è un giovane artista emergente nato nel 1996 che ama particolarmente la fotografia.

Predilige la fotografia di strada e i ritratti.Fotografia - Etna- Andrea Camilleri

La sua post-produzione ideale è il bianco e nero in cui si percepisce l’essenza di ciò che si sta guardando, che sia un sentimento o un gesto o un movimento o ancora uno sguardo.

La fotografia è nel suo DNA , tramandata da suo nonno a suo papà fino a lui, con un’attività nata nei lontani anni 40.


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(Italiano) Orazio Matarazzo _ Scultura

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Orazio Matarazzo è un giovane artista siciliano che nasce nel 1990 a Scicli e che dopo aver conseguito la laurea in Graphic Design all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Catania, sviluppa un particolare interesse per la semiologia. Continue reading “(Italiano) Orazio Matarazzo _ Scultura”

(Italiano) BEST PRACTICE MADE IN SUD: WIAD Palermo 2017

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Sicilia, tecnologia, eccellenza …  si è svolto qualche giorno fa il WIAD Palermo 2017. Abbiamo intervistato Domenico Schillaci, uno degli organizzatori,  per scoprire cosa sia nel dettaglio questo evento di eccellenza e innovazione che si è svolto nella nostra città lo scorso 18 febbraio e che ha coinvolto tantissimi ragazzi siciliani provenienti dalle diverse province.

Domenico, cos’è WIAD?
Il WIAD, acronimo di World Information Architecture Day, è la giornata mondiale dedicata all’Architettura dell’informazione: un evento gratuito promosso a livello globale dall’Information Architecture Institute con l’obiettivo di diffondere e approfondire i temi legati alla strutturazione e all’organizzazione delle informazioni e dei contenuti in modo da garantirne una migliore fruizione da parte dell’utente. L’Information Architecture Institute lancia una call ogni anno per raccogliere le candidature di chi è intenzionato a organizzare un evento nella propria città e poi fornisce il supporto necessario per fare in modo che tutti gli organizzatori locali si sentano parte di una comunità globale. Il WIAD, infatti, si svolge in contemporanea in tutte le città, che quest’anno sono state ben 58. Noi di PUSH, che avevamo organizzato il primo WIAD a Palermo nel 2015, abbiamo scelto di farlo per la terza edizione visto l’interesse mostrato sul tema e l’ottima risposta di pubblico che abbiamo sempre avuto. Dall’anno scorso dividiamo quest’onore con i nostri amici di PMO Coworking e FabLab Palermo, a cui quest’anno si è aggiunto anche UX Book Club Palermo.

Quale è stato il tema di quest’anno e come è stato sviluppato?
Si appunto, ogni anno viene scelto un tema attorno al quale sviluppare l’evento. Quest’anno è stato scelto “information strategy and structure”, e lo abbiamo affrontato invitando quattro speaker che hanno parlato di architettura dell’informazione in quattro ambiti diversi: il cibo, il linguaggio, il suono e l’arte urbana.

Inoltre, nel pomeriggio, c’è stato un interessantissimo workshop sul tema della User Experience legata al vino. In definitiva, siamo stati molto soddisfatti e ringraziamo tutti coloro che hanno contribuito a rendere il WIAD un appuntamento interessante per Palermo.

Quali obiettivi si pone WIAD per il futuro?
Beh, a livello globale forse sarebbe meglio chiedere direttamente a qualcuno dell’Information Architecture Institute, ma immagino che probabilmente punteranno a diffondere questo appuntamento annuale in maniera sempre più capillare e a coinvolgere un numero sempre maggiore di appassionati. A livello locale, invece, posso dire con certezza che la risposta di tutti coloro che vengono per assistere all’evento ci ripaga degli sforzi e del tempo che vi dedichiamo, in maniera assolutamente volontaria: anche se è ancora presto, quindi, posso anticipare che puntiamo a organizzare una quarta edizione nel 2018. Anche perché ci divertiamo a farlo!

WIAD (2)
Temi così all’avanguardia e attuali in una città che a volte sembra lenta e immobile… quali le sfide e quali le opportunità che ritenete esistano a Palermo?
Ti posso assicurare che a Palermo ci sono tante persone che si impegnano tutti i giorni per “accelerare” la città, per creare opportunità di dibattito e discussione utili a crescere e a farci sentire meno isolati, nonostante geograficamente lo siamo. In questi ultimi anni la città sembra avere iniziato a risvegliarsi da un periodo sin troppo lungo di torpore e immobilismo. Naturalmente si tratta di un processo lento e complicato, per il quale servono pazienza e impegno quotidiano, tuttavia credo che alla lunga Palermo riuscirà a tornare una città attraente, stimolante, dove è bello vivere e da dove non si debba essere costretti ad andare via per mancanza di opportunità.

Come Sicily and Sicilians nel settore artistico e culturale, WIAD vuole promuovere le comunità di innovatori del territorio, dandogli rilievo anche all’estero, perchè pensate che Palermo possa essere un terreno fertile per questo tipo di attività? Avete qualche consiglio da darci?
Ci sono tantissimi modi per promuovere temi interessanti di discussione e creare momenti di scambio che possano aiutare un territorio e la sua comunità a imparare cose nuove e a migliorare. Noi proviamo a farlo cercando di portare a Palermo format internazionali che si svolgono in tante altre parti del mondo (oltre alla WIAD abbiamo organizzato in passato due “Global Service Jam” e stiamo lavorando per portare per la seconda volta nella nostra città lo “Urban Thinkers Campus”, evento promosso dalle Nazioni Unite sul tema dello sviluppo delle città) e, con l’occasione, invitare persone che possano fornire un contributo alla nostra città. Da questo punto di vista, Palermo ha tutte le carte in regola per eccellere: è una città estremamente attrattiva all’estero, da sempre accogliente e aperta a tutti. Tuttavia, solo creando reti e relazioni con chi sta fuori dalla nostra bellissima Sicilia riusciremo a valorizzare i nostri talenti e a creare le condizioni affinché possano avere successo sia nel nostro territorio che altrove.

C’è qualche domanda che non vi abbiamo fatto e avreste voluto trovare?WIAD (4)
Me ne vengono in mente almeno tre:

A) Alla fine ne è valsa la pena organizzare per la terza volta un WIAD? Ti racconto una storia: c’è un gruppetto di persone che ogni anno si organizza per svegliarsi alle 6 del mattino un sabato di febbraio e si mette in macchina da Messina e da Siracusa per quasi tre ore solo per venire ad assistere al WIAD. Ogni volta che li vedo arrivare penso che se anche ci fossero soltanto loro per me ne sarebbe valsa la pena!

B) E adesso che il WIAD è finito, cosa facciamo di qui alla prossima edizione? Grazie per la domanda! Proprio in questi giorni con PUSH abbiamo lanciato “Right to the Future”, una tre giorni organizzata in collaborazione con il Comune di Palermo e le Nazioni Unite con l’obiettivo di immaginare nuove visioni per la Palermo dei prossimi anni. Si svolgerà dal 6 all’8 aprile, sarà aperta a tutti e trovate tutte le informazioni sul sito utc.wepush.org.

C) Pensi ancora che il Palermo riuscirà a salvarsi e a rimanere in serie A? Mah, la situazione è indubbiamente molto complicata e allo stato attuale, considerando calendario, condizione atletica dei calciatori e valore della rosa, occorrerebbe un vero e proprio miracolo. Tuttavia restiamo fiduciosi, se siamo riusciti noi a far appassionare di architettura dell’informazione i palermitani non è detto che i rosanero non riescano in un’impresa altrettanto titanica…

Grazie mille Domenico, dal Palermo calcio alla città, questa intervista è stato un vortice di ottimismo e propositività, proprio ciò che riteniamo serva alla nostra terra per recuperare il passo con il resto d’Italia da un punto di vista sociale, culturale ma anche certamente tecnologico! A presto!

Weekend in Palermo: Art and Culture

Art, culture, events, the first weekend in March, the city of Palermo truly offers many options to all curious and passionate.

palermo città arte paesaggio

Friday, March 3, at the Palace of the Eagles, will be inaugurated the photo exhibition “Ulysses escapes from the cities“, edited by Andrea Musicò but with the participation of 8 young photographers.

The exhibition will remain accessible until March 13.

Friday 3 and Saturday 4, in the cycle tours, installations and sound architectures de Le Vie dei Tesori in collaboration with Bam Archipelago Mediterranean Biennale, will be 10 places to be open to the public:

pupi siciliani teatro marionette laboratori culturali


the Oratory of San Lorenzo, San Giovanni of the Neapolitans, the Puppet Museum, the frescoed halls of Palazzo Bonocore, the Municipal Library, the Municipal Historical Archive, the terraces of the SS. Savior, the church of San Giorgio dei Genovesi, the church of Piliere and the Conservatory.

Saturday, March 4, will be able to visit the beautiful Camera delle Meraviglie from 18 pm to midnight and join the guided tour to know its history.

Saturday, March 4, it started the sightseeing “Premium Club Palermo” organized by Premium Treccani Cultural Pole of Palermo. The first event, reserved for those who want to join the club, includes a visit to the Church of Santa Maria of the Admiral or Martorana starting at 16.

And as you continue on Sunday?

Sunday, March 5, will be the final event of “Ballarò Tale”, collective art project that tells the neighborhood through the mural created by children. Starting from 10, in Origlione square will be presented the project with a video and as a result you can attend stories and participate in the realization of the last murals.

Still Sunday, March 5, from 10 to 13.30 and from 15 to 18:30 you can visit the early Catacomba Paleocristiana di Porta d’Ossuna, in Corso Alberto Amedeo n. 110, the visit is run by archaeologists in recent years have dealt with the discovery. chiesa-martorana-facciata

Which of these events you will not miss?

Tell it to info@sicilyandsicilians.com or send photos, comments or suggestions about exhibitions, museums and laboratories that visit or that you will take part!

Want to know more about Ballarò? Click here and find other details of this beautiful Palermo neighborhood.


Carnival 2017 in Palermo and Sicily

Educarnival, the carnival of the schools of Palermo which will take place on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 of February, is in its third year. This year’s program is particularly full in activities, all to live and visit.

On Saturday morning we start with the representation of theatrical operas by students who will interpret street performances inspired by the classical, modern and contemporary opera and also music, dance performances, all around the city.

Students of tourism’ schools will become tour guides to promote and raise awareness of the territory of the old town to tourists and citizens.

In the afternoon students of hotel management school of Palermo and the High School of Castelbuono, will organize gastronomic workshops with tastings open to the public.

Piazza Verdi will be used as a stage for music and dance performances.

On Sunday morning, students will participate in the activities of orienteering in anticipation of the student world championship of this discipline to be held for the first time in Sicily in April (for those who do not know it, it is a consistent practice in being able to move in places, unknown places, using only compass and topographic map as quickly as possible.

They will continue the guided tours and theater, music and dance.

Sunday afternoon is dedicated to the parade with the participation of students in masks with wagons made by the schools, but at the same time will not stop performances by students on the stage set up in Piazza Verdi, where at the end of the parade will be the awarding of the most beautiful masks.

But, of course Palermo is not the only Sicilian town in which we celebrate the carnival this weekend.

Acireale is expected the annual parade of gorgeous allegorical wagons that will end with a show in Piazza Duomo.

The samba school of Misterbianco (Catania) will organize a musical caravan on Saturday, followed by a parade of the “most beautiful of Sicily Costumes” on Sunday.

A Scicli (Ragusa) will be held “U Carnaluvari ra Stratanova” that will include music, street performers, parade and food tastings.

A Sciacca (Agrigento), another of the parades among the most famous of Sicily, with wagons made by the collaboration of craftsmen, sculptors and architects.

The tradition of Immerese Termini (Palermo) in addition to the parade floats, including the burning of two puppets called “nannu” and “nanna” at the end of the festival.

Do not miss Messina.. Novara offers a nice variation, the Majorcan Game, during which the teams throw down a path, “a maiurchèa”, typical cheese like pecorino, which on Shrove Tuesday gets the festival.

Art, young and fun for this carnival in Sicily … you’re spoiled for choice!




And do you know other cities that celebrate Carnival in traditional or innovative way, or in a different way?  Do you want to tell us? We invite you to write to info@sicilyandsicilians.com


(Italiano) BEST PRACTICE MADE IN SUD: Trasformazioni

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Trasformazioni è una nuova occasione d’innovazione che si crea dal connubio tra l’arte e i giovani artisti e il rispetto dell’ambiente e della sostenibilità nel territorio siciliano, affiancato dalle nuove tecnologie.
Abbiamo intervistato la responsabile di Trasformazioni, Rosa Tinnirello, che ci ha spiegato il progetto nel dettaglio.


Cos’è Trasformazioni?trasformazioni 6
Il progetto ‘Trasformazioni’ è stato creato dall’associazione culturale ‘Ermes’ e finanziato dalla Regione Sicilia all’interno del macro progetto ‘Creazione Giovani’.
Vogliamo promuovere una nuova cultura per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti che consideri la “spazzatura” come una risorsa e non come un problema. Nei workshop che abbiamo organizzato a Palermo e a Paternò (Ct) abbiamo creato opere d’arte con gli scarti, creando bellezza e un nuovo “valore culturale” nel rispetto dell’ambiente. A Paternò (Ct) ci siamo occupati di design d’arte riciclando gli scarti industriali provenienti dalla lavorazione delle maioliche di ‘Studio Le Nid’; a Palermo invece il workshop è stato incentrato sull’utilizzo della spazzatura e sul riciclo artistico degli oggetti in disuso. Dal 14 al 28 marzo ci sarà una mostra con le opere dei giovani partecipanti alla “Bottega 2” presso i Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa.

trasformazioni 2Quali sono i suoi obiettivi?
L’obiettivo primario del progetto è quello di valorizzare i giovani creativi e quello di diffondere i valori della sostenibilità e del rispetto dell’ambiente. Il riciclo può essere anche un modo di sviluppare nuove idee imprenditoriali in un momento critico sulla sfera economica e occupazionale della nostra regione.

Chi può partecipare ai vostri workshop e come sono strutturati?
Per questa edizione, i workshop si sono già svolti tra dicembre 2016 e febbraio 2017. Hanno partecipato giovani fino a 30 anni e disoccupati che si occupavano di riciclo creativo e di arte. I partecipanti sono stati reclutati tramite una call sui social media. I workshop sono stati coordinati da esperti del settore che si sono messi a disposizione dei partecipanti.
Dal 14 al 28 marzo ci sarà una mostra alla “Bottega 2” dei Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa di Palermo.

Quali altre attività pensate di sviluppare in futuro?trasformazioni 3

In futuro la nostra associazione vorrebbe riproporre i workshop sul riciclo artistico per continuare la sua mission sulla sostenibilità e sulla creazione di una nuova estetica virtuosa.
L’impatto delle iniziative culturali in Sicilia può migliorare con una comunicazione mirata ed efficace in grado di coinvolgere un pubblico più ampio e vario. Per dimostrare che con “la cultura si mangia” bisogna creare nuove sinergie e fare rete, la vostra piattaforma sarà certamente importante in questo processo.
La nostra Regione ha tanti gap, per prima cosa non c’è un piano per finanziare i progetti culturali ed infine, bisognerebbe anche riuscire a sfruttare meglio le risorse turistiche della Sicilia.

(Italiano) Antonio Dibennardo _ Fotografia

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Fotografia - Antiche speranze - Antonio DibennardoAntonio Dibennardo è un artista siciliano emergente che, dopo il diploma in pittura al liceo “Artistico T. Campailla”, si trasferisce a Torino per frequentare l’Accademia di Belle Arti. Dopo 3 anni di studio, consegue la laurea di primo livello sempre in Pittura.

Durante il periodo di studi liceali e universitari frequenta workshop e prende parte a stage e progetti riguardanti varie arti visive quali, ad esempio, la fotografia. Prende parte infatti ad un workshop diretto da Pino Ninfa, che prevedeva la valorizzazione di alcune zone della città di Modica. Successivamente, compie uno stage per una personale di un gruppo di artigiani serigrafi.

Nonostante la predilezione per la pittura, l’artista sperimenta altre tecniche quali disegno, china, incisione e fotografia tentando di inglobarle l’una nell’altra.

La fotografia è stata, comunque, sempre una sua grande passione che lo ha accompagnato fin da piccolo e che con il passare del tempo ha potuto affinare.

Ogni volta che ne ha la possibilità, infatti, gira per la strade alla ricerca di piccoli ritagli di città.

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Green Lab, redevelopment and sustainability for “Cantieri Culturali of Zisa”

Green Lab_bannerA new project by the sustainable character is developing the “Cantieri Culturali of Zisa”: Green Lab, sponsored by Legambiente Sicily and co-funded by the Prime Minister – Department of Youth and the National Civil Service and carried out in collaboration with the City of Palermo.

They speak of the project the regional president of Legambiente Sicily, Gianfranco Zanna and the press officier Sveva Alagna.

The goal of the project is self-sustainable redevelopment of three halls of the Cantieri Culturali of Zisa, until now called “Space Marceau”, owned by the City of Palermo, and make them usable. Green Lab1

The first step concerns the renovation of the property where the activities will take place. The restoration, which will be carried out in full respect of the historical and architectural features of the site will be co-managed by the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage. Following the restructuring, the property will be provided of an energy saving and electrical plant.

The project will last 18 months and among the activities to be undertaken are the creation of a multipurpose center for activities aimed at improving lifestyles, a documentation center for the environment, a shared space in which to organize cultural events, Green Lab2public meetings, workshops and seminars, a Center for Environmental Education and Sustainability and workshops for children and a space intended to co-working for the sharing of expertise and skills towards economic and sustainable management of working spaces and for the promotion of participatory planning.

Another objective of the Green Lab is the realization of Legambiente Turismo Sicilia, which will turns around all those structures in tourism activities that pay particular attention to the environment,

Young, sustainability and creative reuse of materials are the key elements of the project.

More information on their facebook page.

Another opportunity for Culture and Art in Palermo, the city will host “Manifesta 12th edition” in 2018

Il_golfo_di_MondelloAfter being listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, it has been proclaimed Youth Capital 2017 Capital of Culture 2018, Palermo in 2018 will also host the twelfth edition of Manifesta.

In these three years, in fact, the Sicilian capital is engaging in a series of artistic and cultural activities for the final event.

But is it manifested? When and how it performs? Because it is an event so important for the city that hosts it?

Manifesta is an important European exhibition with contemporary art biennial basis in Amsterdam but which organizes its exhibitions in more and different cities.

The previous editions of the event were held in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Russia. piazza_pretoria

The focus of the Biennale, founded in the early 90s, is the dialogue between art and society in Europe, in fact, for its realization is essential collaboration and commitment among international stakeholders and local communities.

The aim of the Festival is, therefore, to establish a strong interchange between the specific cultural situation and the wider context of European contemporary visual art.

Manifesta is dedicated to emerging artists and based on openness to innovation in the arts, technology and culture.

For Manifesta it is very important not to focus on the main sites of artistic production, but always seek alternative places in order to renew the view as much as possible.

The activities carried out in two or three years before realize publications, meetings, debates and seminars in different cities in Europe and conclude with a final exhibition, which lasts three months in the host city. "Quattro Canti"

The aim of Manifesta is to create new creative partnerships with organizations, independent curators and art professionals and to build a huge network of contemporary art in Europe.

The city of Palermo was chosen to host the 12th edition because it embodies two important issues in contemporary Europe: climate change and migration and how these problems affect the future of our cities.

A comprehensive plan to revitalize the city, then, that includes artistic and cultural considerations, structural and architectural interventions and social change.

Francesco Licitra _ Sculpture and Digital Art

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pittura_infinity_apps-grafica-digitale_francesco-licitraFrancesco Licitra, giovane e autodidatta artista siciliano, si dedica alla scultura utilizzando materiali “naturali e ad una “tecnologica” pittura.

Licitra, inizia un po’ per hobby a dedicarsi alla lavorazione di legni trovati nelle spiagge e di pietra locale, nello specifico pietra pece e calcarea. Questa sua vivacità ed operosità nel creare oggetti lo ha negli anni addirittura portato a creare un vero e proprio marchio che lo possa rendere facilmente riconoscibile ai più, Rarica.

Dall’anno scorso Licitra ha cominciato, inoltre, a dedicarsi anche ad il linguaggio creativo della pittura, inventando una nuova tecnica per realizzare i suoi quadri in modo unico ed originale che ha chiamato: Fissaggio chimico su metallo.

Nello specifico, l’artista, crea i suoi quadri partendo da un’app grafica, l’immagine che crea viene poi fissata in maniera permanente e indelebile su una lastra di alluminio. Predilige nelle sue pitture soggetti e ambientazioni dalla vocazione surrealista, immagini evocative che si configurano come unica via di fuga dalla complessa realtà quotidiana che ci circonda.

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(Italiano) Giuseppe Vassallo _ Pittura

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ouverture-olio-su-tela-100x70-cm-2016Il lavoro di Giuseppe Vassallo è il pretesto per indagare la realtà. Le immagini, infatti, che cerca di evocare sono di luoghi vissuti, di superfici sfiorate, di atmosfere respirate che, trasportate su una superficie piana,
bidimensionale restituiscono non la loro rappresentazione ma una nuova lettura, come un nuovo luogo, un non-luogo. I tagli compositivi/geometrici attraverso i quali si possono scorgere nuove dimensioni sono frutto di scomposizioni strutturali, che vanno dal perimetro del supporto fino alla millesimale pellicola pittorica, cercando di restituire così una profondità prospettica e materica.

La scelta del supporto poi, per nulla casuale, la tavola, è nata sia per esigenze tecniche che etiche. Sentendo, infatti, forte il legame con la storia, il giovane artista siciliano ha avuto la necessità di appropriarsi di metodologie che lo tenessero a stretto contatto con essa, e quindi attraverso materiali come la tavola di essenze pregiate e non, e l’olio.

Infine di recente la sua attenzione si è spostata su quelle che sono le forme di perdita d’informazioni, nel linguaggio parlato, in fisica, in filosofia (l’immagine), e ha trovato interessante quanto questo fenomeno possa suggerirgli sempre nuove soluzioni formali.

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(Italiano) Chiara Polizzi _ pittura

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Chiara Polizzi, è artista emergente di Borgetto (PA) luogo in cui vive e lavora. Nel 2011 si laurea in Arte sacra contemporanea indirizzo Pittura presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo, ha studiato presso il medesimo istituto per conseguire nel
pittura-blu-patetico-chiara-polizzi 2015 il diploma di II livello in Pittura, presentando la tesi di carattere storiografico su Francesco Lauretta.

La giovane artista siciliana, attraverso le sue tele, affronta il tema del doppio pirandelliano. Riflette su come la società, la politica, la cultura, il contesto familiare tenda spesso ad inglobare ognuno di noi, trasformandoci lentamente in una microscopica particella di un tutto indistinto.
La sua pittura è forte, aggressiva, graffiante, ma al contempo velata e disomogenea. I suoi soggetti, a lei molto cari, la raccontano e la celebrano per come lei ha voluto. Ognuno di loro grida al mondo chi veramente sono. Spogliati dalla maschera imposta, non hanno più nulla da temere, e mostrandosi nudi al mondo possono finalmente imporsi per quello che sono, con i loro punti di forza e le loro sincere imperfezioni. Smettono, insomma, di essere personaggio per tornare ad essere persona.
Polizzi utilizza il tema del ritratto per svelare i segreti che dietro ogni porzione del viso si celano. Volti irruenti, docili, spenti, curiosi che si mescolano allo sfondo, diventando un tutto impercettibile. Costruendo un gioco tra figura e sfondo che destabilizza chi osserva e che lo porta a non riconoscere più il soggetto predominante da tutto il resto. È un gioco di colori, di texture baroccheggianti, graffi e pennellate con i quali vuole svelare i piccoli misteri che ognuno di noi porta con sé.

Oggi è impegnata in un importante progetto per promuovere l’arte e la cultura siciliana all’estero.

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Questo artista è stato invitato a partecipare a “Made OF Sicily”, prima MostraEvento di Sicily & Sicilians.

Scopri qui il programma della mostra a Palermo!


(Italiano) Monica Rubino _ Pittura

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La sua testa, incisione calcograficaMonica Rubino è una giovane artista siciliana dalla formazione un po’ diversa da altri artisti. Il suo, infatti, è uno studio che parte da un approccio teorico e classico sino a giungere all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo, dove attualmente frequenta il corso di Grafica d’arte.

Predilige il disegno a penna su carta sul quale proietta la sua personale visione del mondo interiore, i suoi sogni, le sue più recondite paure, i suoi sentimenti più segreti.

Protagonisti dei suoi lavori sono pallide e fragili figure che esorcizzano fobie e desideri di una natura sessuale costretta e al tempo stesso irrequieta. Sbiadite e ingenue memorie di una realtà che si mostra oscura e a volte quasi impenetrabile.

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(Italiano) Mariaceleste Arena _ Pittura

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mariaceleste-arena-_-composizione-con-giochi-di-cartaMariaceleste Arena disegna da quando era bambina, ha continuato quando frequentava al Liceo artistico e continua a farlo
facendo ogni cosa per migliorarsi giorno dopo giorno. Il suo lavoro ha un duplice obiettivo, uno primario finalizzato al bello/estetico, e il secondo si focalizza soprattutto sulla realtà in cui vive e la circonda quotidianamente. Attualmente, inoltre, sta vivendo una fervida fase di ricerca e sperimentazione.
Le tecniche che predilige sono la pittura ad olio, la tempera all’uovo, gli acrilici e per quanto riguarda il disegno trova interessante l’uso della china e dei pastelli.
Mariaceleste è un vulcano creativo ed è per questo che si cimenta molto volentieri anche in altre tecniche artistiche, come quella del mosaico realizzato con materiali di risulta, o si dedica alla realizzazione di decorazioni urbane.

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(Italiano) Stefano Lo Voi _ Pittura

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stefano-lo-voi_graficaStefano Lo Voi, è un giovane pittore palermitano. Ha frequentato l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo, indirizzo pittura. Grazie ai tre anni spesi nell’ambiente palermitano, ha raggiunto una consapevolezza maggiore del linguaggio pittorico e delle sue espressioni. Successivamente, terminato il triennio in Accademia, ha conseguito il titolo Magistrale in Storia dell’Arte all’Università degli Studi di Palermo.

La sua ricerca artistica verte sopratutto sull’espressione grafica. La tecnica da lui maggiormente adottata è, infatti, china su carta, con cui crea grovigli e trame che compongono figure e ambienti inghiottiti in un silenzio che ricorda le realtà metafisiche e surrealiste. La sua ricerca parte sopratutto dalla riflessione su se stessi nella proiezione dell’ambiente e delle sue dinamiche, della sua evoluzione e involuzione per certi aspetti.  I suoi lavori mostrano un linguaggio non sempre riconoscibile, il suo modo di crearestefano-lo-voi_grafica2 evolve e muta sempre al punto da poter dire che quasi non esista una “firma” che identifichi Stefano Lo Voi (cosa che, invece, molti pretendono da un artista). Il suo è infatti un lavoro versatile, la sua ricerca un caos che trova l’equilibrio nelle diverse tecniche artistiche, dal disegno alla pittura, dalla scultura alla fotografia.

Per Stefano Lo Voi “essere artisti del proprio tempo significa essere consapevole dei mezzi nuovi e delle tecniche, padrone nel
saperle usare”. Ma la tecnica è realmente fonte di libertà? Forse si finisce per esserne schiavi, ridursi a mero strumento dell’età contemporanea. Si rischia di assecondare troppo ciò che desidera il mondo e dimenticare ciò che di più primitivo abita nel profondo del proprio io, ciò che chiamiamo “componente primordiale”. Ed è per questo che Lo Voi ci spiega come sia importante continuare a guardare al mondo semplice che ci circonda. Molti infatti sono gli artisti che dopo qualche anno nel “mondo moderno” sono tornati alla pittura di origine, quella in cui risiede apparentemente la “semplicità” delle piccole cose.

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Questo artista è stato invitato a partecipare a “Made OF Sicily”, prima MostraEvento di Sicily & Sicilians.

Scopri qui il programma della mostra a Palermo!


(Italiano) Rita Cavallaro _ Scultura

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Rita Cavallaro, artista siciliana, dal 2010 si dedica con passione alla Fiber art. Questo è uno stile artistico che si avvale di tecniche e materiali tessili scultura-bolla-cosmo-dacqua-rita-cavallaroche indaga l’uso di materiali flessibili e fibrosi riferendosi al mondo del mito e delle tradizioni. Da due anni però ha iniziato a sviluppare le sue opere, iniziando dai più semplici cappelli scultorei fino alla realizzazione di installazioni collettive in giro per il mondo.

Ogni sua opera è frutto della sua immaginazione senza rimandi a modelli o al passato. Lavorare il tessuto è per lei un modo per esprimere il suo io più profondo. Cavallaro trasferisce su tessuto visioni,come se accedessero ad una conoscenza superiore.

Lei stessa definisce la sua arte iperbolica, psichedelica, e in costante work in progress. Infatti, afferma che il suo modo di fare arte non si placa mai ed è in in continua in evoluzione.

La giovane artista realizza copricapi artistici con l’uncinetto tridimensionale, sculture, pannelli per installazioni utilizzando varie tecniche manuali in particolar modo il Freeform Crochet, e la fiber art figurativa (animali ,fiori, piante) solo con l’utilizzo dell’uncinetto. Realizza inoltre ritratti in lana intagliata che definisce ironicamente ”Wool Pop Art” utilizzando solo il bianco e il nero. Nonostante il minimalismo dei tratti e la ridotta gamma cromatica, si possono cogliere le caratteristiche essenziali di ogni volto e icona rappresentata.

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