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BEST PRACTICE MADE IN SUD: PastActivity - SicilyandSicilians 3.0


PastActivity Sicilian is a cultural association founded in 2016 by the idea, and through the efforts of archaeologists, Laura and John who made use of external collaboration of a colleague, Claudia.

The main objectives that the association intends PastAcitivity are the enhancement of the Sicilian territory and the rediscovery of the majestic cultural heritage through events and activities to promote so a better understanding of the past and the traditions of Sardinia.

locandina definitivaThe first major event of historical reenactment in Sicily will be held at the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento on 6 and 7 May 2017. All those taking part in the initiative will be able to relive the atmosphere that reigned at Akragas in the third century. B.C. when the city was fought over by the Romans and the Carthaginians, by participating in the many activities under the program.


Intrigued by this project, we asked some questions to one of the two founders of archaeologists PastActivity, Laura Danile.

How did the idea?

The idea was born by the desire to organize something new in Sicily that could draw a lot of people in one of the most beautiful archaeological areas of the island and especially turn to a new and different audience than usual. In particular, we would like to engage millennials which are those that less frequent the area.

Have you encountered difficulties (bureaucratic or emotional) in your path, especially considering the importance of the choice of location and the modalities of the project itself?

foto gruppo PastactivityI will not conceal that the project is complex and ambitious and a little ‘scare us but we have photos Pastactivity group always had positive feedback and full availability by the host Entity which is our main partner and opened doors and provided all the support we need. Then we created a network of professionals who, each in his field of expertise, work with great enthusiasm and got themselves involved 360 degrees on other aspects not strictly technical. I would say that so far everything went smoothly even if the road is still uphill all the way.

Express yourself in 3 words the essence of the project.

History, Entertainment, Emotion.

What is the purpose of your initiative?

Helping to strengthen the link between the community and places of culture, enabling them to be perceived as places to live, to discover, to rediscover, in which excited, have fun, meet, and why not, create a new business margin for young professionals of the territory. The work our generation has to invent it with courage.Sopralluogo_Arti_Director-14

Do you plan to repeat such experiences in the near future?

Sure we hope so.

Your organization brings a well-known Sicilian excellence and this is fully in line with the objective of Sicily and Sicilians, at the same time involves a number of young people; how do you think that these two factors can be combined for the promotion of our Earth?

We are fully convinced that these factors are the strength of our land, rich in history, culture, charm those who live there and love can pass on to travelers. Young people, like us, have to believe and commit to this, build on their skills to promote this wonderful land.

For more info on PastActivity


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