


Il progetto Sicily&Sicilians è nato dall’Associazione Culturale MOSTRAMED. Segue le orme di un’importante esperienza di successo sviluppata da Sandro Aglialoro e si avvale della passione per l’arte e della pratica quotidiana con giovani e giovanissimi di Vittoria Benzo e dell’esperienza internazionale come traduttore di Francesco Caruso.  I tre hanno sviluppato il progetto Sicily&Sicilians per valorizzare le eccellenze della loro terra, promuovendo l’arte e la cultura e i giovani siciliani.

Sandro Aglialoro Team Sicily&Sicilians tondo



Ha studiato Economia laureandosi alla Bocconi di Milano con 110 e lode con tesi in Marketing Strategico. Ha maturato una significativa esperienza professionale nell’ambito del marketing e della comunicazione a livello nazionale e internazionale in diversi settori: finance, luxury, food &beverage,  ICT ed ora infine nell’ambito artistico e sociale. Ha sempre lavorato nel volontariato e da anni si è focalizzato sull’imprenditoria sociale arrivando a lanciare con successo Mostrami, un grande collettivo di giovani artisti emergenti che opera a livello nazionale. Vorrebbe portare in Sicilia la propria passione per l’arte giovane e la propria esperienza progettuale e replicare questo successo nella propria terra.


Vittoria Benzo Team Sicily&Sicilians tondo



Appassionata d’arte e di sociale, da parecchi anni ormai si occupa di formazione e insegnamento verso giovani e giovanissimi. Ha svolto numerosi laboratori ed acquisito le abilità per guidarli e coordinarli nel pieno rispetto del talento artistico del singolo e dello spirito creativo del gruppo.



Leandro IorioSimona CalamitaCaterina Peri sicily and siciliansvirginia angius sicily and sicilians

_____Leandro Iorio                      Simona Calamita                       Caterina Peri                        Virginia Angius



La prima community online per promuovere le eccellenze siciliane grazie alla valorizzazione della giovane arte!

Sicily&Sicilians è un progetto artistico-culturale volto alla promozione della Sicilia da un punto di vista culturale, sociale e turistico. Vuole promuovere le eccellenze siciliane dapprima al Nord Italia e poi all’estero grazie alla valorizzazione della giovane arte contemporanea sfruttando i più recenti sviluppi dei social network e applicazioni ICT!

Sicily and Sicilians - community valorizzazione eccellenze siciliane

Il lancio del progetto (primavera 2017) si compone nelle seguenti attività:

1.realizzazione di una Call artistica (gennaio/marzo 2017) per raccogliere le candidature dei giovani artisti siciliani e individuare le opere da  esporre in mostra (sono state ricevute 116 candidature);

2.svolgimento della MostraEvento di Palermo, (maggio 2017) ossia una grande esposizione delle opere dei giovani artisti provenienti dalla Call precedente, insieme ad una serie di talk/incontri/workshop sull’ispirazione/sulle buone pratiche/sui casi di successo aperti liberamente al pubblico, soprattutto di giovani e giovanissimi, focalizzati sulle eccellenze e sull’innovazione in Sicilia con diversi ospiti e testimonianze da parte di imprenditori siciliani che «ce l’hanno fatta»! Qui il programma.

Per avere maggiori info sul progetto contattaci cliccando qui.


partner and supporter sicily and sicilians






Sicily and Sicilians project was created by the Cultural Association MOSTRAMED. Following in the footsteps of a major successful experience developed by Sandro Aglialoro and using the passion for art and daily practice with children and young people of Victoria Benzo and international experience as a translator of Francesco Caruso. The three have developed Sicily&Sicilians project to enhance the excellence of their land, promoting art and culture and the young Sicilians.

Sandro Aglialoro Team Sicily&Sicilians tondo



He studied economics and graduated at the Bocconi University in Milan with 110 cum laude with a degree in Strategic Marketing. He has extensive professional experience in marketing and communication at national and international level in various sectors: finance, luxury, food & beverage, ICT and now finally in the artistic and social. He has always worked in the volunteer and for years has focused on social entrepreneurship coming to successfully launch Mostrami, a large group of young emerging artists who work at the national level. He would like to bring in Sicily their passion for young art and his project experience and replicate this success in their own land.


Vittoria Benzo Team Sicily&Sicilians tondo



Passionate art and social, for several years now she focuses on training and education to children and young people. She has held numerous workshops and acquired the skills to lead and coordinate them with full respect for the artistic talent of the individual and the creative spirit of the group.





He has a dual training, legal and literary. He graduated in Law in Palermo with honors, he attended a Master on the rights of intellectual property in Rome before undertaking literary studies in the United States, earning a master’s degree in Italian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and a Doctorate in Italian Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. His academic research has focused on the history and Italian literature of Humanism and the Renaissance. Bilingual Italian / English, he held for over a decade freelance translation work, linguistic consulting and subtitling of films and documentaries. Bibliomane, globetrotter and lover of cinema, working with cultural organizations and film festivals. Its mission is to track down and share the quality wherever it is found, with eyes and heart turned to the Sicily.



She is graduated in Advertising Technology, he worked in Palermo for a web agency and after two experiences abroad, decided to return to engage in communication projects involving Sicily.




Leandro IorioSimona CalamitaCaterina Peri sicily and siciliansvirginia angius sicily and sicilians

_____Leandro Iorio                      Simona Calamita                       Caterina Peri                        Virginia Angius



The first Online Community to promote excellence in Sicily thanks to the exploitation of young art!


Sicily and Sicilians is an artistic and cultural project to promote the good of Sicily from a cultural point of view, social and tourism. It wants to promote excellence in Sicily, first in the North Italy and then abroad thanks to the exploitation of young contemporary art based on the most recent developments of social networks and ICT applications!

Sicily and Sicilians - community valorizzazione eccellenze siciliane


The launch of the project (spring 2017) consists of the following activities:


  1. realization of an Call for Artists (January / March 2017) to collect applications from young Sicilian artists and identify the works to be exhibited in the exhibition (116 applications were received);
  1. MostraEvento in Palermo, (May 2017) that it will be a major exhibition of works by young artists from the previous call, along with a series of talks / meetings on inspiration / workshop on good practices / success stories about freely open to the public, especially children and young people, focused on excellence and innovation in Sicily with several guests and testimonials from Sicilian businessmen who “have made it”!     Here the program.

For more information about the project please contact us here.


partner and supporter sicily and sicilians

