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Green Lab, riqualificazione ed ecosostenibilità ai Cantieri Culturali della Zisa

Green Lab, redevelopment and sustainability for “Cantieri Culturali of Zisa”

Green Lab_bannerA new project by the sustainable character is developing the “Cantieri Culturali of Zisa”: Green Lab, sponsored by Legambiente Sicily and co-funded by the Prime Minister – Department of Youth and the National Civil Service and carried out in collaboration with the City of Palermo.

They speak of the project the regional president of Legambiente Sicily, Gianfranco Zanna and the press officier Sveva Alagna.

The goal of the project is self-sustainable redevelopment of three halls of the Cantieri Culturali of Zisa, until now called “Space Marceau”, owned by the City of Palermo, and make them usable. Green Lab1

The first step concerns the renovation of the property where the activities will take place. The restoration, which will be carried out in full respect of the historical and architectural features of the site will be co-managed by the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage. Following the restructuring, the property will be provided of an energy saving and electrical plant.

The project will last 18 months and among the activities to be undertaken are the creation of a multipurpose center for activities aimed at improving lifestyles, a documentation center for the environment, a shared space in which to organize cultural events, Green Lab2public meetings, workshops and seminars, a Center for Environmental Education and Sustainability and workshops for children and a space intended to co-working for the sharing of expertise and skills towards economic and sustainable management of working spaces and for the promotion of participatory planning.

Another objective of the Green Lab is the realization of Legambiente Turismo Sicilia, which will turns around all those structures in tourism activities that pay particular attention to the environment,

Young, sustainability and creative reuse of materials are the key elements of the project.

More information on their facebook page.

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