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The Cribs - SicilyandSicilians 3.0

The Cribs

The Cribs are the symbol of Christmas.

The Cribs-Statues and the traditions are different all over the world. In Sicily there are especially two characters in every Crib: The “Scantato” and the “Lagnuso”. The first, the “Scantato”, i.e. the “Frightened”, is motionsless, with wide arms, the hat in the hand and the lost and enchanted glance. Its place is near the cave, in front of the Child, and it conveys the amazement for the Holy Nativity. The “Lagnuso”, i.e. the “lazy”, the “sleeping”, is a typical character that represents the one who was woken up by the angel and destined to inform the shepherds about the event.

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This was our insight into the tradition of Cribs in Sicily! Stay up to date on the many curiosities in the next articles! If you are planning to take a tour of the traditional Sicilian nativity scenes, here are all the scheduled exhibitions!

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