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Made OF Sicily - il weekend della MostraEvento

Made OF Sicily – The weekend of the exhibition

The weekend of Made OF Sicily has just ended. These last three days have been really intense and Palazzo Forcella De Seta has welcomed many visitors, curious to admire both its beauty and the exhibition of 100 works that our 20 young emerging artists have realized to celebrate Sicily and its excellences.

The first days of Made OF Sicily have been dedicated to workshops, talks and speeches for high schools students: more than 300 students have had the chance to join lectures and debates concerning the world of innovation and the jobs of the future also thanks to the participation of selected mentors, that have told their experience and given useful tips and insights.

Another session of workshops is scheduled for the following few days it will see the participation of other 200 students and youngsters interested to the different topics (there are still some places available for the workshop of the 16th of May, click here to know more about it).

On Friday, May 12th, the official opening of the exhibition took place. The participants had the chance to appreciate the different works and to satisfy all the curiosities they had thanks to the presence of the artists, who were more than glad to involve the public and also to clarify the ideas for the voting. Indeed, everyone had the chance to express a preference towards a specific artist for the whole evening. The terrace, also thanks to a glass of wine and a tasting, has been the designated spot of synergies and of exchange of opinions and impressions.

On Saturday morning it was FAI’s turn, that took advantage of the opening of the palace for the exhibition and offered a visit to its members that had the chance to appreciate also the works of Made OF Sicily.

The visits lasted all day long and visitors came from all over Sicily, Italy and there were also some foreign tourists.

On Sunday, May 14th, there was the award ceremony of the artists. After the scrutiny of the public’s votes, the evaluation of the technical commission and the counting of the preferences coming from the Web, the responsible of the project, Sandro Aglialoro, along with Pino Toro, President of AIL Palermo, proclaimed the four winners:

At the third place, we find Salvatore Rivolo and his illustrations of a surreal Palermo.

Luca Mannino and his sculptures that tell stories won the second place.

On the highest place of the podium, there is the fascinating project of Chiara Polizzi.

We would like to remember to those that still have not joined us, that the exhibition Made OF Sicily has not finished yet. You can still find us until May 18th at Palazzo Forcella De Seta to find out how our young emerging artists have paid homage to Sicily with their works.

Most the works of art exhibited is on sale, here you can find all the information. In case you would like to buy one, we would like to remind you that 30% of the proceeds will go to AIL, the Italian association against leukemia-lymphomas and myeloma.

For further information, you can visit the detailed page of the program.

In addition, if you want to tell us your impressions, advice and critiques, you can write us at info@sicilyandsicilians.com 🙂

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One Reply to “Made OF Sicily – The weekend of the exhibition”

  1. non sono un esperto d’ arte, e nemmeno di mostre ,comunque ho visitato la mostra e debbo dire che alcuni lavori mi sono piaciuti,forse un po’ di illuninazione in più su alcune opere non sarebbe stata male,comunque gran bella mostra .

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