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Is it possible to create an innovative business in Sicily about ice? Yes! The young Sicilians of Icecube tell us about it.

logo icecube

What is Icecube about?

Icecube deals with the production and sale of packaged ice.

Where does the idea of producing ice in Sicily come from?

Sicily is the land of sun and sea, but maybe not everybody knows that it is also the land of ice. Indeed, history provides us some documents from 1500 and 1700 in which, the so-called “Nevaioli”, collected snow from the Etna, from Nebrodi and Madonie, they compated it until it became ice, then conserved it in specific structures called “neviere” and then exported it with sail brigs. So, we’ve just taken the baton from an ancient and fascinating story and we’ve renewed it.

Where does the innovation lie in your organization? Is it in your value chain?

We try to give value to the product, so the water (which comes from the springs in Madonie), to the production process that guarantees the absolute quality and wholesomeness. We try to give value to the brand through commercial synergies, for example with producers of liquors and not.

team icecube

Among your products there is also some colored ice to decorate cocktails and big ice blocks for the sculptures… we are getting close to our sector! Can you give us some previews about your next innovations?

Luckily, the world of the so-called Mixology (a good mixed drink) is wide-spreading and so also the ice is being enhanced as an ingredient in cocktails. So, we have thought to develop products that can meet the different needs of the market: practical and useful products like small cubes or crushed in different formats for the different occasions, or high valued products, like our Premium line, where from big clear and transparent blocks and after a slow process of freezing, spheres and maxi cubes are produced for the most refined spirits. 🙂

From a geographical point of view, how is your market like today?

The products are distributed all over Italy, both considering the Ho.Re.Ca channel (hotel, restaurant, catering) and the GDO (supermarkets). We have also started to introduce ourselves in France.

icecube premium

Which are the difficulties in operating in Sicily and which are the positive aspects?

The main positive aspect is, for example, stay here while we are talking looking at the sea, go to work and see the shore and the amazing light. This fosters the spirit and the creativity. The downsides are mainly concerning the organization, but I would say that you cannot have everything in life, and I am not sure if I would exchange all this with cold and fog.

Is there any advice that you would like to give to young Sicilians that are thinking about innovating and realizing their own idea?

Never give up! Use the amazing communication channels that we have today and take also a small idea or production, enhance it and compare it with the most appropriate market.

If you want to know more about this Sicilian excellence and discover in detail its products, you can visit the website here. 🙂

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