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MostraEvento Made OF Sicily

Exhibition of young contemporary art

9-18 May, Palazzo Forcella-De Seta, Palermo, Sicilia

Welcome su Sicily and Sicilians!

palazzo forcella de seta palermo sicilia mostra arte contemporanea

MostraMed, in collaboration with Ance Palermo Open, presents the program of the long awaited MostraEvento that will take place from the 9th to 18th May in the wonderful Forcella De Seta Palace in Piazza della Kalsa in Palermo.

The MostraEvento will be open to the public with free access for 10 days and it will display the works of 20 Sicilian artists under 24: painters, sculptors, photographers, streetartist, digitalartist. The MostraEvento in addition to the exhibition of contemporary art, will provide a rich program of workshops and talks.


The Exhibition Made OF Sicily

Young artists, who will see their works exhibited during the event, have been invited after a contest attended by 116 artists presenting their projects on the theme of Sicilian excellence. The goal of “Made OF Sicily” is, in fact, to emphasize the Sicilianity: the tradition, the culture, the beauty of the area, good food, ethical values, the great historical personalities and everything that’s beloved and known of our land.

The works of the artists will be on sale and 30% of the proceeds will go to in favor of AIL – Italian Association against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma – Palermo Section.

Here is the complete program of the exhibition with free entry (could still undergo some minor changes).

From Tuesday 9 to Thursday 11 May: preparation of the exhibition and opening preview for school students with a special  talk for students.

Tuesday 9 May

  • from 10 am to 1 pm: The creation of a new company (the business model canvas) Closed inscriptions, FULL (entrance from Piazza della Kalsa, Salita Santi Romano 30)

Wednesday 10 May

  • from 10 am to 1 pm: The financing of a new venture from calls to crowdfunding. Closed inscriptions, FULL  (entrance from Piazza della Kalsa, Salita Santi Romano 30)

Thursday 11 May

  • from 10 am to 1 pm Territorial marketing and project management for a 3.0 Sicily. Closed inscriptions, FULL (entrance from the Foro Italico, Via Foro Umberto I, 21 / A)

Friday 12 May

  • from 7 pm to 10.30 pm: official opening of the exhibition with artistic performances and music, access only on invitation (entrance from Piazza della Kalsa, Salita Santi Romano 30)

Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 May

  • from 11 am to 7 pm: opening of the exhibition to the public (entrance from Piazza della Kalsa, Salita Santi Romano 30)

Saturday 13 May

  • at 11 am:  for the members of FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano, guided tour of Palazzo Forcella De Seta and of the exhibition “Made OF Sicily” to go deep in the dialogical relationship between the art exhibition and the hosting space.

Sunday 14 May 

  • at 18 pm: awards evening (entrance from Piazza della Kalsa, Salita Santi Romano 30)

Monday 15 May

  • from 11 am to 7 pm: opening of the exhibition to the public (entrance from Piazza della Kalsa, Salita Santi Romano 30)

Tuesday 16 May

  • from 11 am to 7 pm: opening of the exhibition to the public (entrance from Piazza della Kalsa, Salita Santi Romano 30)
  • from 3 pm to 6 pm: meetings with young people on entrepreneurship.
    The financing of a new venture by the calls to crowdfunding. Sign up! (Entrance from the Foro Italico, Via Foro Umberto I, 21 / A)

Wednesday 17 May

  • from 11 am to 1 pm: opening of the exhibition to the public (entrance from Piazza della Kalsa, Salita Santi Romano 30)
  • from 3 pm to 6 pm: meetings with young people on entrepreneurship.
    The creation of a new company (the business model canvas). Closed inscriptions, FULL (Entrance from the Foro Italico, Via Foro Umberto I, 21 / A)



Wanna know all the details and stay updated about the event?

palermo event sicily art culture


The list of participating artists will be made public by April 30.

To learn more about Palazzo Forcella De Seta and the Technical Commission


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