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Calls and contests not only for artists! - SicilyandSicilians 3.0

Calls and contests not only for artists!

Here you have some contests and calls not only for artists, but for everyone interested in making a challenge! You are going to find some projects referring to the world of art, technology, innovation and start-ups! Good luck!

Startcup Palermo

bandi e contest per artisti

StartCup Palermo is a prize competition promoted by the Università degli Studi di Palermo, which consists of making some groups of people propose innovative entrepreneurial ideas based on scientific research. Who propose the best project as a business plan will be the one to win the competition: this year’s first prize consists of €7,000, whereas the runner up will obtain €3,000! This is an opportunity not to be missed!

Deadline: June 16th, 2017

Section: entrepreneurship

Registration fee: free


If interested, here you can find all that you need to take part to this contest on entrepreneurial ideas


Francavilla film festival

bandi e contest per artisti

Even this year the team of Francavilla Film Festival intends to give an opportunity to you all to realize a short video in which you can show your creativity. The theme the video should be about is totally free, the only must is that the video needs to be less than 10 minutes long.

Deadline: August 31st, 2017

Section: cinema

Registration fee: free

Go here if interested in participating to this cinema project


Funder 35

bandi e contest per artisti
The contest, which comes every year, is destined to all no-profit cultural organization which are composed in their majority by people that are less than 35 years old and involved in the field of artistic/creative production. The project doesn’t intend to fund new projects but to economically sustain those which can demonstrate to be innovative and financially healthy, proposing strong and disruptive ideas! If you think this is the case of your no-profit organization, then have a try!

Deadline: June 23rd, 2017

Section: entrepreneurship

Registration fee: free

Here to find further information about this brilliant initiative of entrepreneurial fund raising


Labora Prix Essen

bando e contest per artisti

Ufofabrik Contemporary Art Gallery with the support of Micro Crédit Artistique, has launched this independent award, with the competition for artists formula. A new and stimulating initiative for the area, the competition is open to all artists: there are no sections, all photographic and multimedia techniques are allowed.

Deadline: June 28th, 2017

Section: photography, visual art, design, multimedia

Registration fee: € 14.00 due to set-up costs

Click here if you want to know more about this interesting independent prize



Universud Association invites you to take part in this interesting photo competition with the theme of urban informality. What does city-making mean today? What are the actions that citizens can do to be protagonists of the urban environment around them? Test your critical spirit by taking part to the contest!

bandi e contest per artisti

Deadline: June 30th, 2017

Section: photography

Registration fee: € 10,00 due to set-up costs

Click here for more information on this photo contest


International GAeM Prize – Young Artists and Mosaic

The award is aimed at all artists under 40 and has the purpose of promoting contemporary mosaic both in its classical expressions and in its more innovative and experimental forms.

Deadline: July 3rd, 2017

Section: visual art

Registration fee: free

Here you can find more information about the GAeM International Prize


VinylArthink – Music to Watch

bandi e contest per artisti

VinylArthink is the first contest promoted by Arthink Editions. This is an international competition aimed at the identification of artists, illustrators and charters who intend to take part in Arthink’s editorial initiatives. In this case the project is about launching the first Arthink-Book, a framework book consisting of works inspired by a particular music track or a particular disc.

Deadline: August 25th, 2017

Section: visual art

Registration fee: free

This is for more information on this interesting project combining art and music

Dear artists and not, even next summer months give you the chance to challenge yourself with many contest of great interest. So don’t be shy and have a try: you could be the next to win!

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