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San Vito Lo Capo e Lo Zingaro - SicilyandSicilians 3.0

San Vito Lo Capo e Lo Zingaro

San Vito Lo Capo, in the province of Trapani, is famous for its sea and seaside, almost 3 Kilometres of golden sand, it has nothing to envy at the most known paradises of southern seas.

 The Crystal-clear sea, the floor and the lack of streams make this area suitable also for inexperieced swimmers and for children.

 Who prefers rocks, has a wide choice to have marvellous swims and funny dives.The seafront allows to walk near the shore, and also the street taking to the high lighthouse. A panoramic street crosses the plateau, offering a wiew of the wonderful town and its gulf.

The harbour of di San Vito Lo Capo is one of the safest all over Sicily. It is places inside of a closed gulf, with two wide rocky shallows that break the waves, and roman, phoenician, arabian, norman, spanish folks knew it well, infact they came here to drop anchors and to escape storms.

From San Vito Lo Capo, you can accede to one of the most magic corners of Sicily, the Natural Reserve Lo Zingaro, where high rocky walls rule over a rich and florid vegetation, dropping headlong over a crystal sea, revealing small shores and sunken caves rich in fishes and sea plants.

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