arancina palermitana, arancine siciliane, cibo tipico siciliano, cultura gastronomica, cultura siciliana

Sicilian arancine: history and tradition of an iconic dish

Sicily, a land of extraordinary beauty and cultural fusion, has always been one of the cradles of Italian gastronomy. Sicilian culinary delights are the result of a millennia-old tradition, enriched by Arab, Greek, Norman, and Spanish influences, making each dish unique and deeply connected to the region. Among the many Sicilian delicacies, arancine stand out:…

The Woman in Sicily

The Woman in Sicily

The sicilian soul expresses itself through the proverbs. They represent a secular knowledge and inspire the behaviours and the way you act. In particular, there are several proverbs reffered to women. The figure of woman in Sicily is very linked to the role of wife and mother. The man is the head of household, but…

The Cribs

The Cribs

The Cribs are the symbol of Christmas. The Cribs-Statues and the traditions are different all over the world. In Sicily there are especially two characters in every Crib: The “Scantato” and the “Lagnuso”. The first, the “Scantato”, i.e. the “Frightened”, is motionsless, with wide arms, the hat in the hand and the lost and enchanted…

(Italiano) La festa di Santa Lucia a Siracusa

(Italiano) La festa di Santa Lucia a Siracusa

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Quando pensiamo alla Sicilia, ci vengono subito in mente le sue spiagge cristalline, il suo patrimonio artistico e culturale e il suo…